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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. I think many people will pay only via PayPal nowadays, because entering your credit card number into a web page can be high security risk. Even Sony's website was easily hacked, so who knows how many keyloggers and trojans everyone has on their computer. With PayPal, they will always return your money, if you ask them.
  2. All input functions are in the Window class: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/window/
  3. Did you try the latest 32-bit runtime from microsoft site then? The one on Leadwerks downloads is probably a bit old, and might not work with the latest Windows patches. Also install Leadwerks in C:\Leadwerks. The installer leaves some paths hardcoded to C:\Leadwerks.
  4. You need to install the 64-bit redist: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=14632
  5. Some programs might have ninja-installed the 2010 runtimes. Commercial games do that. It's easy to do with NSIS, you just include the 2010rt installer, and launch it with the /q option (quiet). I did the same with the OpenAL installer in my single exe tutorial.
  6. So when is the C++ programming beta coming out? I want to start coding my MMO game, and a little test game before that
  7. I made dynamic DoF in GameLib. It's really easy to do in LE2: You just adjust the DoF near and far parameters in realtime, based on the camerapick. No FPS cost either.
  8. The only thing I miss in LE3 in the first release are real time shadows and Linux version. I need real time shadows to make the game look good, and Linux version to make the server side work.
  9. Why not sell a indie version of LE3: the engine only, no editor? What do you have to loose? It's only more customers, more profit. And without indies game development is not fun, it's just boring business.
  10. The initial release supports only VS2010, but I will try to get it to work with VS2012 and then later on with CodeBlocks+MinGW64.
  11. If it doesn't animate correctly in UU3D, then it's definately a problem with the model.
  12. Yes, you can make full games with Lua, if your games can be realized with Lua.
  13. He asked what is the way to go, which includes the most important aspects of programming: maximum support, maximum speed, maximum fun.
  14. There are still 56% of LE developers who find C++ the most fun to code with. Even in the ongoing poll only 5% like C#. http://www.leadwerks...ogramming-poll/ It would make more sense to write a Monkey (=BlitzMax 3.0) module for LE3, because that's with 24% the 2nd most popular language of LE users.
  15. C++ is the way to go. C++ is much easier and faster than C#. C# is just horrible and should never be used, it's as bad as Objective-C or Java. Lua can be used for some small and non-time critical scripts, but the main game should be still written in C++. Besides it's much more fun to code in C++ than in Lua, so why code in something which is not fun? There are enough things in game development which are not fun for a longer time, so at least the coding should be kept fun always.
  16. You need to put a physics hull made out of physics boxes around the player controller. Then you can apply force to the physics hull.
  17. You have to set the mouse position variables to 0 before the main loop.
  18. Place camera high, and make it point down to get the 128x128 minimap texture. Then use Plot(x,y,color) to draw something on top of it.
  19. FBX export works fine from Blender. But you have to use Blender correctly. I also had some difficultied to figure out how to assign textures correctly in Blender. Here is the correct way to get Blender models to LE 2.5: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/5588-parenting-the-bone-i-think/#entry48982
  20. It's part of 3DWS, there is somekind of tool called textureconverter.exe or something.
  21. @Josh: It has been always like that. It's just that there have been no good engines which were cross-platform. There were many cross-platform engines, but they were horrible. And the good engines were Windows only. Windows 7 will still live for 20 years, and by then there will be Windows 9 out which is the successor to XP and 7. Windows 8 follows the flop line of Vista.
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