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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. Not if it's hardcoded into the PDF. The page numbers should be alternating on left and right side.
  2. This is pretty nice. You should make it printer-friendly though, and not use so much background colors and use also 2-sided page layout, so I can print it like a book.
  3. When the map rotates, your texture doesn't rotate. You just render the map with a rotated camera.
  4. You can see how it's done in gamelib.cpp, and use it or copy it.
  5. The freedom of Indie is that they can do anything, they can even use a publisher if they want. Indie only means that they are independant of anything or anyone. LucasFilm is a good example of a Indie company which grew big.
  6. I would love movies where I could throw some objects into the scene to make pranks with the actors What would be cooler than to spawn a Predator into some soap opera, like "The Bold and the Beautiful" your mother is just watching
  7. I would rather send messages to each game object.
  8. Those realistic looking games are often called Virtual Reality Simulations instead of games. Games can be anything, even a text mode game, and consoles can't run VRS. Crysis on a console only simulates a VRS, but it's nowhere as realistic as on gaming PC.
  9. It's much more complicated. You need to know stuff from BlitzMax which is not even documented anywhere.
  10. Every DLL works with BlitzMax, but you have to make your own wrapper first.
  11. Make an weapon up animation when it gets too close to walls. That's how Crysis does it too.
  12. You need to use the negative force of the current speed of the vehicle, and not an absolute number. Then it won't go into the opposite direction after it has stopped. TVec3 zvel=GetBodyVelocity(chassis).Z; AddTireTorque(car,-zvel,0); AddTireTorque(car,-zvel,1); AddTireTorque(car,-zvel,2); AddTireTorque(car,-zvel,3);
  13. LE has also network support: Just drag SDL_net.lib into your project and you're done.
  14. There are no lights in the transparency world.
  15. The 3D compass uses alpha blending too, since it moves the model to the transparency world.
  16. I'm quite sure by now someone would have noticed it. There are hundreds of LoadScene calls every day by many users. On the contrary, I have also heard that the DarkXXX modules are quite buggy - probably because they are quite expensive and people don't want to pay extra for each core engine feature, so they haven't been tested by so many users in practive.
  17. I would just prefer a fully programmable engine with all core features a game needs. I don't mind if I have to make additional features myself using the core features, but I want that the engine makes it possible.
  18. If you use much bigger masses than 1, then you need also huge forces to move them the same way, and when you have to use a force like 50000, then the 32-bit float barrier starts to kick in also and you get errors.
  19. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&source=hp&q=leadwerks+syntax+color
  20. I recommend to use FBX as export format, and SDL_net as networking library. There are many reasons but the most important are: FBX is supported by the most modelling programs, and it has most features. SDL_net can handle over 30000 players, while RakNet can handle only 64, besides you need SDL anyway if you want to use PS3 or XBOX controllers in your PC game (and SDL_haptic is the only cross-platform API which supports forcefeedback for them too). SDL has lots of stuff which LE lacks, and it's very lightweight and easy to use, so it complements LE perfectly. I would make it part of LE3 anyway, but of course in a way that you can always upgrade it, so it should be used in DLL form.
  21. Not enough, you need to make a dummy texture and material file which you use to paint a plane, then you just replace the texture of the material on the fly with the rendered color buffer. That way the rear mirror can have any shape and it's fully 3D ingame.
  22. The key is just a static value, you can use a string or int (enum) as key. It could look like this: map<string,UTNCharacter> players; ... players["joe"]=world.CreatePlayer(); players["jane"]=world.CreatePlayer();
  23. Use STL map instead of pointers, since you will need multiple players also.
  24. Try to make the smallest possible 3D game you can imagine with LE. A professional game developer should be able to finish one in 8 hours, but not much less. Try how long it takes you to finish one, and then multiply the time by 50 to get the time how long you need for the simplest MMO. Here's a chart how long it takes to develop different kind of games: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/2364-one-reason-why-there-are-few-leadwerks-games-maybe/page__p__21654#entry21654
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