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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. Ah yes, you need also zsort=1 or something like that in the mat file.
  2. I think it's a nice option to have baked colormaps, because some games have static scenery. And most games have mixed static and dynamic scenery, where it works too, because you can render the colormaps for the static scenery only. Maybe in future we get also more optional add-ons for LE, like Tyler said. I would pay lots of money for a sparse octree realtime Voxel raytracing add-on. I would also pay for 3D Sound physics (refractions, reflections, doppler-effect, etc...). Might also pay for pureLIGHT, but I think I'll wait first to see if NA comes up with some alternate solution, which is open source and works on Linux also. I kinda don't want to support Windows/PS3 only programs, although sometimes I have to break that rule.
  3. Transparency world is the foreground world.
  4. You should put 3D GUI models in the foreground world, then they are always on top of other models, and the transparency works correctly (including cascaded transparency and shadows through them).
  5. Also note that the Lua dialogs in Editor are missing a lot of settings and their possible values, so you need to modify the Lua files a bit (better make a new copy and name it differently, like PointLight2 (I already did that some time ago in the Downloads section)).
  6. Shadowmaps should be 3072 or 4096 to get decent quality. Also use the Shadowsoftness setting, and Shadowquality setting (sometimes 3 gives better result than 1, especially with big shadowmaps). I think you can also edit the noise.dds file and make it a more smooth noise pattern.
  7. Looks really good and high quality. Nice to see some clean and shiny models and not always rusty and rotten models
  8. Yeah, I would prefer technical news also, with all the dirty details how it works
  9. The LE 2.4 update is free. I don't think pureLIGHT for LE will cost $500, and Josh said he will publish a purchase page soon.
  10. I think Josh should document his raw format, then it's easy to make a command line tool to scale terrains.
  11. I use only web browser and bookmarks, and google and youtube search.
  12. LOL, sounds like you're referring to the LE 2.4 announcement Oh, I just found this on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=leadwerks+2.4&aq=f
  13. Gamelib has FindFirstEntityByKey("keyname","value").
  14. I would use some ultra low res buffer, like 32x32, and render the light of each object using a camera which is positioned at the object, then turned away from the player's camera, and then moved back that it's slightly outside the object's mesh's AABB. When the pixel in the center of the buffer is brighter than the current AmbientLight value, then it's hit by a light. If it's darker, the mesh might be black color, but it works then also because the black color eats all light, so even if it's hit by a light, it's not affected by it, so it's the same as not being hit by a light at all. You can do this routine maybe every 600th frame, since reaction time to light is supposed to be realistically delayed (iris adjustment, light speed limit, etc...), so it won't cost any FPS either.
  15. OpenGL 4.1 runs only on GTX 400 and HD 5000 series cards.
  16. You ask what you are doing, and you write a roman. That's what you are doing. You are thinking, and there's nothing more valuable in life. Thinking is the most powerful tool given to us, to spread godspark's beautiful idea of happiness.
  17. @Red: I guess you're not using framework, because particles work fine except over water. So it's not a bug in the engine, but you are not using it correctly.
  18. You know how I will call them next No not that, the other.
  19. Josh said he would include them in the SDK, and I think Lazlo and Tyler are the active maintainers who keep the SVN uptodate. And I inform them about any changes in the C headers and LEO, so the C# headers will stay in sync.
  20. It can be done my fair lady. I've actually had in mind for some time to make somekind of visual IDE for LE, where drag and drop is in the main focus. Surely it can't be running LE since it would take all FPS away, so it has to be some immediate mode OpenGL app.
  21. 500W will get hot with a GTX 480. I would get a 750W and spend less money on electricity bills and replacing overheated components. Saving in the wrong place can get very expensive.
  22. I have a dynamic 750W. This one consumes less power than a linear 350W, since it scales to what you use, and doesn't waste energy by heat like the PSU:s do when you are near to their limits. It's similar with car engines, a 3.5L engine can consume less fuel than a 1.2L engine, because it uses it more efficiently and doesn't need so much rotations per minute.
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