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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. The point is that Android is also Linux.
  2. The statement is correct because a Linux sale has more ideological value than monetary value. It's a ideological breakthrough, an illumination of humankind, a step to the right path.
  3. All I say are facts, or can you prove something wrong? Why do I have to prove everything I say?
  4. No, there are companies also who charge nothing for the Linux version, but only for the Windows and Mac version. I think I would do that too, since it's an interesting and aggressive pro-Linux approach It works, because it's based on the assumption that people are tied to Windows, so even if the Linux version is free, they would still buy the Windows version.
  5. A single sale on Linux was more succesful than 100 sales on windows.
  6. Yes, for example SUSE Linux, it's a commercial Linux for enterprise server OS. Also Red Hat Enterprise Linux is commercial and aimed at enterprise use. Here's a list of commercial Linux software: http://lin-app.com/ And of course many of the normal Windows software is available as Linux and Mac versions too: http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/index?siteID=123112&id=14959955&linkID=9242259 and the pricing: http://store.autodesk.com/store?SiteID=adsk&Locale=en_US&Action=DisplayProductDetailsPage&productID=185461300&pgm=12938000&ThemeID=1293100&Currency=USD&resid=THa4ggoHAi0AACTeVk8AAAAk&rests=1282848897779
  7. You should support also the desktop resolution for fullscreen. And you should also have a list of windowed and fullscreen resolutions, they are different because in windowed mode you can choose a resolution which fits your design best, like anamorphic widescreen for example, but in fullscreen mode you are limited to what the monitor can do. My monitor is kinda wierd since it can't display sub-resolution widescreen formats, although it is a 16:10 widescreen monitor, but it only supports 4:3 sub-resolution fullscreen modes. And if you want to be really professional, you should also have a seperate screen and window resolution for fullscreen modes. For example in fullscreen mode you want maximum screen resolution, but a smaller window resolution because the GPU can't handle FullHD with decent FPS.
  8. Linux users would actually pay more for software, because they know they pay for a software which runs on their favorite OS, the same thing applies for Mac users. I loved to buy software for my Amiga too, but with PC DOS software I always felt that my money is going to people who don't support a good OS. Source code is good to have too, and people are ready to pay even more for it. The source code can be very important when the company who wrote the software stops existing, and you need some urgent fix or new feature. Even if you are not a coder yourself, the source helps you to pay programmers to make the wanted fixes and features for you.
  9. Canardia


    They need boost anyway, because LuaBind needs it. The Codewerks installer can have all libs it needs packaged with it, and then its up to the user if he wants to install them, or if he already has them installed. That's how BlitzMax works too, it has all the libs it needs packaged with it.
  10. If it works fast, you could do a quick loop for all possible x and y values and call that function, and record all positive results in a vector.
  11. The -Wfatal-errors option is supported by the TDM build of MinGW GCC ( http://tdm-gcc.tdragon.net/ ), and also the MinGW which is packaged with Code::Blocks 10.05 ( http://www.codeblocks.org/downloads/26 ).
  12. Ah, that might be the reason why it works for me, and not for others. I tested it on a huge building, which was made out of many small instanced models. I think that's how buildings should be made anyway, since at some point you want to demolish them in the game.
  13. zero apples (plural!), one apples (plural, because I corrected grammatic, as it's more than zero!), two apples (normal plural), etc...
  14. Not with 1000 raycasts, but when you do more, then you will see a FPS hit.
  15. You make it look more complicated than it really is Just make a test scene with Editor and save it, then you can see how each entity is saved.
  16. When you talk about AI, you mean pathfinding. AI has nothing to do with pathfinding, for example a good AI could be that if enemy see player, he would do nothing. That's how most people act in the real world. You must be doing something wrong with raycasting, because I have made a realtime raycasting rain with no significant FPS loss. So you can do thousands of raycasts per second and your FPS won't go down a bit. Of course you need to use EntityPick() for raycasting, since all other raycastig functions are **** and not working correctly, and LE is a entity based engine anyway, so you don't need any other raycasts.
  17. Tools -> Options -> Projects and Solutions -> Always show Error List if build finishes with errors. Then press F4, or doubleclick on the first error.
  18. Then also CodeLite is a nice IDE for gcc and other compilers: http://www.codelite.org/ I like the big tooltip popup where you can have multiple lines of documentation and maybe even a short example and also links.
  19. Some people use VC++ IDE only as text editor because it has quite nice search features. So you can use VC++ IDE for GCC also. You can then make a compile button which runs g++.exe or a mingw32-make.exe.
  20. http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/blog/1/entry-508-week-2/
  21. Canardia


    There can be a community supported engine.dll in LE 3.0 At least I will support it, since I want that my game project compiles in 1-2 seconds.
  22. Yes, if you don't use a .dll with a .lib, then it's the same as using a huge .cpp file, and it takes ages to run through the linker, even if the compiling has been done some days earlier. This is what happens with LEO also, because its so huge, so a LEO.DLL would help also here. Precompiled headers won't help either, because there is no compiling involved, it's only linking slowness.
  23. And .lib is not supposed to take the .dll away anyway, because .lib is just as fast to compile as .cpp, because it creates the .o file anyway and the linking is the part which takes most time normally since the c++ code hasn't changed. All C++ libraries are delivered in their runtime version as .lib + .dll, so you just drag & drop the .lib file into VC++, and it then loads automatically the .dll file when the program is run. If you want really fast compile times, then you put as much code as possible into the .dlls, because then the linker doesn't have to check them. And when running the problem, they load just as fast as a single exe, because there is no thinking involved like in the linker process.
  24. You don't even need now any other files than game.exe in the root directory of the game. I have a structure like this in my game. Game.exe can use chdir() to set data as current directory, and then launch ..\bin\core.exe with WinExec(): game.exe |---bin/ | |---core.exe | |---engine.dll | |---newton.dll | |---data/ |---shaders.pak |---scripts/ |---terrain/ |---maps/ |---vegetation/
  25. Yeah, but it sounds good only within a certain pitch range. When the pitch gets too high or low, you need a new sound for the next octave, because in engines and musical instruments not only the pitch changes, but also the waveform. And changing the pitch also makes the sound play faster, since OpenAL doesn't have that synthesizer feature that you can change the pitch and keep the speed the same.
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