I don't know about all those yet another basic languages. I think there needs to be some real evolution in computer languages, and I have thought that it wouldn't be too difficult to make a human english language for computers. It doesn't even need a parser, since it is very simple, because we already think like we program in C++. You just say what you want, and the language does it.
For example, instead of typing some archaic code to define a class, you would just say:
Make an object which is like a wheel, but it has additionally also a valve and a rubber contact surface.
The language would then already know where the valve is located usually, and actually make it like the user wanted. So the language needs a huge knowledge database to actually "understand" what the user says. A pure one-way language with no background knowledge would not work.
Most expert systems in the past have failed because they try to use logic to understand humans. But humans don't work with logic, but with a huge knowledge database from which reverse search results might look like logic sometimes, but they are not (unless you count the reverse word+context weight as a logic). In very rare situations where humans really use logic is when they are geniuses or got an inspiration from who knows what spirits. In 99.99% of cases humans just copy/paste what they been spammed into their brains.