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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. Put the ambientlight to 0,0,0 and use a dim directional light to simulate ambient light. Then use a spotlight to show bright lights.
  2. You need to include the glew library: http://glew.sourceforge.net/ I would use the image loader from SDL, since I need SDL in any game anyway (joystick support, network support).
  3. You can make a Voxel sculpting editor instead of CSG editor. It does the same as CSG but much better and doesn't add any polygons no matter how often you do boolean ops. Crysis uses Voxels for the terrain too, and modern 3D modelling programs like ZBrush and 3DCoat uses Voxels too.
  4. You need to drag leo.cpp into your project.
  5. It doesn't work with my Express version, I have to check why it worked with my Professional version tomorrow.
  6. I think it would be more useful to make some tutorial how to include 3rd party libs in your LE game. It's really very simple if you keep it organized. You just put all the libs you want under the same directory tree, for example c:\lib\cpp\raknet, and add all their include directories to the VC++ system include so you don't ever have to think about them again, and then just drag the .lib file with the mouse into your game project.
  7. This is not according to global standard: entity->SetPosition(x,y,z) EntitySetPosition(entity,x,y,z) // error: standard violation! The standard says when using methods, the object comes first (since it's OOP), followed by the OOP seperator and then verb and subject. In procedural form verb comes first, then object and then subject (and of course the instance of object as first parameter): entity->SetPosition(x,y,z) SetEntityPosition(entity,x,y,z) This is easy to remember, since the procedural form is how you speak in real life too, and the OOP form only puts the object instance in front (so the object instance is not even part of the command, it's just the thing on what you operate).
  8. AntiAlias is one of the most important features, since it makes programmer's art also look good. Cascaded Shadow Maps is also very important, since the current maximum range of 50 meter for shadows is quite ridiculous. Distance Blurred Shadows should be also in LE 3, since in reality a shadow is the more blurred the further away it is from a obstacle where the shadow is cast upon. Bullet Physics would be good to have too, since its used in movies like 2012. It doesn't have much features, but it's damn fast and good for mass physics. I hope this can be done using the plug-in Driver technology of LE 3. Graphicsless mode would be also good, since I want to use SDL for graphics Window creation, since I need to use SDL anyway for force feedback controllers, and of course I need a graphicsless mode for the game server program also. Maybe the whole renderer could be exchanged with a Voxel renderer also, if its also based on the Driver tech. PNG textures would be good to have, since DDS is quite useless unless it's uncompressed, and then it eats lots of disk space. Crysis like Ocean Water would be useful too.
  9. Canardia

    GUI system

    It's better to have community made GUIs, since everyone wants a different GUI anyway.
  10. Of course it's possible in C++ since it's a real programming language
  11. You can have a int EntityResource::Read() and string EntityResource::Read().
  12. The error comes from your line with "reinterpret_cast" anyway, so just remove that.
  13. body = LoadBody(string("abstract::" + resource.Read<string>("CollisionHull") + ".phy").c_str());
  14. My Explorer is also toast, so I started to write my own Explorer. You can close all Explorer.exe processes from Task Manager and see if that helps. You can then still launch programs from Task Manager or from the command prompt. You could basically just write batch files to replace the desktop icons and to launch your programs, if you're not going to write your own Explorer. Also when you look at Microsoft Support's answers to similar problems, the usual solution seems to be to disable or uninstall Windows components and use 3rd party replacements. Windows Media player can also get corrupted, and then it helps to uninstall it and use VLC.
  15. Camp Revolver, because it has 6 slots
  16. Bones are childs of the model, so you can find any bone by name using the FindChild(model,"leftarm"); function. If you want to completely replace some submodels you should rather build the model like a ragdoll from seperate limbs.
  17. Yes, everything is possible in Leadwerks Engine.
  18. TEntity is just a general pointer to any kind of entity (camera, source, mesh, body, model, etc...). TModel is TBody+TMesh (mesh is the first child of TModel, body is the root, same as the model). You can also keep TBody and TMesh seperate and use PositionEntity/RotateEntity/SetEntityMatrix on the mesh to place it where the body is. I use this for additional models, like trousers, boots, etc... since if you parent them to the model, the animated main model gets bugged (at least in LE 2.22).
  19. Maybe LE 3 can have a plugin for whatever library you want to use, which would be useful when the user wants to use his own custom SDL and not rely on any hardcoded library in LE 3.
  20. SDL works in iPhone (because it's Mac OS X): http://stackoverflow.com/questions/597459/how-mature-is-sdl-for-iphone SDL works on Android (because it's Linux): http://jiggawatt.org/badc0de/android/index.html SDL works on XBOX360 (it's a port): http://code.google.com/p/libsdl360x/ SDL works on PS3 Linux: http://www.ps3news.com/PS3-Linux/ps3-linux-sdl-video-support-patch-now-available/ SDL works on PS3 (it's a port): http://forums.qj.net/ps3-hacks-exploits-homebrew/150471-sdl-1-3-ps3-port.html SDL works in Wii: http://wiibrew.org/wiki/SDL_Wii
  21. @Mumbles: GraphicsModeExists() was added in 2.32.
  22. That's a bad idea, since SDL brings so much good stuff in a small library:- fastest UDP networking library - only library which has forcefeedback for PS3 and XBOX controllers and other joysticks too - window creating function - keyboard reading functions I think SDL is the only cross-platform library which is able to access the hardware on all platforms. If you don't use SDL, you will waste a lot of time trying to implement those essential features yourself so that they work on all platforms, and you should rather focus on the engine itself, and let the peripherial features be handled by SDL.
  23. You should do it like in Crysis: show the loading screen until the user presses space. The text to press space comes only after the level is loaded. It's a great idea, because you can take a break during the loading screen, and when you come back you don't miss the cutscene and don't get shot when the next level starts because you are AFK.
  24. You need to drag netwerks.cpp into your project.
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