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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. No need to say it, since it's in your sig
  2. You need to make a feature request to implement the missing functions in OpenAL in LE2.
  3. There's no point arguing with MS fanatics, the people who know the benefits of open source and cross-platform are so much further in evolution, that it would be pointless even to try to explain the benefits to the MS fanatics
  4. The OpenAL SDK has all functions you need for that.
  5. I agree with Krankzinnig, you do yourself and others a big favor by using Code:.Blocks, because it detects and warns automatically about a lot of problems in bad C++ code. VS just accepts all ****, and suggests things which you should not use, so it teaches you bad programming.
  6. You can't catch OS and hardware errors with standard C++ catches, but when you add a signal handler, you can catch all C++/OS/hardware errors: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-cppexcep.html http://stackoverflow.com/questions/457577/catching-access-violation-exceptions
  7. http://www.rasterbar.com/products/luabind/docs.html#structured-exceptions-msvc
  8. .X import works fine, but in modern engines you don't actually load the 3DWS scene, but you only load the 3DWS as a model and make the scene with the engine's own scene editor. This has many benefits like that all models are then movable with physics, and you can have the scene in a sqlite3 database so it can stream seamlessly.
  9. Canardia

    LE Flowgraph

    2D and Windows only you meant Well, I need to make a cross-platform version then, but I've planned that for long time anyway.
  10. Canardia

    LE Flowgraph

    3D view would be also cool so you can have also side connectors which do some parallel processing or something, maybe multi-threading. And with 3D view you can rotate around the Y axis so more relevant things are shown closer to the camera, which gives more room on the screen without needing to zoom everything out.
  11. Canardia

    LE Flowgraph

    The flowgraphs will be insanely huge if you use single commands for everything, unless you can make functions and classes with flowgraphs too. I think you should make something like GameLib.NET which has modular functions like MouseLook(), PlayerShoot(), DynamicFOV(), EnemyMove(), etc....
  12. I think Windows Vista and 7 Aero is done with raytracing. They use a slow CPU based algorithm which uses however text files on the harddisk (or preferreably a floppy disk, if one was found, which takes also time to check) to emulate 128 bit floating point numbers, to calculate the pixels and send the information pixel by pixel with seperate TCP/IP packets over the internet, which Microsoft servers then confirm to be accurate pixels. The whole routine is done on the main thread, thus all programs slow down dramatically when using Aero. If they would use OpenGL commands, there would be no slowdown at all, heck, there might be even a radical speed boost in the Windows GUI when using OpenGL.
  13. I would personally limit LE3 to use only LE3GMF format, which only UU3D can export. That would eliminate a lot of random problems with other pipelines. If UU3D goes bankrupt or something, then just switch to another tool provider or make one yourself.
  14. I was really also very negative about UU3D first, because it was relatively expensive for the function I needed it, like 5 glasses of beer in a pub, and I tried a lot of googling and all kinds of tools, and even bought MilkShape3D for that, because it looked to be more value for the money, and was 2 glasses of beer cheaper too than UU3D. But now I know that UU3D Pro is perfect, and there no other tool in the whole world which can convert models as easily and correct as it. Indeed it even shows bugs in models from professional 3D modellers which cost like 1000 glasses of beer, and they still can't do one simple export right! UU3D can, and does.
  15. Well, Leadwerks Engine is in a way compatible with DBPro, as it has all the features DBPro has plus tons more C++ is not really that hard to learn, especially with a good simple kept book it's a joy to learn. The difficulty to learn in most languages is not the language itself, but the basic logic, which has actually nothing to do with computers, but just the logical and organized way how people think. For example some people want that something big happens, but they don't understand that if it's a complex thing, they need to analyze the bigger problem and slice it up into smaller partial problems, until the smaller problems are small enough that they can be solved with a simple logic.
  16. You should buy UU3D, not only for LE, but also for any other engine or application or anything you ever do with 3D models.
  17. With multithreading you can do anything, even disk I/O and the main loop won't stutter a millisecond. There's no magic using multithreading in C++, but in BlitzMax it's not possible, partly because it uses GC.
  18. Yes, options are always the best option. But there should still be the option not to use the optional option, as opposed that you have to write it yourself. However, sometimes there are no options, as it would be too difficult to implement an optional or non-optional feature.
  19. GetEntityMatrix() works fine on a Body too, but you might need to set the global parameter. It will return exactly the same as NewtonBodyGetMatrix as it's internally used for rotating the body anyway.
  20. The best would be of course if the engine would automatically load and remove models in a seperate thread which are not in camera range, or a bigger custom range optionally.
  21. Canardia


    File Name: GameLib File Submitter: Metatron File Submitted: 27 Apr 2011 File Updated: 04 Sep 2011 File Category: C++ GameLib is a collection of game related functions for Leadwerks Engine. GameLib Tutorials http://www.siipi.com/gamelib GameLib Documentation http://www.leadwerks...p?title=GameLib Requirements LEBuilder GameLib Templates To use GameLib, you should also download the LEBuilder Template pack for GameLib: http://www.leadwerks...-for-lebuilder/ SQLite3 And you need also SQLite3 (every game needs to read, write, and update some local files too at some point, so why not always have it included, as it is very easy to use and loads much faster than XML files): http://www.leadwerks...le/262-sqlite3/ MinGW 4.5.1 or newer MinGW is the GNU C++ compiler for Windows. Make sure you add also C:/mingw/bin to your path, so that you can run gcc and g++ from the command prompt. Download the first link: mingw-get-inst...exe: http://sourceforge.n...ts/mingw/files/ Code::Blocks (without MinGW, because it's an old version included) As mentioned in the GameLib Tutorials also, this is the preferred C++ IDE for GameLib, because it compiles much faster than Visual Studio, and setting up a project is also much easier, and of course it's cross-platform too: http://www.codeblocks.org/downloads/26 FreeGLUT In the newest MinGW 4.5.1 version this is already included, so you don't need to download it seperately: http://freeglut.sour...ex.php#download Click here to download this file
  22. Maybe you could use Leadwerks Engine then? Because the GMF export from 3DWS works really well. I use it always and never had problems with it. Sure, a new engine costs money, but if it just works and you can make and finish games much faster and easier, it will pay itself back many hundred times. I bought also like 10 different engines, before I finally found Leadwerks Engine and saw that everything is so much easier with it.
  23. I started a GameLib Tutorial series, which also works for C++ projects without gamelib, since it's modular: http://www.siipi.com/gamelib Please note that you need the newest Leadwerks Engine C++ files and newest GameLib (both will be available today). Tutorial 01 shows how to get and install them. I hope to replicate the tutorials also to Werkspace, once the Tutorial section is working again.
  24. Canardia


    I was planning to try to make terrains out of multiple smaller models instead. Having one big terrain slows down the FPS and load times, and you still need models for making overhangs and other 3D terrain constructs. Perhaps it will work with Blender's sculpt feature, I need to try it. The benefits of model terrains are: 1) You don't need to load terrain which you don't see, which should result in faster overall FPS also 2) You can have more than 5 textures 3) You can have 3D terrain 4) You can stream terrain from a sqlite database, so there is no zoning and loading times 5) You can resize the game window and the terrain is not destroyed
  25. Newton has actually pretty good vehicles. You can try them in the Newton SDK demos. Josh's vehicle has some problems when doing sharp turns at fast speeds - it stops the vehicle.
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