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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. But he can just quickly buy Leadwerks Engine to read it, or?
  2. Ok, my QuickStart Tutorial is ready It should help completely new people to Leadwerks Engine understand very quickly how Leadwerk Engine works and how it is used. Download it from here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/209-leadwerks-engine-quickstart-tutorial/
  3. I started to write the QuickStart Tutorial as a doc file using LibreOffice 3.3. I think I will need to upload it into the Asset Store/Code section, since the Documentation section is still broken.
  4. What is money after all? It's only a way to measure human service. So if you have earned a lot of money, it means you have done a lot of good services to people. If you have no money, it means you're selfish and never help people. It's as simple as that.
  5. Canardia

    Low FPS

    Try SetStats(2) to see information about rendered triangles, shadows, etc....
  6. It will be free, and I will put it on the Werkspace Documentation section. It's kinda like a tutorial for normally skilled programmers, who only want to know how to get started and use Leadwerks Engine easily.
  7. 1. 1 hour 2. 5 minutes 3. 2 minutes I can write a tutorial today which shows that these times are correct.
  8. For all 350 languages you need to write headers. There are already headers for Python, Java, C#, C, C++, Pascal, Delphi, PureBASIC. Only the C, C++ and BlitzMax headers come with the SDK. Lua is integrated in all languages. There is no disadvantage of using the engine with an external language, it is even recommended to do so, except if the language in question itself is horribly slow. Lua is just a nice realtime scripting language which is best used in companion with an external language, but you can't do advanced games with it alone.
  9. You don't really need to use any low level functions in C++ when you use STL. It's just as high level as a modern Object BASIC then. I've made a demo which uses a sqlite3 database to store all the level data, so there's no need to have them all in memory. Only have in memory what the camera (can be multiple also) sees (including sniper scope zoom), and there's no delay or stuttering either, since the sqlite3 queries are done on another thread. Once all models are loaded, the LoadModel() command takes no time either, so you could have like a startup zone where all models are hidden somewhere underground to preload all models.
  10. You can search for python using this search tool: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?app=core&module=search The Leadwerks Forum skin doesn't have a search function yet. 1. Haven't seen many people use Python, but it should work just like any other language with LE 2. Feasible is what you like. There's no general rule how to make business, and sometimes the most wierd solutions make the best money 3. There was a nice handbook PDF in the Documentation section, and I think all the tutorials and documentations and other stuff will be restored when the new server is ready. The Wiki has tutorials. 4. Same as 3.
  11. OpenGL 1.0 has a blitter command too, no need to use the OpenGL 3.0 version for that. SDL seems to have also a optimized hardware blitting, which is faster than raw OpenGL: http://kevinlocke.name/inquiry/sdlblitspeed/sdlblitspeed.php SDL works fine with LE, just need to write a simple register function to link the graphics canvas to SDL. I can make a demo of that too, probably in the gamelib tutorials.
  12. You only need to log things which you can use for troubleshooting. Some important infos: - graphics card driver version ---- to troubleshoot when graphics are bugged or don't work at all - OS name and version ---- the version tells you also what windows/linux version it is, and what and service packs/kernels are installed - graphics card manufacturer and model Some less important infos: - amount of RAM - amount of free mass storage space (harddisk, flash) Some quite useless info: - Computer manufacturer ---- Apple, Alienware, Lenovo, PS3, Samsung Galaxy S2, self-assembled, they are all PCs anyway - CPU manufacturer and model ---- all pentiums and amds can do multi-threading anyway, and 386/486 CPUs wouldn't even support the GPU needed to run the game
  13. Canardia

    Lua Debugger

    Just get rid of BlitzMax finally, it's kinda dead since Monkey replaced it Editor can be easily written with the engine itself.
  14. Canardia

    Lua Debugger

    The Editor should not load a static map with all assets at once, but from a sqlite database only the models which are in range (visual range + some custom additional range to prevent view popping). If it loads a static sbx, we have the same problem as today: how can we save gamestates without loading the whole map first and then moving/removing what is not there anymore?
  15. Perhaps you should first make the new server a testing server, before everything works. You could have an own domain for it (they cost only $10 per year each), like www.leadwerks-test.com. And when it works, then you can switch the www.leadwerks.com to point to the same IP also.
  16. Yeah, there was a Form earlier to be filled out by the teacher. I think everything was lost since the last server rollback. At least the old forum is not destroyed: http://leadwerks.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=12503#p12503
  17. Isn't that exactly the same storyline as in Resident Evil?
  18. I think it's internally a byte with values 0-255, but that would be difficult to use, so 0.0-1.0 is better.
  19. You don't need phygen for static 3DWS models. Just delete the old phy file and Editor creates a new one.
  20. Export as gmf from 3DWS.
  21. The blue box is the AABB. No idea what the yellow box is, doesn't seem very useful to me either.
  22. Mathlib has already a Length() function which does that, it's automatically available when you #include "engine.h".
  23. I thought of that too, and theoretically I could release a custom engine.dll in the registered member downloads. Josh would need to say if it's allowed.
  24. SetSourceAttribute/GetSourceAttribute should be implemented in LE2 using the following commands: http://connect.creativelabs.com/openal/Documentation/OpenAL%201.1%20Specification.htm#_Toc199835895
  25. 5700 for a game character is good for Half-Life 2 class games, but in Crysis in Leadwerks Games you can have easily 15000 polys, and the LODs of course. http://www.rsart.co.uk/2007/08/27/yes-but-how-many-polygons/
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