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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. Shadows work fine in 2.4 and 2.32. You must have missing some files. Try with the original SDK to see if they work there, since they work for me in the SDK and in my updated game folder.
  2. There are no decent game engines for indies except LE, else I would use them instead of LE. It won't take too long before LE 3.0 comes out, I'd guess less than a year. And developing a full fledged game takes at least a year anyway.
  3. Irrlicht is not so good. Use Ogre with Newton physics (OgreNewt) for low-end games. When LE 3.0 comes out, you can do low-end games with LE also, and then it's better to use LE for everything as you can use the same source code for low- and high-end games.
  4. Canardia

    3D Pixels

    Yeah, see in the tutorials Masterxilo's 3D drawing tutorial.
  5. I made a simple cube model with some subdivision to stretch out in Blender, and it seems Blender has the same bug as 3DSMax: it flips randomly faces inside out, and you can't see it in Blender/3DSMax. Why don't they learn to show models how they really are in modellers, but show instead some fake model to hide their bugs. In 3DWS, I would have done the same model in 5 minutes, which took me hours in Blender with all the exporting and converting to UU3D and fixing and flipping faces, and recreating faces, etc....
  6. Download the Updater, from where you downloaded the static SDK also.
  7. I wouldn't use Windows API calls. I've done a multithreaded directory reader with cross-platforms calls. I tested it by reading the whole directory of my harddrive, while running an LE app with a rotating cube. The cube didn't stutter or slow down at all.
  8. Black means the textures don't have mipmaps.
  9. 2.4 doesn't need new physics hulls, but 2.32 did.
  10. You need to hide the gun before the pick and then show it again after it.
  11. Your callback is returning 0 which tells the engine to stop looping the callback. To continue to the next iteration, return 1. http://www.leadwerks.com/wiki/index.php?title=Entities#ForEachEntityDo
  12. Well, you can use GetDynamicTimeZoneInformation when the OS is Vista or up, and use POSIX calls for all other OS (which would be XP/WINE only anyway). Most users still have XP, so I think it's a good idea to support it (source: http://www.netmarketshare.com/os-market-share.aspx?qprid=11 ).
  13. Why does pureLIGHT need time zone information anyway? Can't it just read the system time using POSIX compliant C functions in time.h? I've replaced also all Windows specific file system and OS calls with POSIX calls, so that I can compile my programs on all platforms.
  14. It seems pureLIGHT does not work on Windows (XP), but only on Vista and 7. I get this error when starting it: And Microsoft says GetDynamicTimeZoneInformation is only available in Vista and up: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms724318%28VS.85%29.aspx
  15. You don't need another world, just put the 3D GUI objects near to the camera.
  16. Think solid. Everything you do is solid. Carve them, cut things out of them. That's the true power of CSG. Make a box, carve out the interior as a box, and it gets hollow. You have a room. Make a roof with 2 slant boxes, make the ending pieces as a box and carve the grouped roof out of them. Delete the carve remains. The more efficient you think, the easier your modelling gets. CSG is just a tool, but it adapts to every way of thinking.
  17. Back to the core of game development, from my experience: Do you need artwork produced? Oh yes, and a lot. Every game needs an incredible amount of assets, once you have all the graphics in place, you need all the sounds too, and people think they can do with 1 or 2 artist. Fat chance. You need at least 10, unless you make an indie game like Armadillo Run which is damn good and has basically no assets. There is no land between no asset and full asset games, it just doesn't make sense. Do you need other people to work with? Would team management features help you? Most team leaders are blind and selfish, and don't understand the indie business. They do exactly the opposite of what they should do. Indie developers should make unique, neverbefore seen games, and not another GTA4 or Doom clone. I could need some people who do what they are supposed to do. Follow the goal, and work as a team. Sure, money can buy people, but it's hard to find quality people. What about funding? If you had more money, would you be able to put it to good use? There are some interesting developments in peer financing that are evolving right now. Forget about those scam fundings, they will give you whatever money you ask, and ask 10 times the return of investment back. It's complete scam, like the Illuminati said: the federal reserve will never expect anyone from paying their debts, since it's mathematically impossible, as the interest rates will overrule the real value of the money.
  18. Is Filax Jesus? How can he do such amazing scenes?
  19. MS Visual Studio is free (Express). The commercial versions (Professional and Enterprise) don't have anything which you need for developing games (except the UML diagram generator maybe, but you should use Nassi-Shneidermann anyway), they are mostly targeted at Microsoft fallen companies.
  20. My understanding is that the benefit of using pureLIGHT over other raytracers is the speed, quality and short (and especially integrated, which apparently will be still more tight in future) pipeline between LE and pureLIGHT. It might be well worth the money then, although I'd be more willing to pay if there was a Linux version planned too, since I'm running XP and might need more RAM some day.
  21. Oh, but he got more FPS with SLI enabled than when it was disabled. It seems the drivers have been fixed nicely, since earlier it was the other way around.
  22. I think the only way within the EULA would be to make a simple hardcoded editor for your game yourself, which is on purpose restricted to be usable with your game only. If you make it too universal, you might violate the EULA. To restrict it, you should really hardcode a lot of game specific stuff, and also make checks that the game is properly installed and licensed. What the EULA basically says is that nobody is allowed to use LE or even parts of it if they don't have the LE license. Your game written with LE can do anything, as long it does not use parts of LE, but only your own assets and code. And especially that your game or its editor can not be used to make new games. Your game could theoretically also need LE, which is a very rare and special situation. But then everyone playing the game would need to buy LE too. That kind of need could raise for game masters and wizards in a MUD style game. In any case, I would consult Josh and let him review your game before you publish it.
  23. SLI usually slows down 50% because it tries to use 2 cards, and the data transfer rate between the cards is the bottleneck. Sometimes it also speeds up 50%, but that is a rare situation and needs explicit support from the drivers and app. It's a bit like using a 64-bit system, which also slows down in most cases, unless you have some heavy app which runs faster with more than 4GB RAM, or if you run many apps at the same time. To get maximum speed of SLI, you should remove the other card, or use an integrated SLI card, like GTX 480, where the data cable bottleneck speed has been eliminated.
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