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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. I vote for aramaic, hebrew, ancient eqyptian, sumerian, cantonese, klingon and ostrobotnian finnish.
  2. You need to move the glass windows to the foreground world.
  3. In general they translate much better than people who don't speak english. I've noticed that people do unnecessary and additional mistakes by thinking they need to change the words and their declinations, which would not happen if they just translated literally word by word.
  4. Just use the google link I provided, it does it automatically.
  5. There are over 8000 languages, it would make no sense to have forums seperated by language. Use google translator to view any website in any language: http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=en&tl=de&u=http%3A%2F%2Fleadwerks.com%2Fwerkspace
  6. If it's red it means you have the wrong shader in the mat file. When a model has bones, you need to use the skin shader.
  7. You just put the gmf files into a subfolder of the SDK or add the game path in Editor so that it reads from your own folder, however then you also need to have the Models and Materials folder copied (at least the Entities subfolder of them).
  8. You should have it in your mail. I haven't lost any mail since 1995 Mails should be anyway on a server db and not on your computer. But I think Josh can send you the mail again if you tell him your e-mail by sending a mail to support (at) leadwerks.com
  9. I use UU3D Pro for all model conversions. 3DSMax users can export directly to gmf using ArBuZ's exporter script ( http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/files/file/7-leadwerks-tools-22-for-3ds-max/ ). LE comes also with some command-line converters which are in the Tools folder of the SDK.
  10. You don't necessarily need 3D letters for a 3D GUI. You can also draw a normal 2D letters on a 3D entity.
  11. No, you can't update Lenovo ThinkPad T61p drivers from www.nvidia.com, but you must update them from www.lenovo.com; the newest drivers support even OpenGL 3.2. The T61p works fine with LE (I have one too), and its nVidia FX570M is amazingly powerful. It's much faster than the 8600M in my Asus laptop, and only slightly slower than my 8800 GTS 640MB.
  12. Post the editor.log file. You can load only gmf files. You can use various exporters like 3DSMax, Maya, UU3D, fbx2gmf.exe, etc... to convert your models to gmf.
  13. You can create 3D letters with UU3D from any font.
  14. Now I need to post my files for bug reports in feature requests.
  15. Once per hour time-sync is more than enough, even once-per month would do fine, if your PC clock is not deviating more than few secs per month. Once per game start should be done anyway, and that alone might be sufficient too.
  16. I think we should start to use Roland's new wizard then also, because the old wizard is very difficult to maintain and lacks a lot of features which were made into the new one.
  17. Canardia


    I ended up with making my own GUI, after trying CEGUI and GLUI. I don't know why most 3rd party GUIs are everything else than a GUI, most of them use their own renderers and fonts instead of just using the existing OpenGL canvas and existing commands like DrawText().
  18. It's not the moved position, but the model's current position, which doesn't even change. It works from all other languages, but not from Lua. I think it's just some simple bug when scene is loaded, then the model's position is not given correctly to Lua before UpdateWorld is called.
  19. Maybe because it was impossible to read the position of a model when it was created? It returned always Vec3(0,0,0): http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?&app=tracker&showissue=98&view=findpost&p=412
  20. Those are standard LE operators, they are defined in mathlib.cpp.
  21. There is no need to load source files, you load compiled and optimized binary machine code files.
  22. Voxel water is probably the final solution. It allows you to deform the water from every angle, make 3D particle splashes, tunnel-like wave breaks, vessel trailing waves, etc...
  23. C# is more of a marketing trick of Microsoft than a real language. I would avoid it at all costs.
  24. If you guys haven't realized yet, the correct answer is option 3. I also thought first option 2 would be correct, but I was wrong and corrected my mistake. With option 3 you have entity oriented programming AND object oriented programming. EOP executes attached 3D scripts as they are. OOP uses programmatical ways to include scripts to inherit from and to override (using the require statement). This is the best option as it allows the most options.
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