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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. I think more like 8th or 15th of February which are Fridays, so people can start playing with it on the weekend. If it would be released on Monday-Thursday, people would forget to go to work and get fired and then they could not buy any future Leadwerks products.
  2. He could even sell 3DWS6 seperately, which is just Leadwerks Editor. Then everyone could buy what they really need, without paying too much or too less. Maybe somehow like this: Leadwerks API: 200 gold Leadwerks Editor: 200 gold Leadwerks Game Framework: 200 gold Leadwerks Engine (includes API and Editor): 300 gold (you save 100 gold) Leadwerks Game Engine (includes Game Framework, API and Editor): 400 gold (you save 200 gold) Upgrade from Engine (or API and Editor) to Game Engine: 150 gold *gold is a virtual currency, the exchange rate to USD or EUR is not known.
  3. Josh should leave the Leadwerks engine without game engine specific things, but rather a multimedia engine. He could then make a seperate game engine which uses Leadwerks engine, that's what basically everyone is doing who is making a game with Leadwerks. I don't want that Leadwerks engine is bloated with game engine specific stuff, because I'm going to use it also for business apps and tools.
  4. CamStudio gets the best quality for me. I never got FRAPS to get decent frames per second.
  5. That is so wrong, it's just a horrible idea, why would anyone in their right mind do it?
  6. I don't think Visual Studio has anyway anything to do with Android NDK, because you need mingw64 or cygwin to compile with it.
  7. Canardia

    One Little Thing

    I guess it's just a question of taste and elegancy. Most people don't do things very elegant, because their taste is stronger than elegancy
  8. You can put environment variables in c:\autoexec.bat, like this: SET ANDROIDNDKDIR=C:\PRG\NDK Or the new style is to put them in the My Computer/Properties/Advanced System Settings/Environment Variables.
  9. Canardia

    One Little Thing

    One big benefit is that you can do object specific typedefs, like first using a an int for some id, and later needing a long long because you got more players.
  10. Canardia

    One Little Thing

    That's why I suggested also to use cpufloat and gpufloat typedefs, so you can use maximum accuracy and speed where it's possible: cpufloat would be double, and gpufloat would be float by default, but you could change it to double when 64-bit gpus come out.
  11. Physics uses internally something similtar to AppSpeed(), so you should not use the AppSpeed() multiplier for physics commands like AddBodyForce(), AddBodyTorque(), etc.... Animations are kept at computer independant speed also using the AppSpeed() multiplier, in the Animate() command. Like: frame+=0.1*AppSpeed(); Animate(model,frame).
  12. Canardia

    One Little Thing

    You should have used own types for everything, like: typedef const float& constfloatref; That's what basically every C++ library does too. However, int& and float& are still better than copying the value, because if your original value changes, it is also reflected in the function. By copying you have to manually set the new value to each function which copied it.
  13. Yes, you simply multiply all movement and animation speeds with AppSpeed().
  14. Canardia

    One Little Thing

    mingw64 and gnu c++ has also std::bind, indeed they have the best C++11 implementation of all C++ compilers.
  15. Yes, because it's Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=tuioDroid.impl&hl=en
  16. Ouya is just a normal Android phone, so yes, LE3 runs on Android/Ouya. And it doesn't use the slow and buggy Java, but the fast and flawless C++ on Android.
  17. Nobody knows exactly, but I estimate 9.83752 months.
  18. All of the above is possible when you use a mesh terrain.
  19. That's basically the same what I meant. LucasFilm did not want to follow the mainstream Hollywood rules (americans always win at the end, and the hero never dies), Indie game companies can make also other games than Doom clones like the CoD series, like MineCraft, 2D games, etc....
  20. There is not even a clear definition what indie is. LucasFilm is multi-billion company and is indie, another indie company made a movie which I think is the best movie of all times: "The Man From Earth" with a $10000 budget, any schoolboy who makes something free or commercial is an indie, people who make something which is free of all rules and habits is indie. Indie just means independant, and it can be indepandant of anything: money, culture, society, rules, ideas, people, or even it's own definition
  21. Hi and welcome to the Leadwerks Community!
  22. I was only quoting Paulo Coelho Of course quotes are not personal attacks, because they are just quotes. You don't change what they said or assume anything about them.
  23. It should be stopped to use personal attacks, like "you are", etc.... It's really annoying, because Paulo Coelho also said that intelligent people discuss what was said, and not about the person who said it. Oh, actually it was Eleanor Roosevelt who said it originally: “Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt
  24. The problem with Shiva is that it's too GUI oriented. Other than that, it's the only engine on the market which can do realtime shadows on mobile.
  25. I think it's all about defining and agreeing on a interface pattern. When all functions and classes follow the same pattern, you could reuse C++ code much easier. Additionally also a game design pattern should be agreed on, which works for all kind of games, except maybe some experimental games. Most things in life can be done much better with agreements, than with forced programs.
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