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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. Well, as a source owner, I could setup a batch file which compiles the OOP DLL with all needed C++ compilers. I would probably even need to compile it for different GCC versions through different virtualboxes But in practice, I think VS2008, VS2010 and the newest GNU C++ should be enough.
  2. It returns an int, I think you haven't updated your LEO files since 2.27.
  3. Licences are for life time. For major engine upgrades (not updates), like from 2.x to 3.0 there might be upgrade fees. But it really needs huge and remarkable and of course useful things to change before that happens. It has happened only once in 10 years, from 2.0 to 2.3, because the whole realtime Editor was rewritten and was a new product, and realtime scripting (Lua) was added. But it costed then also only $50 for the upgrade, so I think the size of the upgrade fee will be always quite accurate and justified according to the amount of work behind it. All the regular updates have been always free, and quite frequent too (there is even a sync tool similar to git, which you can run daily to get the newest updates). Quite often the regular updates contain also remarkable new features, like for example the infinite vegetation feature (like speedtree).
  4. It's completely royalty free, and splash/watermark free. You can even ask for discounts if you have multiple developers.
  5. I just checked that WChris, who wrote the converter, is almost daily active (Last Active: Jun 20 2010 11:18 AM), so you should have no problems getting support if they don't work. Nobody has complained that the Delphi headers don't work though, and there's a handful of users who use them, if that's of any meaning to you Besides, refunds are also possible, so in any case you won't lose your money.
  6. The Delphi/Object Pascal headers should be pretty functional, although I can't remember right now who maintains them. A few days ago we established a community organized C# header maintenance chain (so they get updated whenever the engine's C/C++ headers change), and we could start to do the same for the Delphi headers too. That's also the reason why I posted for the first time beforehand upcoming fixes to the C/C++ headers, since the Forums allow now that only engine owners can see them, so the information flow is much better than before.
  7. C# has nothing to do with C or C++, it's a completely different language. It's more like Visual Basic.NET actually, although it has some elements from C++, mostly then when it's not using any libraries. But when you use system libraries, you can't tell always if it's VB.NET or C#. Well, it's a mix of C, C++, VB.NET, but not compatible with any of them directly.
  8. LE has been always object oriented (internally: yes, DLL: no, wrappers(C++,C#,Delphi,Object Pascal,Lua,etc...): yes), but the limitation was that BlitzMax can only generate procedural DLLs. In LE3 this limitation won't exist anymore, so it's possible to have an OOP DLL (and even a static lib) in addition to the procedural DLL for non-OOP languages.
  9. Yeah, Boost is nowadays industrial standard too, so you will find it in many compilers by default, just like STL.
  10. Can't be done, because it uses m_entity.
  11. I must get a Kinect when it comes out in December. It works on PC also. They say they will price it quite close to the costs, to get maximum impact on the market.
  12. Currently only bugs are being fixed. The next new features phase comes after that You can probably brake the car with some physics forces or mass changes.
  13. Canardia


    They are all the same family: An, Anu, Anunnaki (her children), Anshar, Anubis, ...
  14. Well you need to make a systematic test, which can be used as bug report for Josh then also, by adding each component of the model one at a time and see where it breaks.
  15. I think you can't zip up lua files at all. I had the same problem in LCP1.
  16. Earlier it worked so that you could only set the zip password for the first pak file you load. I don't know if this bug has been fixed, and if not, then it should still work that way. So you can only have the first pak file encrypted, all others must be without password. You set the zip password seperately for each pak file, and you can set the zip password for multiple pak files in a row, if the bug has been fixed.
  17. Canardia


    Humankind never had a chance. They came from the skies, like they did before, but this time they were not our gods - they were our fate, or so it seemed. We called them the Anushar, since that was the only thing we knew about them: the name of their leader. A few of us survived, perhaps because we were weak, and didn't appear to be a threat to them. This is where my story begins... Just testing the storyline for the new model I'm getting soon I'm so excited about it and hope that it will be what I always dreamed of! Now when I think about it, isn't it like a toy, which you get with a collector's edition of a game, but having it as a in-game 3D model is much more fun since you can put it in all your games and demos. Of course there will be a game also where it plays the main role, but first I need to finish another game, and another one still after that. Oh, this song tells a story about the great war against the Anushar too. What she calls "You" is what we know as God today, he is one of them: But there's more to it, why he did what he did, so see you in the game!
  18. Yeah there is, but I send you the link via PM, since I'm not sure if it's good to tell it public
  19. Canardia

    single shot

    The lights look amazingly good even without additional translucent cone meshes.
  20. I'm not sure, but I think you need to be SDK 2.3 Developer to see it when you press the Downloads menu "button" on top of this page (not any menu option under it).
  21. LOL, that's the funniest typo I've seen! Although I think the correct word is invaluable?
  22. The vertex coloring trick is pretty cool, and it adds remarkable dynamics to the model.
  23. That doesn't work on european keyboards, but I can still add it for US keyboards.
  24. The print key does not return anything using GetChar(), so I don't know it's key value.
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