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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. In OOP C++ it would be accordingly Entity::GetTarget().
  2. You might actually want to keep the output filename the same, and only put them into a different folder, so that you don't have to change any source code, but can control it with compiler include paths. tolua++ -H tolua/entity.h entity.h
  3. Looks like you forgot to specify the input file. According to the help it should be: tolua++ -H luaentity.h entity.h
  4. I think you need a 3rd image, which has the corners painted with some color and the rest transparent, and then do something like SetColor(cornercolor); SetBlend(MUL2X); to multiply the corners out.
  5. Companies can buy without tax, of course you still have to pay the tax yourself to the government, if your country has one.
  6. I think my next project is Blitz3D 2.0, but I kinda don't get too much motivation, because I think the language itself is damn ugly and dirty, so I would rather make a english language compiler for LE.
  7. You don't get bashed after someone got bashed first.
  8. If Editor else runs with decent FPS, like over 30 FPS, then it might be just some graphics card driver bug with terrain painting. So make sure you have the newest driver version.
  9. You could upgrade your graphics driver and/or buy a faster graphics card.
  10. I don't know about all those yet another basic languages. I think there needs to be some real evolution in computer languages, and I have thought that it wouldn't be too difficult to make a human english language for computers. It doesn't even need a parser, since it is very simple, because we already think like we program in C++. You just say what you want, and the language does it. For example, instead of typing some archaic code to define a class, you would just say: Make an object which is like a wheel, but it has additionally also a valve and a rubber contact surface. The language would then already know where the valve is located usually, and actually make it like the user wanted. So the language needs a huge knowledge database to actually "understand" what the user says. A pure one-way language with no background knowledge would not work. Most expert systems in the past have failed because they try to use logic to understand humans. But humans don't work with logic, but with a huge knowledge database from which reverse search results might look like logic sometimes, but they are not (unless you count the reverse word+context weight as a logic). In very rare situations where humans really use logic is when they are geniuses or got an inspiration from who knows what spirits. In 99.99% of cases humans just copy/paste what they been spammed into their brains.
  11. Canardia

    Summer Events

    Advertisements are a big turn off for customers. If I see a web page with ads, I close it. Look for example at Mercedes-Benz, Ferrari, Lamborghini and Yamaha. They don't advertise, they don't need it. Leadwerks should be in the same high quality class, because it is. Sure, they have maybe 1 grand advertisement per year or so, and that's it. No spam.
  12. Yes, like seperate brushes which are made up with seamless polygons, like 90 degrees rotated to the base brush. |::::basebrush::::| <-- caps at both ends
  13. This looks to me like a bug in the engine you are using, I've never seen that with Leadwerks Engine. You could workaround it by adding caps to the seamy ends.
  14. ToLua++ is a preprocessor, which takes your original C++ headers and converts them to Lua binding headers. There should be some external program to run and start the preprocessor included.
  15. You can add them to commands.txt in the UI folder.
  16. I love how my research and recommendation to use LuaBind over many others turns out every day to be more powerful You have probably exploited LuaBind more than anyone else ever has in a 3D engine, and this will be years ahead of all other engines.
  17. Forum search helps: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/3043-networking/page__view__findpost__p__28203
  18. Well the whole idea of #ifdef in C++ is that you don't need to change the source code, since you can control the contents with compiler defines. I tried to compile it, and it seems there is one letter too much in netwerks.cpp: It should say #ifdef and not #ifndef. I have sent Josh the fixed header.
  19. You might need to define LEADWERKS_ENGINE_NETWERKS in your project's compiler settings.
  20. There is no error in netwerks.cpp, but you need to include engine.h before netwerks.h. Netwerks.h works also without engine.h, but then you must not include engine.h after it. So you have 2 options to use netwerks.h: Leadwerks Engine with Leadwerks Netwerks: #include "engine.h" #include "netwerks.h" or Standalone Leadwerks Netwerks without Leadwerks Engine (for example for a Leadwerks Game Server): #include "netwerks.h" // DON'T include engine.h now!
  21. Actually I found that Code::Blocks has much more useful features than VS. For example the ability to include different source files for Debug and Release modes (or any other custom modes you define). Also the syntax highlighting is better than in VS, as you can give different colors to user keywords and system keywords, and you can also manage multiple keyword lists directy from the IDE, while in VS you only have only file on disk. Also Intellisense is better than in VS, as it doesn't create a insanely huge cache file (10-30 MB), but does everything in realtime and much faster.
  22. Particles don't work very well with rain and snow, because they go through ceilings of buildings. I have made a raycast based rain and snow class. It works so that it rains 3D raindrop meshes only near the player, since he can't see any difference anyway if it rains everywhere since his screen is full of rain or snow. The raycasts are done only once when the particle appears high in the sky, and the height of the raycast is remembered, and when the raycast height was reached (also using spear logic, so it checks if the next step would be inside the building), then the particle is positioned high up again and a new raycast is done.
  23. The reason why BlitzMax compiles so fast is that it uses MinGW, while LE2 with C++ normally uses Visual Studio. But since LE2 can now also be compiled using Code::Blocks with MinGW, it's as fast as the BlitzMax compiler. This is a huge boost in productivity since you can now compile and run your program in 2 seconds.
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