So we must start with number 4) then
This is a community, and we have C++, C#, artists, musicians, etc... subcommunities, and every community needs to have somekind of organization. Even the most carebearhug-hellokitty-democratic-equalrights communities need somekind of council or coordinator or spokes(wo)man, who only keeps track of what is the communities current trend and will. Every free software open source project has this too. Else it will be a chaos. Yes, they could use votes, and then the votes would be the coordinator, but it's a mess to vote on everything. Sometimes the leader needs to take responsibility and make decisions. If his/her decision was bad, he will get feedback and fix it.
Look how the C/C++ community works, and it works: There are 1 or 2 coordinators, who take feedback and suggestions from all others in the C/C++ community, and also from other subcommunities. They don't have to even code it themselves, as usually the one who suggests something gives you ready code to copy/paste. Of course it adds to the quality if you verify the code and check it for loop invariants and elegancy.
Nobody gets paid, but sometimes beneficial work is rewarded with special things. It's completely worth it.
I think first people from the C# community need to speak up who would be willing to be a respected C# coder of the Leadwerks Community. Isn't that title already a good reward?
Btw, you could use this title also in you CV when you look for a job, it's not like it means nothing. You would be C# lead programmer of a community with over 10000 people of the world's best 3D game engine! And I'm sure Josh would sign it, to make it an official statement from an official company.