The volume feature has one more candy (also what amiga has): When you label a media, like a floppy disk, CD, DVD, USB stick, etc... and then you reference that media in your application, it will ask you to insert that media, and it will continue automatically with the code when the media is inserted (no pressing of OK, Retry, etc.. buttons needed). So you can have all your assets on CDs/DVDs and whenever your application needs them, it will ask for the right media and copy them to its own game folder (if you tell it to do so).
If you previously already registered the volume to be a directory on your HD, then it won't ask for the media as it already found the volume name, but you can still copy the files to your game folder and give it a local volume name, so it will look in your game folder instead of your HD's folder. So there needs to be a text file which holds the permanent volume names in either your current directory, and/or in the current drive's root directory.
So your code could look like:
if( !IsVolumeRegistered("JapaneseFlowers") )
CopyFile("JapaneseFlowers:","data/models/japaneseflowers/", COPYFILE_RECURSIVE );
TModel flower1 = LoadModel("JapaneseFlowers:Lotus.gmf");