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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. Isn't that just an optical illusion? Objects floating in water seem to move to the opposite direction, but they are just almost still, so the faster moving wave direction gives you that illusion.
  2. Maybe OpenCL based water would work. Pure shader based water is quite useless since it doesn't interact with the world. Water needs interactive waves and physics.
  3. CryTek reuses always the same GUI for new Crysis games. Novalogic reuses always the same GUI for new Delta Force games, and also for their Tank and Comanche games. Blizzard reuses always the same GUI for new World of Warcraft games. In serious and big money game business you don't change the concept, the risk is too big that customers don't like the new style, as they liked the old one. Quite often people also say the first version of a game/movie is the best
  4. They're not meant to compare at this stage yet, it's only about individual details and technics. Mine is missing all gradient outlines, and Krankzinnig's is missing gradients (I think he will use them too, at least in the glassy button to get a more realistic glassy look). Also his color hue's and scene is of course better. I just picked some random color hues for testing.
  5. Hmm, I still remember sys 64738 from my C64 Ah and poke 53280,0 and poke 53281,3 for changing background and border color.
  6. A slightly better effect can be achieved by using OpenGL vertex colors for gradients, where you can use both color and alpha as gradient, but else it's the same idea. I was developing this at the same time over MSN with Krankzinnig, each of us making independantly their own version: I'm still missing glassy buttons, but I got a micro round corner already, and gradients with alpha
  7. Have you tried other export formats? I think the B3D format is pretty good, and should work with Blitz3D and DarkBasic also.
  8. I tried yesterday the Newton demo, and it had nicely breaking pieces too.
  9. The manual creating of fractures in PhysX is just as if there was no fracturing at all. Modellers can make the pre-broken parts much easier in their favorite modelling program. Bullet does all that automatically. Non-Open Source software which lacks features is much worse than open source software which lacks features, and there are thousands of developers who could add it. You can even pay someone who has skills to do it for you, but you can't do that with non-open source software. Bullet was used in the movie 2012, and with such movies there are much bigger amounts of money in the game than with some computer games. They could for sure have used PhysX if it was faster and better, or had automatic fracturing, but it didn't have. Bullet has. There is not even a PhysX plug-in for Blender, but for Bullet there is. PhysX is basically used by people who get paid to use it, but nobody would use it if they had the choice.
  10. Angry Birds depends a lot on mobile physics, and it's a huge success.
  11. There can be also a MaterialMaterial, for example wood, some certain type of plastic, glass, paper, steel, etc..., which are homogenous and can be be used by smaller models also. They don't necessarily have to tile, if they are 4096 textures and don't repeat on a smaller surface, so that only like 20% of the texture is shown.
  12. Wierd, they said Havok will come for Android, but not PhysX, as it would need a Tegra GPU which only Samsung Galaxy S2 has: http://www.gamephys.com/2011/03/17/havok-physics-coming-to-the-android-platform-for-gaming/
  13. Why not implement both at the same time? I was really hoping to make games for Android with LE3, but with PhysX it's not possible. Or can a source developer make his own Bullet driver for LE3?
  14. You can search the net where network problems with Windows 7 have been solved in Safe Mode, although it should work when the manufacturer has fixed all their drivers. Also some firewalls can cause random problems.
  15. The easiest and most common way is just to use ClearWorld() on all 3 worlds, and then recreate the player again. However, in near future when gamelib starts to use SQL databases instead of sbx scenes, there will be no use for ClearWorld() anymore, since all models will have to be loaded and deleted continuosly. So there is really no more level loading, but it's just one infinite database which is streamed.
  16. There is really no such thing as a scene. A scene is split on load time into 3 worlds, so you have to scan all 3 worlds and delete all entities from them. Some entities are not part of any worlds, that's why I had make a special loader for those entities in gamelib also, to be able to access and free all entities. For examples sources are loaded outside of all worlds and it's up to you to register them in your C++ entity maps.
  17. I'm using double reverse psychology! One folded would be too simple for me
  18. It's a consistent decision for Torque, as they always make the wrong decisions. Just look what happened with Torque3D, it was a complete failure. So Bullet was indeed better, as it's made faster and faster all the time, and PhysX is stagnating and perhaps also getting slower.
  19. 875000 dollar sounds like a reliable source to me. And I've always said that objective opinions are completely useless, since they don't tell you which one is the best. Subjective opinions actually help people to make the right decisions.
  20. As I thought: Marley jealousy
  21. It seems option 1) is the clear winner. It is the fastest for the majority of international and US users.
  22. For example the humblebundle stats. At the moment the total Windows users have paid more, but in earlier sales the Linux users won. However the per title sales is still lead by Linux users: Total payments: 173,255 Number of purchases $5.03 Average purchase $4.01 Average Windows $6.43 Average Mac $11.69 Average Linux
  23. Yes, most people prefer to pay once for a engine and then never again (except for some major upgrade, which is also a one time fee then). Annual and royalty fees per title are the most annoying things which everyone wants to avoid. You can't have everything for free, and people accept it to pay for their main tool. Interestingly Linux users are the most willing people to pay, as statistics have shown. But it's kinda logical, since they have more money left since their OS and other tools were free
  24. Yes, that's a good tactics, especially when people use Microsoft products, then just do the opposite and you are the best!
  25. You need: 1) UU3D to convert models to GMF correctly (All 3D modellers have some flaws, and in UU3D you see them immediately and can fix them) 2) Paint.NET to convert textures to DDS correctly (MakeDDS crashes on certain dimensions) 3) Notepad++ to make mat files (GenMat creates a lot of unneeded junk)
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