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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. I think the answer stays the same, you can do any Lua commands and class definitons by loading a model in LE. As long there is no function like RunScript() in LE, there's no other way, unless BlitzMax has some undocumented hack again, which doesn't work with the DLL version.
  2. I think you need to execute your own Lua scripts via a thingoid (which is a model with a lua script).
  3. GameLib doesn't change anything in LE, it only adds new commands, so it's not a different flavor per se B)
  4. LEO is in no way unofficial, it even comes with the SDK, and is updated with each engine change. LE comes with a procedural C++ interface and a object oriented C++ interface; it also comes with a hybrid BlitzMax and Lua interface. The C# interface is as good as official too, although it's distributed via SVN. The Object Pascal/Delphi interface is pretty well done too. From these templates modders can choose if they want to make a procedural or OOP interface for other languages.
  5. BlitzMax is not being dropped, I can guarantee it. It might become easier to use, that's all. Possible future BlitzMax implementation: Framework Leadwerks.Engine Initialize() '// Note: RegisterAbstractPath no more needed! And no more cryptic uncommenting/commenting of LUGI generators (I don't even know why they are needed)! '// Usual stuff here Terminate()
  6. // Do common stuff here game.Update(); game.Render(); if(1==gamelevel) { // Do level 1 specific stuff here } else if(2==gamelevel) { // Do level 2 specific stuff here } // Do common stuff here gui.Draw(); game.Flip();
  7. TFramework fw=CreateFramework(); SetGlobalObject("fw",fw);
  8. Yeah, his right hand might have been in 45 degree angle, so instead of hitting the 3, he hit 6. Does it mean he has a small keyboard or just broad shoulders? Or maybe he just has his keyboard not centered, but on the left, so the mouse can be moved easier. He probably likes to use mouse a lot, and avoid keyboard.
  9. I thought that also first, but then this sentence makes no sense: Or maybe he made a typo there.
  10. How can there have been 2.6, when the newest version is 2.32? The version numbering is just simple floating point number.
  11. I have also a Asus GX2, but it was a bit expensive, and not the fastest (only GeForce 9600M), but it's reliable and I think quite on par with Toshiba in quality. For my next Laptop I would definitely look for Toshiba's Qosmio series.
  12. Ryzom is a fully working MMO, and they made it now free and open source. You can use all their thousands of assets in your own games:http://www.ryzom.com
  13. Well GS is better than NWO in the sense that it makes sense. It's full of best practices and useful rules. It's free of course, and you don't have to use it, but if you don't, then you'd better have your own standards which work, and I'd like to review them for GS too!
  14. That's why I invented the Global Standard. If you don't use it, you only get problems In GS the "." seperates decimals and the "," seperates thousands. If you use that rule, you can avoid hundreds of problems with all kinds of computer software, including BizTalk, CSV files, Excel, Paradox, etc..., and now even with FontStudio. It just pays back, since time is money.
  15. There are thousands of professional Blitz3D games (professional means to make money, profession=work), including the world famous Bejeweled Blitz, and real arcade coin machines. Every language can be used professionally, even the most simplest BASIC variant.
  16. Tell me ONE and I'll switch immediately (yes I own already 20 other engines)! From the capabilites it's much closer to CryEngine3, than to Blitz3D or DarkBasic. It's actually much faster than Ogre3D, which is considered a very fast engine. If something is slow, you are using some high-end features for which your computer is too slow. You can disable all high-end features to make it run on low-end computers also. There can only be one. But he has some helpers to do non-engine related stuff. Support is the fastest I've ever seen on any engine forums. I can just write some question and within minutes I get a solution. I can also use mail and MSN. Plus the community can in 99% cases answer things directly, so you don't always need to ask the developer for questions. It works fine for artists if they learn how to use 3DSMax. Most people just think they can start modelling with it, without knowing what local tranformation spaces are. You can also export directly as gmf from 3DSMax, so the pipeline is 0. You mean it's better to pay $50 for each engine component, like in Torque ($50 for physics, $50 for shadows, $50 for shaders, etc...), or pay $1500 for Unity, or pay 25% of all your income with UDK? I'm glad LE is royalty free, as as an Indie developer I need all the money I can earn, and the government already takes 25% taxes, so I don't need the engine to take another 25%. My game is almost finished, and many other people have also their game in a decent state. There's also tons of published free games (I made a list of them with screenshots in the old forum), but seems nobody wants to know about them. At least publishers not, since they can't make money with free games
  17. Did you forget to copy the font's .ini file to your project folder?
  18. From what I've heard Acers break down quite often. My sister also had one and it broke during warranty. Usually they just stay black, maybe some motherboard/component/chip failure.
  19. Very good choice, for that low price it has a superb GPU. And Toshiba has been the best Laptop manufacturer since ever.
  20. I don't like the dots in the GUI background. I prefer a clean GUI.
  21. Thanks for the questions, I love these kind of queries because the answers are always suprisingly positive 1) No royalties 2) Still no royalties 3) It has happened once from version 2.28 to 2.30, but it was only an $50 upgrade, and before that, and after that there has been hundreds of versions for free. I think, an upgrade fee is only needed when there is major addition in features to the engine, which makes it step to another level of consciousness (which was the case with 2.30 since it introduced realtime and visual programming with Lua). 4) $50 is the only example we got so far 5) It can not only support all game genres, but it can also do much more than games, like simulations and applications, or why not also some cool 3D multimedia demos which you want to show to your friends. It's not tied to anything, although some features are indeed FPS related, but they only make FPS development easier, and don't stop you from making something completely different. 6) Yes 7) No, but you can do it easily yourself (sqlite3 db, like firefox does), since expanding the engine is a no-brainer. The engine is made to be expanded, because it gives access to all core functions with a very easy interface. 8) 3D World Studio is a separate product, but I use it too, since it's the best solid geometry modeller I have found. For hollow modelling I use Blender. 9) The network API in Leadwerks is merely a simple one, but it works fine for casual needs (like counterstrike types of games, with no more than 64 players). For commercial grade and heavy networking I would suggest RakNet, which also many people have succesfully added to Leadwerks Engine. There are also specialized MMO solutions which you can use with Leadwerks Engine and are much faster than RakNet (I have the source code for one).
  22. Roland is right, use his new wizard, since the one which comes with LE doesn't even work properly and can not be fixed, well it's fixed in the new wizard.
  23. Esperanto is basically the same as Spanish, and nobody speaks that. I think the next version of international english should have phonetic spelling, since then you can read, write and speak the same without thinking about real-time conversion.
  24. I can teach international english, which works in all countries.
  25. Any shader which has the word _skin in its filename.
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