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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. Canardia


    Ok, C# is now officially supported by Leadwerks, and ZioRed is the official supporter Just need Josh to officially confirm this and add it to the SDK.
  2. Yes, it's the best way to have animations in seperate gmf files. Roland said in his status update though that he got it to work. I wonder what the trick was?
  3. That is pure C++ code, it just calls the already glued Lua engine commands and runs a lua script which uses those.
  4. Don't you need to multiply motion values with AppSpeed(). Most hardcore gamers have vsync forced off in the nvidia control panel (John Carmack told us not to use vsync ever, it's evil and bad), so Flip(1) won't do anything for them.
  5. This should work theoretically, but I don't have LE3 yet so I can't test it. It will make the model turn at its target. When used in along with the Mover script, it will make the model follow another model. For example if this script is applied to an enemy model, and the target set to the player model, then the enemy will follow the player: function actor:Start() self.target=nil self.turnspeed=0.01 end function actor:Update() if self.target~=nil then self.entity:Point(self.target,self.turnspeed*AppSpeed()) end end
  6. You forgot option 4: I'm gonna to write own editor with scaling (with own physics engine which supports scaling)
  7. I would not use the Leadwerks water for advanced water games. It's good for casual water effects, but when it comes to submerging and waves, it would be easier to make your own custom water class. It doesn't need to look so fancy, but it should be fully functional. Wavy ocean water doesn't really need reflections either, although ripples and foam would be nice to have. When you submerge, you can just have a dense blue fog, that's what the built-in water also does, and then all particles still work and your physics don't go nuts because of the physics updraft, but you can just have zero gravity physics objects under water.
  8. Yeah, so it's pointless even to mention Unity. You can just say what features you want in Leadwerks, and don't need to compare what other engines might have. Indeed you might get much better ideas and feature requests done that way, since you are not limited in your ideas by some poor implementation which others have done. Like Josh said, all code which is not written by him is not thought thoroughly through.
  9. I have looked for examples how to do it in Unity, but nobody could provide one. The closest I found is that you have to do some sin/cos calculations on the entitymatrix to rotate a cube in Unity. Or even worse, using some up-vector, which makes no sense in advanced games since there is no such thing as "up": transform.RotateAround (target.position, Vector3.up, degrees * Time.deltaTime)
  10. In DirectX9 you don't have all the features as in OpenGL 2.1, so DirectX10 is closer to OpenGL 2.1 and DirectX11 is closer to OpenGL 3.0 and 4.0.
  11. You can sell a product which doesn't exist with a pre-order, and use the pre-order money to start developing the product. So you can basically start any project with zero budget.
  12. CryEngine has a nice downscaling feature, so even Crysis 2 runs on my Windows XP and GeForce 8800 with amazing FPS. But it is then downscaled, so I don't get the full quality out of it, like with LE2 under OpenGL. In some parts it is, for example you can make games on low end machines with decent FPS, but overall Leadwerks is better.
  13. Even Blitz3D is better than Unity, and puki can confirm this. In Blitz3D (and of course LE) you can say: cube1=CreateCube() TurnEntity cube1,1,1,1 There's no way you can do this with Unity, and there is no setting up of anything else either in Blitz3D, you just start to write code and it works. You don't really need any fancy tools, but you need a fancy programming interface.
  14. There's nothing good about Unity. Roland just told me few days age when he imported his Celly girl model into Leadwerks that it looked 10 times better than in Unity. So Leadwerks Engine's strength is the realtime rendering quality including realtime shadows, no other engine on the planet can do that. Not even CryEngine, since it uses DX10 which no Windows XP and Linux can run. I tried also the Unity Editor once, at it was horrible. You can't even move models around, but you have some wierd ball cursor which refuses to do anything you tell it to do. Sure the Leadwerks Editor has also some lacks, like moving along their own axis, or scaling of models, but that is Newton's fault.
  15. How is it a mess? It's using clean OOP classes. It's not overusing OOP to make it unreadable though, but it uses an easy to understand OOP way which is very fast and optimized.
  16. I think also that the word actor is misleading, because I would expect than a actor is a entity which contains the model. Maybe the word activity would be more suitable, since a model can perform multiple activities at the same time: it can move, it can animate, it can shoot.
  17. The community can do that. We have already working games from MAGIAM, so people could make community versions of their games. My "Cubix" game comes already with full source code, I can reupload it to the game downloads section. I think it's a 3D arcade shooter, but not really FPS as the player controls a flying sphere. But yeah, I produce new code almost daily, so there will be more free stuff coming
  18. I would say the problem is very simple. There are a lot of good artists who could write a game, but there aren't enough game examples which they could copy and use as base for their game. It's not the problem that starting a game from scratch is too much work with Leadwerks Engine, but the problem is the lack of examples how to do things. So my suggestion is to publish a series of simple games for every game genre: FPS, TPS, RTS, RPG, Adventure, Car Racing, Platform Jumping, Sidescroller, Arcade, MMO. They should available for all registered users with full source code and zlib license so that they can freely use the source in their own games.
  19. Of course GameLib doesn't write the game for you, but it helps a lot And it's regularly updated with new features. If you remember the Korean Game Contest winner "Physix", that game was written with gamelib using the power tutorial for gamelib. I would say maybe content wise 80% of the game was benefitting from the tutorial, and of course all the arts and other stuff took a lot longer time while making those 20% of the content.
  20. The solution for C++ code exchange is to have community donned library. That's indeed how gamelib works. Everyone just writes some cool code snippets and I collect them from the forums into gamelib (with the authors' permission of course). My job is only to make the individual code snippets work with the whole library together, so it doesn't really matter how people write their code. I even left the original author's credits as comments in the library source code.
  21. Yes, you can use Dev-C++, but I would recommend to use Code::Blocks with MinGW instead. I wrote a small tutorial how to use Code::Blocks with Leadwerks: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/Documentation/LE2/tutorials/_/programming/cpp/gamelib-tutorials-r70 You could also use Microsoft Visual Studio C++ express like most people have done in the past, but I think it's time to try something new and cross-platform. Me and Roland were using Visual Studio also, but now we use Code::Blocks
  22. It's actually better, since in LE2 the way how BlitzMax can access the members directly leads to feature differences between languages, and to a mess when converting code from BlitzMax to other languages. All languages should have access to the same engine features. You can still do this Lua, which is actually easier to remember than those wierd "in" statements: for local i = 0 to CountChildren()-1 local e = GetChild(i) end And the member access gets a lot cleaner too: local a = surface:GetVertex(4):GetPosition():GetX()
  23. No, but you can wrap them in your own class: http://www.gamedev.net/topic/602293-making-c-containers-accessible-to-lua-luabind/
  24. Actually these ideas could develop into something useful.
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