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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. Canardia


    It's possible with fmod() also, but you need to recalculate the offset to the start frame when you want to start the animation from the first frame.
  2. Canardia


    Use your own frame counter and not fmod(), then you can start the animation exactly from the frame you want.
  3. Your obj file has texture coordinates and other stuff, but you didn't upload the .mtl file. A .obj without .mtl is missing half of the information and is "corrupted". Here is a uu3d cleaned version without material and texture infos, and phygen.exe works with it: Balid-uu3ded.obj.rar
  4. I think the collisiontype of 5 comes from an old Editor version, and in the new version you can't adjust it anymore, so you have to remove/edit the collisiontype directly in the sbx file with Notepad++.
  5. You can add a active break system and adjust the break factor: if( (move==0 && strafe==0 && jump==0 && autobrake) || KeyDown() ) { TVec3 vel=GetBodyVelocity( pla->body ); vel.X=-vel.X*2; vel.Y=-vel.Y*2; vel.Z=-vel.Z*2; AddBodyForce( pla->body, vel ); }
  6. I think the particles are childs of the emitter, which are recreated continuously, so you need to set the EntityViewRange recursively in each frame for the emitter.
  7. Try EntityViewrange(game.scene.scene,VIEWRANGE_INFINITE,1);
  8. Editor postprocessing effects are not saved in the sbx file, so you need to make your own ini file where you can save and load the settings from. Of course you can also hardcode the settings in your game, but then the user can't save the settings.
  9. SDL doesn't use windows.h on Linux, since it's cross-platform.
  10. This is a very important update. Outdoor scenes can gain a lot better FPS when these view ranges are used properly. Earlier all outdoor entities basically had to be set to infinite view range, which disabled any kind of programmatic preemptive culling.
  11. Blitz3D is dead and no development had been happening in the last 20 years. It's not exactly a better choice either to have a static command set just because the product is not being developed and supported anymore. The best choice is to have a product which is being developed and which keeps maximum backwards compatibility. Microsoft has never managed to do any kind of backwards compatibilities, while Lotus has managed to do that even for their 1989 version of Notes/Domino. If LE is even a bit into the Lotus skills, it will be perfect.
  12. I think there can be a simple cheat sheet in the Wiki which says how to convert old code to new code. Most of the code will be the same anyway, but some changes in the abstract file system will come.
  13. Obviously both is possible, since the OS takes care of that. On Windows you can say "c:/x/y/z.gmf" and on Linux you can say "/x/y/z.gmf", and both are absolute paths. When you say "x/y/z.gmf", it's relative, which is actually a short form of "./x/y/z.gmf". But in any case, the OS takes care of that, so there is no additional logic needed in LE.
  14. Actually CodeBlocks and CodeLite are also nice IDEs, since you can show the syntax and even examples of each command in the mouseover popup. I think the C/C++ headers could have some comments which would be recognized by those IDEs.
  15. The volume feature has one more candy (also what amiga has): When you label a media, like a floppy disk, CD, DVD, USB stick, etc... and then you reference that media in your application, it will ask you to insert that media, and it will continue automatically with the code when the media is inserted (no pressing of OK, Retry, etc.. buttons needed). So you can have all your assets on CDs/DVDs and whenever your application needs them, it will ask for the right media and copy them to its own game folder (if you tell it to do so). If you previously already registered the volume to be a directory on your HD, then it won't ask for the media as it already found the volume name, but you can still copy the files to your game folder and give it a local volume name, so it will look in your game folder instead of your HD's folder. So there needs to be a text file which holds the permanent volume names in either your current directory, and/or in the current drive's root directory. So your code could look like: if( !IsVolumeRegistered("JapaneseFlowers") ) { CopyFile("JapaneseFlowers:","data/models/japaneseflowers/", COPYFILE_RECURSIVE ); RegisterVolume("JapaneseFlowers","data/models/japaneseflowers"); } TModel flower1 = LoadModel("JapaneseFlowers:Lotus.gmf");
  16. I'm lazy too and it's somewhere in the downloads.
  17. You just make the link first, then it says page does not exist yet and you can modify the "non-existing" page.
  18. You need to collect all strings into a total string and then AppLog(totalstring). You can probably look for the '\n' character and finish the total string when you find it.
  19. AppLog("Hello World!");
  20. You could use volume system, like amiga has. Then you can assign any name to any directory or device, like texture0="textures:ground1.png". You could have a command like RegisterVolume("textures","data/textures.pak");
  21. Sounds good. Just make sure we can use forward slash as directory seperator, like in LE 2 (and Lotus Notes/Domino), so the same game source works on all platforms.
  22. Driver.lua is almost like a standalone lua script already, so you better just add a few lines to create the graphics window at the start of it and rename it as start.lua.
  23. If Editor will not have CSG, then it should have a decent modelling feature. Programs like Blender, 3DSMax and Maya are horrible because they turn randomly faces inside and you can't see it in their IDE, you only see it in the game and with some effort also in UU3D.
  24. There is Wilds and wodawoda as registered LE 2.3 users: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/user/345-wilds/ http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/user/386-wodawoda/
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