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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. What is real? The definition and knowledge about reality differs from person to person. You could make game from a perspective of a blind and deaf human, just a black screen, and it would be real However, he would probably see things, since the brain adapts to lack of information. He could probably "see" wind, heat, rain, snow, flowers, sound vibrations, in addition that he can feel them. But even for a "normal" person (and again, what is "normal"?), some theoretical physicist may see the world completely different than a priest, or an artist. It is said that some people can "see" music, and a priest can probably "see" the work of god and signs of him everywhere. A theoretical physicist might see how the world is made of little superstrings, whose vibrations appears to us like matter, even feel like matter. And recently some scientists tested if the world is a computer simulation, and the results were positive. Everything what exists, is like in the matrix, there is no sign that anything is "real". And you can always have a "real" environment, where some billion year old civilizations visit the earth, and let your fantasy play, and it's still "real". Or where CERN invents a stable black hole which allows time and space travel, that's closer to reality than sci-fi.
  2. UU3D has a polycount reducer slider under "3DTools -> PolyReduce Model...". You can remove an quite amazing amount of polys before you can even see a visual difference.
  3. Originally 3DWS had also this press Enter to create behaviour (at least in the Cartography Shop version), but then it was improved. Maybe LE3 Editor just repeats the history
  4. The best place to sell 3D models is the Leadwerks Promotion forum. I don't use any other artists than those who have tested their models with Leadwerks. It gives me the guarantee that the models work with Leadwerks.
  5. I don't think the genre of a game matters so much, but the type of game and the actual gameplay. FPS is popular because that's the most natural way to simulate nature on a computer.
  6. When LE3 gets projected shadows, it beats LE2. And in the official RoadMap projected shadows are in version 3.0. Shadowmaps are quite useless, because they have only a very very short distance. Stencil volume shadows have a very long distance, but Josh said they have some problems with something and are not popular anymore. Josh said projected shadows will work also on models, but only if they are animated. So I assumed if an animated model has 1 frame and 1 bone and shadows will work!
  7. I think the character model is 180 degrees rotated, so it doesn't by default fit the Leadwerks axis system, where Z+ is forward, so you have to do manually those 180 turns, which eat a few CPU cycles though.
  8. The code I posted is the entitydistance.
  9. Distance is calculated by simply getting the squareroot of the sum of the squared differences of 2 entity's positions: distance = sqrt( ((p2.x-p1.x)*(p2.x-p1.x)) + ((p2.y-p1.y)*(p2.y-p1.y)) + ((p2.z-p1.z)*(p2.z-p1.z)) ) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euclidean_distance
  10. Well, iPad3/iPad4 and iPhone5 have a faster GPU than any other fastest phone/tab on the market, so don't be surprised if it runs slow on some Galaxy Nexus or Tab. Galaxy S2/S3 are however the most sold Androids, so it should be OK if it runs decently on those. http://www.glbenchma...on=all&test=454
  11. I would however use mostly dynamic scenery, made of models, but there the old skool level design should be sufficient to keep the performance good: smaller scenes, smart placing of models to occlude unnecessary models from view.
  12. You said projected shadows can be casted only on static geometry and animated characters. So my conclusion was that they don't work on normal physics bodies, like cubes. So I have to add a dummy animation for each cube so that they receive and cast shadows.
  13. Can't those be chosen in runtime, like from the game options? Android devices have also mouse and keyboard, and some gamers might prefer those over touch functions. And vice versa, PCs have also touchscreens. if(GAME_TOUCHMODE==inputmode) { mousedown=Window::TouchDown(0); } else { mousedown=Window::MouseDown(); }
  14. Ok, so when I add a dummy animation (1 frame, 1 bone?) to each model, it should work? Approved!
  15. Can't you add stencil volume shadows, they are built-in into OpenGL somehow I think? LE1 style shadows have the problem that they work only on static geometry, but I need them to work on models also.
  16. Sure, but from a C++ programmer's perspective, it's only 1 template Well, the same from a Lua programmer's perspective.
  17. Why does it say Templates, when there is no way to have more than 1 template? I think there should subfolders under Templates, one for each custom template, so people could create and share their game templates.
  18. Since Blender has now FBX export in the default setup, it can replace the need for UU3D, whose purpose is not only to convert models to GMF, but also to check for errors in the model (like unresetted transforms from 3DSMAX). The pipeline Blender -> FBX -> FBX2GMF -> LE2 works really well, and it should work with LE3 too.
  19. I think it's working as it should. You have to switch the project in Project Manager. Then it loads always the files of your current project.
  20. You can change this line in Leadwerks.cfg: BackgroundColor=0.250000000,0.250000000,0.250000000,1.00000000 to a brighter color: BackgroundColor=0.750000000,0.750000000,0.750000000,1.00000000
  21. I had the same in mind today too. I think today I will investigate how to do the same for VS2010 DLLs so that users can have them inside the game directory and don't need to install the runtime.
  22. Leadwerks 2 Editor was written with MinGW32 -> BlitzMax, so there is no VS involved, and thus no VS DLLs needed. I have an idea which you could try: maybe the runtime DLLs are not enough, but it needs some additional VS/SDK DLLs, and if you have VS2010 on your laptop, but not on your desktop, this might explain it. So try to install VS2010 C++ Express on your desktop and see if that helps. If that doesn't help, try to install the Windows SDK, since most VS projects need that too: http://www.microsoft...ls.aspx?id=3138
  23. I hope Josh can compile someday LE3 with MinGW64 to get rid of this DLL hell. Some users can not get the DLLs working, even when they spent hours of trying to install them. The benefits of MinGW64 would be: 1) Ability to make single exe games with Leadwerks (no need for NSIS single exe) 2) Ability to make 32-bit and 64-bit programs 3) Ability to use the latest C++11 standard 4) Better compatibility with cross-platform C++ library sources 5) Slight speed boost due to more modern C++ and better optimization routines, and more CPU registers on 64-bit 6) Less security issues 7) No need to install runtime dlls 8) Easier maintenance of source code due to more similar code between platforms. Less bugs, less work, faster updates. 9) No additional work when Microsoft decides to make another VS version which is incompatible with the previous one (especially solution and project files). 10) Rich availabity of standard C++ extension libraries also on Windows, like pthreads.h, dirent.h, etc... 11) Fully portable compiler and IDE (Code::Blocks). No installation needed. You can have MinGW64 always with you on a USB stick, and write your Leadwerks games anywhere you go. 12) Same IDE on all platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac): Code::Blocks. 13) Ability to write Windows games under Linux, since Code::Blocks and MinGW64 works with Wine. 14) No need to install huge programs like VS 2010 C++, Windows SDK, .NET, SQL Server, and tons of patches, which bring again more security holes to the system. I really don't want to require my customers to install those runtime dlls, since they bring also additional security risks to the system, and my colleagues can't even install them, since they don't have Administrator rights to their Windows. And asking the helpdesk to install them for hundreds of users is not going to work either. Now that LE3 is completely free of external DLLs (newton.dll, jointlibrary.dll, etc...), since all the libraries are statically linked, I find it a bit ironical that LE3 itself needs some VS DLLs
  24. Time will tell. I have put all my love, time and money into Leadwerks. But I wait when I get something back. And don't be afraid, I will only praise the good things.
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