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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. File Name: Leadwerks Engine 1.10 File Submitter: Metatron File Submitted: 12 Jul 2011 File Updated: 12 Jul 2011 File Category: Tools Leadwerks Engine 1.10 was released on 2007-06-02. Click here to download this file
  2. Actually Fortran is not always faster than C++, but only in most cases. C++ wins when it can use the super efficient STL vector classes, because it's much faster than a hand-made linked list. I don't know how that is possible, but it just is so.
  3. It just came like a lightning from the clear sky, and illuminated us all. I can't remember to have ever seen such a great success in concept, it's so unbelievably thought troughout. All the details you experience, all the things which just work like they should have always worked in other systems. Everything is real, the people, the talks, the lifes, the avatars, the celebrities, just everything. The Google+ system leads it to be that way. It's simply amazing, and very valuable. Source
  4. That might be easily possible in LE3, as the graphics driver is loaded dynamically.
  5. I would make them all movable physics objects, and then place them in Editor. When they get to rest, it will take almost no FPS. And then you can also destroy the wall! My favorite action in games!
  6. Doesn't look like a bug, but you forgot to add the folder to the setzippassword command.
  7. Could this have something to do with it:
  8. http://forums.amd.com/game/messageview.cfm?catid=279&threadid=110358&highlight_key=y&keyword1=leadwerks http://forums.amd.com/devforum/messageview.cfm?catid=203&threadid=110381&highlight_key=y&keyword1=leadwerks
  9. I think you can use the C#.NET headers with minor changes in VB.NET too.
  10. You could use/copypaste the MultiTimer class from gamelib to give each decal a decaying time, and then remove them when the time has passed.
  11. I have developed my own forum software for Domino for some time, because I was always shocked with the basic lacks of functionality of conventional forum softwares like phpBB, vnboards, Invision Power Boards, SMF, etc.... For them it seems normal that all messages are lost when the forum software is updated, and they just eat it with a bitter taste in their mouth. They also take happily backups every day, but most of the backups fail because of some misconfigured ftp accounts. For someone who has worked with Domino that is absolutely not acceptable, since in Domino the database design and data is completely isolated from eachother, so no data is lost ever. And a backup is a backup in Domino, it's a file, and not some SQL mess which only simulates the actual data. So far I have used my Domino forum template in 3 different forums: http://www.toiveet.fi http://www.fortran2008.com/forum http://www.wishforum.com And with this latest one, I have started to make it like a SharePoint template, so you can easily just make a new site and it works, everything is parametrized in a simple Parameters view. IBM is also developing something similar, but I doubt they can make it as fast as I can When it's completely ready, I will also upload a public free version to OpenNTF, since that's the nexus for standard Domino templates, and supported by IBM too. All people who have seen the forums have thought it's not a real forum. I think it's because they are used to lots of spam and unneeded features, and they can't imagine that you can make things also elegant, kinda like google.com or an Apple device. So far the forum template has the following features: 1) Posting as Anonymous user (can be disabled if wanted) 2) Posting as Anonymous user, but impersonating someone else (can be also disabled) 3) Logging in without registering (the forum registers you automatically and instantly (a secret Domino feature ) 4) Uploading files to any post or into your forum profile document (also short links work). 5) Streaming OGG files directly (needs a little Domino httpd.conf hack) 6) Dynamically scaling to any screen resolution 7) List of latest modified topics (not a spam list of each post) 8) List of deleted posts 9) Undelete button 10) CSS 3.0 oriented visual layout 11) Single file database design (allows easy backups and offline working) 12) Fully parametrizable via a simple Parameters view 13) Support for root URL and sub URL forum home locations (for example: / or /forum) 14) Library area for structured sticky posts, including sublibraries 15) News area 16) Embedding of any HTML and JavaScript code (can be disabled) 17) CKEditor integration (can be disabled) 18) Fully modifiable design and code and using CSS and LotusScript 19) Free and paid support (including custom modification wishes) Source
  12. I have many engines, and I have even bought engines after I had Leadwerks (for special needs, like shadows on Android, which not even Unity3D can do), but Leadwerks is very different than other engines. Leadwerks is completely free of any restrictions in game and art design, while most other engines are usually limited with a too heavy GUI. Also the last engine I bought has that problem. You can't do freely what you want, but you have to follow the restrictions of the engine design, although the engine itself could probably be able to do what you want, but the engine GUI is what it is, limited. And when you try to program freely, you encounter lots of bugs in those other engines, because they are not tested and designed to be used freely. Exceptional in Leadwerks engine is also that the freedom of game design does not cause more difficulty in programming. That is so, because Leadwerks was developed after the syntax of the super easy Blitz3D engine, which still amazes me today (I played a little game which someone made in Blitz3D today, very short and simple code), but unfortunately it is very outdated, and supports only DirectX 7. Now the new upcoming Leadwerks 3.0 has a new feature, which allows it to act like Blitz3D 2.0, a very low-end capable engine, which works on every toaster and even Intel GMA chips. One of the biggest reasons why I never stop using Leadwerks, is the community. It's a very friendly and creative community, and everyone is offering free tools, tutorials, assets and code for everyone. No other engine community I've seen has done that. Everyone is someone in this community. Artists are rare and very well served in this community also. If you need some code example, you get it guaranteed almost immediately and for free, especially if you offer to do some little 3D model as thanks But many would also accept money if you need contracted support, even Josh. Or especially him, and other people should not take that opportunity unless Josh is too busy with other things
  13. Looks like you need to update your graphics drivers to the 2nd newest version (the newest version is bugged), and you also need to install Service Pack 2 for Windows Vista.
  14. Yeah, a low price OpenGL 1 version would kinda like be Blitz3D 2.0, now that would rock! And then people could upgrade also from the lowend version to the full version without losing any money. And the full version would also include the lowend version license. That would allow many school kids and students to start their game with the lowend version, and the same code would work directly with the full version then.
  15. I think world:GetChild(0) or 1 is the scene graph, so maybe that has the models as childs then, haven't tried.
  16. The scene object is just a temporary container when loading a sbx file. It should be completely emptied after the scene has been loaded. You don't even always have a scene, for example when you load the scene from a sqlite3 database. After that you can do world:FindChild("name"). Not sure if that works though, since world is not a real entity, but then you have to code that function yourself.
  17. You have to push back, or avoid them, or make them avoid pushing you around. It works like in real life.
  18. You need the sword of course as a seperate model. It should not be a submesh of the model, as it makes things only more difficult and inflexible.
  19. y can't be 0.5, because it's an integer
  20. Just give them names in Editor, then you can access them by their name.
  21. You can use the FPSPlayer.lua script and expand it.
  22. That's the basic idea, additionally you also need to do a entitypick to get the position of the hit, and then you need some simple formula to match the terrain x,y position with the global coordinate position, which is done by multiplying the terrain resolution and dividing by the wanted grid size, so a range of coordinates matches exactly one x,y terrain pair.
  23. I think 3.0/AppSpeed() is wrong, because it will amplify lag differences, so slow things get slower, and fast things get faster when the FPS changes. I should be: 3.0*AppSpeed(), or just plain 8.0.
  24. Your body box is colliding with the sword, and when both are parented together in some way, it causes random movements, like the player walking around like drunk by itself. To fix that, you must give different collisiontypes to the body and the sword and set those types not to collide with eachother, except for responsecollision, or make sure they don't collide.
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