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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. UDP doesn't need to be reliable, and indeed the reliable UDP option is quite useless as it tries to fix old messages which nobody wants anymore. I have a much more optimized UDP error correction, which just takes the newest message, as the game can live without getting any messages for a good time also. In the MMO I'm planning, there's no big difference if you are online or offline. When a player goes offline, his character will keep moving and acting using mimic AI, which does similar things as the player would. For example jumping when walking And in fights, the AI would cast the spells which the player usually casts too. When in a group, the player would follow the group leader and assist on the main assist's target.
  2. I made a Tetris variant with LE, and it was the first published commercial game. It took me about 2 days to make
  3. It wouldn't make much sense to have networking in the engine, since everyone prefers a different network engine. I use a extremely fast and optimized error correcting UDP MMO network engine which can handle thousands of users, but others prefer RakNet because it is bloated with other stuff also. Besides, adding a network library, or any other of the 10-20 additional libraries every game needs is daily routine for any C++ programmer. You just drag the lib file into your project, add the #include header line and that's it. AI is similar also, and most people associate pathfinding with AI, although it's a completely separate function. AI means for me how an animal behaves when you approach it, or when it sees you.
  4. The disappearing shadows were a bug in 2.31. It has been fixed long time ago. The demo was made with an older version of the engine which had that bug.
  5. In PascalTypes.txt byte=Pointer is wrong, it should be either byte*=Pointer or byte=Byte.
  6. @Chris: The transparent GUI is done with SetBlend(BLEND_ALPHA) and DrawImage() commands. It's a custom GUI for LE, which I will include in gamelib also (it's a separate gui.cpp and gui.h file, so it can be used also without gamelib by the infidels). The building parts are placed on a 1x1x1 meter grid, with an additional Y offset which can be controlled with the cursor up/down, end (=reset) keys. The mouse wheel rotates the part 90° cw/ccw.
  7. Unity C plugins can't call engine functions, only the engine can call the plugin functions, which is kinda useless since usually your own plugins and functions are supposed to call engine functions.
  8. It did, I said unicode needs to be commercial. Josh has said earlier also, that he could do many things, if people paid him to do it (who wouldn't?). But as long people want everything for free, they get only the things which are supposed to be free.
  9. It doesn't matter what language it is, but class must be value type also.
  10. How can they be the best of the best if they choose C#? With C++ you can have value type classes too, so there is no such limitation that classes can be only references.
  11. You need to read the title. The message "N/A" was not the actual feature request
  12. I don't see unicode fit into the free software category, since everyone should speak english. When people choose not to follow the global standard, they should pay for it. So software which supports unicode must be commercial. There are also programs and games which are commercial on Windows and Mac, but free on Linux. That's a cool idea which I want to follow too. I think when someone pays Josh to implement unicode, then he could do it. But I hope it will be a seperate DLL, since I don't want to bloat my DLL with things I don't support for free.
  13. Structs are quite useless, because Classes can do exactly the same plus more.
  14. You can't scale terrains with ScaleEntity, because the physics shape is already created and cannot be changed. You can make your own LoadTerrain() function, which creates a micro-sbx file with terrain only, which has also 4 meter per tile setting, and uses some blank white heightmap, and then loads the micro-sbx file. I think that should be part of gamelib, since it's quite nice to have.
  15. It's already working with the tool I wrote, which converts unicode to ansi in FontStudio fonts.
  16. Try updating your Sound Card to SoundBlaster Live! or better, and/or set the hardware acceleration to the 2nd option (not software, but most basic hardware acceleration). In Vista there was a problem using highest hardware acceleration with embedded sound cards, but with the 2nd option it worked fine. Using a real Sound Card also fixes the problem.
  17. It seems Josh forgot to include netwerks.dll in the 2.32 installer, but you can get it from 2.30 or 2.31.
  18. You can get 0% CPU usage when you add Sleep(8) the main loop. Of course it will lower the FPS() too.
  19. Store the hovered entity from EntityPick() to a TEntity variable and then check MouseHit(1) to make it selected.
  20. You need initialize Netwerks also using InitializeNetwerks() and at the end terminate it using TerminateNetwerks().
  21. nVidia ION has nothing to do with Intel GMA chips, they are real nVidia chips, just have a wierd name: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nvidia_Ion
  22. I'm not working on a paged terrain system, but trying to make everything streaming and 3D, you know kinda like a space game, but universally usable for cities and everything else too. AO did the same. So the conventional terrain, skybox and particles are the first victims to be replaced by real 3D. Right now I start implementing 3D rain and snow for the game I'm working on. I've thought about the 32-bit float limits of the scene pivot range too. Basically you can move the camera normally until a certain range from the scene pivot is reached, then you use 1 frame time to move all objects to a new center. Moving all objects in each frame is too slow, but there should be no problem doing it on demand, which happens very rarely, and most frequently when the player moves at high speed for long a long period.
  23. I don't think Microsoft can patent lies. The patent is a lie, because it claims that they invented 3D sprites, although 3D sprites were invented by someone else 10-20 years earlier, and used in all 3D games before 3D polygon games existed. It makes also no difference if you create the sprites manually or procedurally from 3D meshes. The result is the same. And the invention of making 2D images from 3D meshes was also invented long before that, for example the Print Screen key does just that. Actually it seems Microsoft stole the idea of procedurally generated 3D sprites from Oblivion, which was released 8 days earlier than their patent claim, on March 20, 2006: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sprite_(computer_graphics)#Move_to_3D So basically Microsoft could be charged of 2 crimes here: 1) stealing the idea from Bethesta 2) illegally claiming a patent
  24. You don't necessary need to break models, but you can also use multiple smaller models to assemble one model. To improve performance, you could make them with mass=0 so they are static, and only set mass>0 for those models which have been hit by a raycast.
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