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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. Tabs allow everyone to format the tabs as wide they want, and the proven standard is 4 wide, with spaces you can't do that. There are no benefits of using spaces over tabs. LEO compiles now also much faster, and I don't want it to be as slow as before.
  2. The modular plugin system of the current Editor allows you to do those kind of tools for artists also. I would prefer if Editor 3.0 has even less features hardcoded, but gives even more possibilities to customize it by the programmers.
  3. You can't rotate 2D images in Lua (at least not as easily), and they are slower to render also.
  4. The new level doesn't crash if you create it immediately after FreeWorld(). You can't do any other commands before the new CreateWorld().
  5. ClearWorld() or FreeWorld() should do it.
  6. The only problem is the big size of the compass at big resolutions, but I can't make it smaller because Lua is missing the ScaleMesh() command. EDIT: I found a hack to workaround the bug, so a new version will come soon ( I had to implement my own EntityParent() command too using the object:Draw() method, since the original EntityParent() kills all transparency features when you parent a transparent mesh in the transparent world with the camera (or with any other model) in the main world. I think the randomly lighter and darker appearing compass needle is caused by a culling bug in the engine (it occurs also without lights), which happens also when the camera is facing west or east with normal meshes. I'll try to make a bug demo for Josh about it.
  7. They tried to port CryENGINE 3 to PS3 also, but it looked so horrible that it's not really worth it. I think it's best to wait for PS4 and XBOX720 which are closer to the power of a gaming PC.
  8. File Name: Compass for Editor File Submitter: Lumooja File Submitted: 01 Jul 2010 File Updated: 01 Jul 2010 File Category: Tools and Utilities Compass Thingoid for Editor Click here to download this file
  9. It can be done by the community also. Just a simple thingoid which you drop into your scene. EDIT: I made a Compass for Editor: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/files/file/152-compass-for-editor/
  10. All is done and ready. These bug fixes will make using LE a lot easier, since you don't need to specify the (str) cast anymore, and it should be a bit faster too, since I fixed some internal unoptimal programming (constants must come always before dynamic expressions!). First I only wanted to update the copyright notices in LEO, but ended up in a 5 day overhaul of all LEO formatting (a lot of spaces were replaced with tabs, resulting in a almost 10k slimmer LEO), which I always wanted to do, but it was too much work to do at once, except now since I have summer holidays. It looks very clean and consistent now, if someone enjoys good looking source code I've sent the C/C++ headers to Josh, so he might put them in the SDK updater soon with some information what else has been fixed. EDIT: Now the new headers are in the SDK updater, here's a short summary what has been fixed: - missing syntax highlight keywords - Leadwerks Copyright 1999-2010 banner updates - more static methods, as requested by masterxilo - more const parameters, as requested by roland - scalar operators for all Vector types in mathlib, as requested by masterxilo - missing commands in LEO - misplaced commands in LEO - missing keyboard constants - missing viewrange constants - wrong applog constants
  11. Canardia


    Make sure you are using the new project wizard which is in the downloads section.
  12. Tyler posted yesterday a small shader pak which implemented cubemap and some others. You can also download older engines and rip stuff from them, I sent you the link to the older engines by PM:
  13. I always leave a space on both ends of an url, or put it in a separate line.
  14. I tried parenting windows to the main object, but it broke the transparency. So I have to move the glasses with the object, which is just as good. Parenting has always caused so many problems.
  15. This is actually an quite extensive topic, since there are so many possibilities and hardware specific limitations. For example my GeForce 8800 GTS + Samsung 1680x1050 LCD combo can't display 16:9 ratio resolutions in fullscreen, but only 5:4 ratio and the native 1680x1050 16:10 ratio. I'm not sure if it's because of the GPU or the monitor, or both. Games should allow a seperate fullscreen resolution and buffer resolution, so that the correct aspect ratio can used, and additionally also the option to use clip&pan or black borders when the monitor's ratio does not match with the game's ratio.
  16. That's what I said from the beginning, but then people started to ask for language specific sections under the tutorials, which makes absolutely no sense if you don't convert all tutorials to all langauges. I still think there should be only Programming and Scripting sections, and C code has to be treated as a universal language which everyone understands. We also treat english as a universal language, and don't have language specific forums and web sites. And C is the english of programming languages. Besides, C has only 20 commands, which everyone can learn in about an hours or less. The only good thing about having multiple language tutorials is that believers of a language can immediately see an example how to setup a project using their language, so there could be at least a few reference tutorials which show the essential syntax of one language.
  17. No, you just need the entity handle.
  18. scene = LoadScene( ... ); TModel spawn_a01 = FindChild( scene, "spawn_a01" ); ... while( ... ) { ... if (KeyHit(KEY_R)) { PositionEntity(g_player01, EntityPosition(spawn_a01), 1); //Position the controller at the spawn model } }
  19. Neither. It's supposed to be high dynamic range (HDR).
  20. The engine handles it automatically. Indeed, even when you have 3000 models behind you, nothing is rendered, and the distance culling does the same.
  21. The tab is 8 spaces only when using a monospaced font. If you use a proportional font like Verdana, you get much more suitable tabs: But you are right, for monospaced fonts the global standard is 4 spaces, that's also what Visual Studio uses, and it aligns nicely in many situations to make the code more readable.
  22. Well, in case I have to use pointers some day, I can do it like this: #define dot -> int main() { MyClass* myC = new MyClass(); vector<MyClass*> vec; myC dot Load("abstract::gunshot.ogg"); vec.push_back(myC); }
  23. And all tutorials must be available in all languages which are listed in the tutorials.
  24. Yes, command line tools are automatic, web pages uploads are manual.
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