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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. In the video it's just a quick hack, I'm using only 3 sounds (accel, brake, idle) which I then mix and stop when another one needs to be played (using TSource entities). In the final game I will split each sound into a start, increase (multiple sounds) and loop sequence, so I have full control of the sound dynamics.
  2. PC gaming is not dead, it's just that PC games are for people of over 6 years age (they need the motoristic muscle and brain skills to operate a keyboard with 105 keys and a mouse), and consoles are for people of 0-6 years age. Some people still don't follow this rule, I don't know why, because it's so simple.
  3. Well I have a yellow Smart Brabus with 187 horse powers. But it's not so serious like a normal car, so I can just drive like in a game. Also physics doesn't seem to be as gimped as with real cars, so I can accelerate and brake much faster
  4. Gamelib has also dynamic DoF (command: DynamicDoF()), so you can see sharply where you look at and everything closer and farther is blurred. No need for headtracking devices
  5. Canardia


    Use std::string always, don't even think about using anything else. It will work everywhere, even on my AIX system which is so backwards like an dinosaur (well it's actually so because IBM is a dinosaur) You CAN use char* for extremely speed sensitive system functions, but for user code it's always string which you should use. In system programming you have to use pure C anyway, since every nanosecond of delay matters. That's why it's also good to mix C with C++ code for cases where you know exactly that it's an abstract code and does not fail with infinite amount of data. A game engine is not system programming, so you can use C++ and STL freely. Making an own String class will give you a slower string class, since STL has been insanely well optimized over years. Even a normal QuickSort routine is slower than STL's built-in sorting functions, because STL switches automatically between different sorting algorithms according to the data type and structure you want to sort. It may also be that some C++ compilers are especially optimized to provide maximum performance with STL classes, so no custom classes can ever beat that.
  6. Very easy, I made a playable car racing game in less than a day. So you can race on a track and it records your times. The source code of the game is about 50 lines of code (not counting gamelib code lines). For importing models I use UU3D Pro, because I can convert any free or commercial models I find on the internet to Leadwerks game model format with it (.gmf). There's also lots of free models already in gmf format on this website when you are a registered LE user. I'm still expanding the game, although it's kinda finished and playable already at this stage, and next I'll add multiplayer and lots of more things. Here's a video what is possible to make in a few hours with Leadwerks Engine. Note that the visual flaws with the cockpit are just because I haven't adjusted the camera near range yet, its just one command to do that. I might also adjust the spring strengh of the camera when accelerating, that's also just one value to change (in gamelib):
  7. Subversion is obsolete, slow and doesn't handle branching very well. Git is the next generation of SVN, it's super fast, makes much smaller repositories, and branching makes sense.
  8. Well if you really are about making static exes, then you need to include all the Windows DLLs too! Why make an exception? How often have we seen that a user doesn't have the glut dlls, openal dlls, correct version of some directx dlls, etc.... And since youre making a static exe, you need also all possible hardware dlls there, unless you want to maintain 1000 different static exes.
  9. Static builds are useless, they only need additional resources from the OS to handle the huge exe file size. Besides, then you can't update your game with the real changes, but always need to download a 4GB (or slightly smaller) exe.
  10. Actually you shouldn't expose .o, .a or .lib to the user at all. Let everyone use .dll only (and .so on Linux, and .DyLib on Mac of course), then it's cross-language compatible, and of course also cross-compiler and cross-platform compatible. Don't make the same mistake as you did with bmx, when you gave them a mod file; they should have used a .dll also. That would have saved you lots of time which you spent on fixing missing things and differences in the dll and mod.
  11. It would look wierd if the clouds were not blurred out: http://www.alienskin.com/bokeh/examples-tilt-shift.aspx#
  12. Bad vertex normals. You need UU3D to unweld the model.
  13. Earlier the fog effect did not affect the sky, and it could be changed with a simple commenting out of one line in the skybox shader. I think it works for all other effects also, although I don't see any point in it, because far DoF should affect the sky since it's just another object further away.
  14. There is no hardcoded restriction or style of games or apps you can do with LE. It's not an FPS or MMO maker, but an anything goes maker
  15. The default setting in Max and Maya is 100x too big, so you need to scale it 100x smaller. However, you can also configure Max and Maya to work with the same size, as well as using XYZ (=RGB) coordinate system instead of the default XZ-Y in Max and Maya.
  16. http://www.leadwerks.com/wiki/index.php?title=Entities#Animate
  17. I'm using GIT to publish all changes to any files in my game project. Using GIT I have also a full backup of each change I have done. I don't trust that programs can do that, and besides they won't do it the same way. The motivation to push changes to GIT comes also from the progress you want to show to your team members, so you will do it quite often without apparent reason.
  18. You can have a pre-caching function in your loading screen.
  19. You are creating a world which you don't need. Framework creates all worlds. You have to check that you have the newest shaders.pak in your project also.
  20. You have to learn what the compiler says to you. It's usually quite clear, but people panic when they see compiler errors Also I would recommend to use Roland's new Project Wizard from the Downloads section, since the one in the SDK is buggy and outdated.
  21. When you move fast, time slows down and space shrinks. I've seen that happen with my Smart Car.
  22. The shadow culling has been fixed long time ago, I think around 2.32R4.
  23. You don't need Lua. C++ is much easier and faster. You can still use Lua for prefab models, it helps to develop faster since you can see your model in Editor and in the game the same way. I use for example Lua to move semi-transparent glass submodels of a model to the transparency world, like bluish tainted windows.
  24. You can find font studio by typing font studio in the search bar. There's at least 2 working downloads, this is closest to the original: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/1974-yet-another-flaw/page__view__findpost__p__17986
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