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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. I think it's a Newton problem, since Newton doesn't have behavior control on intersecting bodies, so it gives them usually huge force and they fly away. Bullet (and probably PhysX too) has detailed controls how bodies behave when they intersect. Fixed in LE3
  2. I think what most people don't understand is the difference between scripting and coding. LE uses Lua for scripting, and it uses Lua and all other languages for coding.
  3. .NET is nothing else than a well maintained collection of open source libraries. If someone would compile such a set of libraries for C++, it would be just the same, or even better since .NET lacks a lot of features you will need sometime, and then it's hard to find such libraries for C#. It's the freedom of choice what makes this difficult in C++. In .NET there is no such freedom, but the libraries are dictated to you and you have no other choice, and this has of course also it's bad sides. If someone tries to dictate you what libraries to use in C++, he will only get flamed But of course you can still do it, and it's then a freedom of choice if people use it or not. Most won't, as they don't see that kind of .NET ideology as beneficial.
  4. I don't like native GUIs, most OS GUIs look horrible, and I rather want some cool UI like in 3DSMax, Blender, Crysis or Delta Force. No 3DSMax artist has complained that 3DSMax doesn't look so horrible like Windows XP, 7 or OSX, and I think for them the GUI look, feel and functionality is quite important since they use it for living. And what would happen if the user (like hardcore users do), use a custom GUI in their OS, perhaps even a custom GUI engine, like most Windows skins do? Would LE3 then be able to use that also, or would it fall back to some horrible looking GUI which the user never wants to see again? So, if you are going to use native GUI for LE3, make sure there is also an option to use LE3's custom GUI and/or make LE3 skinnable via some XML file.
  5. There is no "an" word in the sentence, so it means just the opposite as you understood. You need an Update() method for menu items which change automatically.
  6. Event based UI is just one way to do an UI, and often more complex and memory consuming. I prefer a simple UI with a clean Update() and Draw() method, and so that I can check in code in what state specific menu elements are. For example I want to be able to say: if menu["options"].item["dof"] then menu["options"].item["fsaa"]=0. That would need much more code as event driven version, and more code is bad.
  7. Many companies and products are recently switching to Qt4, which is a very nice UI system for C++, and you don't need to maintain it yourself, because Nokia is maintaining it.
  8. The new Editor is actually not so much in BlitzMax as the old one. It uses the C++ engine dll, and does only the UI stuff in BlitzMax. It's quite easy then to replace the UI stuff with a real C++ UI in future.
  9. Considering that PhysX is a nvidia product, they will probably delay the move to OpenCL artificially and claim that CUDA is better. However, OpenCL has already started to support PhysX, so it can go also this way:
  10. PhysX 3.0 is out: http://www.guru3d.com/news/nvidia-physx-30-announced But it seems PhysX is still not supporting OpenCL, which makes it basically slower on all cards (nvidia+ati average value) than Bullet, because Bullet supports OpenCL.
  11. It can has many physics engines, but it looks like Bullet will be the first example physics plugin library, because it works on all platforms.
  12. It's explained in the 3dws manual.
  13. The smf format which ac3d uses is not the same smf format what 3dws uses. Ac3d smf is made for the game 4x4 evolution, while 3dws smf format is a secret model format which only 3dws can read. You can use for example the .x format to export from ac3d and import in 3dws.
  14. The current Leadwerks 2.42 is only for Windows, but the upcoming Leadwerks 3.0 works also on iPhone, and later on also on Android. It's cheaper to buy Leadwerks 2.42 and then upgrade to 3.0, than to buy 3.0 directly.
  15. http://www.leadwerks.com/wiki
  16. I'm quite sure the BlitzMax headers will be officially supported, because the number of BlitzMax users is almost as high as C++ users.
  17. It's not yet in LE2, because I still need to figure out what texture slots and other GLSL stuff LE2 uses. Would be nice if you could just use any GLSL shader in LE2, and maybe in LE3 it will be easier, but I think the main problem is that nobody has made a global standard for shader's textureslots yet, so everyone uses different slots.
  18. 1) Some "useless" features are missing, like "abstract::" file system 2) Lots and lots of new features 3) SM1 needed, and SM3 is the "normal" requirement, but support upto SM5
  19. I think you will, because Josh said he wants to make a FFT salty water shader also, the rest is just adjusting parameters to make it look good.
  20. It's using a FFT shader, but it works only well on my PC. On my Samsung Galaxy S2 it's too slow, so I have to make some mesh animated salty water instead for Android, which can use also perturbed UV's to make it look quite nice. The balls don't actually collide with the water, but I put some simple Lua script in the ball model, which checks the water height at the ball's x,z position and adjusts the ball's y coordinate to the water height using the Curve() function, so the ball can also dive. However, the balls have also a physics sphere body so they collide at the beginning when the left ball hits the right ball, and then they move along the water from that collision force. They will stop after a long time, because the friction is set very low. To make the physics work better, I will still need to make a logic so that the ball gets gravity 0 when it's y position is smaller than the water height at the ball's position. With zero gravity the balls can then travel freely under water, and I could also add some small force which pushes the ball a bit up in each frame.
  21. i maed game.exe with my computer which can has like salty water and two balls but maybe make you seasick if you watch too long: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/28057023/game.exe I tell you this game called like LE3 vision kali ma shakti deh!
  22. Just do SetBuffer(your128x128buffer) before RenderFramework(), and of course SetBuffer(BackBuffer()) after that.
  23. Canardia


    GameLib works always with the latest version of Leadwerks Engine, which is at the moment 2.42. You don't need to compile any libraries from source, but you can, if you want. There is only one external library used at the moment, which is FreeGLUT. The GameLib tutorial shows step by step how to use it.
  24. You could start making a scene in Editor, and then press Ctrl-G to run it as a game. Your game is basically ready when your scene is ready, because everything is in realtime in Leadwerks Engine. I have made some improved FPS script also, which works like Crysis 3, with camera zoom, shaky aim, run, crouch, etc....
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