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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. But school is meant that you solve things yourself (it's much more fun!), than ask other people. If you actively participate and teach the teacher (I had to teach my physics teacher that electrons are actually (at least) 5 dimensional, so they can appear in multiple places at the same time), all hours feel like 10 minutes to you, so you can speed up the time in school a lot too.
  2. The new template files can be found in 2.30 I think. I still have to check what 2.32 has and send Josh the newest templates.
  3. You need to add engine.cpp also.
  4. http://www.leadwerks.com/wiki/index.php?title=Entities#AnimationLength
  5. LOL, you don't need a top notch dual sli card, just any 4 year old 8800 GTS which you get for $5 on ebay is about 10 times faster than your 7800 8800: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=370379123893&rvr_id=&crlp=1_263602_263622&UA=WX%3F%3F&GUID=8aea96df1260a02684c46f74ffde6d87&itemid=370379123893&ff4=263602_263622 9800 GT: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=250631545706&rvr_id=&crlp=1_263602_263622&UA=WX%3F%3F&GUID=8aea96df1260a02684c46f74ffde6d87&itemid=250631545706&ff4=263602_263622 XFX 9800 GT: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=320528386870&rvr_id=&crlp=1_263602_263622&UA=WX%3F%3F&GUID=8aea96df1260a02684c46f74ffde6d87&itemid=320528386870&ff4=263602_263622
  6. The new engine.dll (232r4v2) is completely broken, I can't see ANY objects when I load the scene, and then they randomly appear and disappear again. Yesterday everything still worked (it was the old 2.32r4v1).
  7. Update your graphics card drivers.
  8. You need a skin shader in LE's mat file if you have bones and animations in the model, else you won't see the mesh. See the gun mat file of the SDK for an example.
  9. The tent would look much better with: AFilter(16); TFilter(1);
  10. Try this: EntityViewRange(scene,3,0); // this will be done by the engine internally in the next patch It fixed some missing shadows for me, although the mesh occlusion bug was already fixed in 2.32r3. Or, if that doesn't help, then do the same for your parent object: EntityViewRange(parent,3,0); EDIT: The new patch is already out, and it fixed the missing shadows.
  11. It's a bug in McAfee. It has quite often false alerts.
  12. The latest sync fixed the culling issues, but the shadows are still missing from the buildings. Unparenting all entities fixes the shadows, but it crashes in the real game.
  13. You can preload all fonts like font1=LoadFont(), font2=LoadFont(), and then use SetFont(font1), SetFont(font2) to use different loaded fonts.
  14. You might have some vertices which are not connected to any faces, or some similar unclean situation.
  15. I haven't found any reason yet not to use LE's LoadFont/SetFont/DrawText.
  16. You don't actually need pointers in C++, as you can use references for almost everything (VB uses references too: ByRef/ByVal somename).
  17. Yes, it is to some extend. You can automate things which happen in the scene which you are editing in Editor. Niosop came up with the name thingoid ( http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/599-hybrid-fpscontroller-lua/page__view__findpost__p__5277 ) for lua scripts which run like nanobots in the scene. The term thingoid was then first liked by Rick, and soon the whole LE community adopted it as a standard. Basically you can automate anything with thingoids in your scene. They can display texts (via the Flip hook), move objects, react to some events, etc... You can also just simply run a seperate lua script in Editor, which does something programmatically, like changing the position of road nodes.
  18. Considering your situation, you would have to learn anyway something new, unless you want to write headers for VB.NET (should be quite similar as the existing C#.NET headers). For new languages the most supported choices would be C++ and BlitzMax, and both with Lua as an addon language to make certain things easier in Editor and in the game code. I started LE with BlitzMax, then went to C++, and I never regretted it. Other people might be happy with BlitzMax, other might just love the C++ syntax itself which gives also a great motivation to code anything in C++. Especially when you start to use STL maps, it's the most productive and easiest language of all. You have hundreds of powerful open source libraries too which are always up-to-date, while in BlitzMax someone needs to convert them first.
  19. I think it's the same effect as if you wave your finger quickly, and then you can either take some random frames which are running in different frequency than your finger's movement, so you would get sometimes images where the finger is almost at the lower end, sometimes halfway up, etc... With tweening you would get synced frames like when the finger is exactly at the topmost position, the middle position and the lowest position, so you can do a much smoother movement by choosing more relevant frames at the same FPS.
  20. It would look choppy if it would run at 5 FPS without tweening but still keeping the game speed up. I don't know exactly how it works, but I've tried the Blitz3D demos and it works (I made 10000 animated characters (some Q2 model from polycount) and it ran at 5 FPS but smoothly without choppiness). I think what it does differently with tweening is that it calculates the essential frames better than without tweening. So you get the same amount of frames, but more relevant ones which reduce the choppiness. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inbetweening
  21. Blitz3D has a cool feature that is called frame tweening. I wish LE would have that too. It makes games which run at 5 FPS look ultra smooth, as if they were running at 60 FPS Frame tweening needs basically 3 functions: 1) CaptureWorld() // missing from LE 2) UpdateWorld() 3) RenderWorld(tween) // tween parameter missing from LE
  22. UpdateWorld() doesn't affect FPS at all, only UPS. I would just add a Sleep() after Flip(0) which makes the FPS drop to 50. You will need to find some formula how the value for Sleep relates to the actual FPS, something like Sleep( wantedFPS / currentFPS * curvemaybe * somethingelsemaybe );.
  23. Here's a demo to show the culling bug. Move the mouse slowly to the left after you press F1: require("Scripts/constants/engine_const") --Setup stuff for standalone lua game Graphics(640,480) RegisterAbstractPath("") fw=CreateFramework() a=CreateCube() a:SetPositionf(0,-5,100) ScaleEntity(a,Vec3(20,5,1000)) CameraRange(fw.main.camera,1,10000) camerapitch=0 camerayaw=0 CreateDirectionalLight() --main function while KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)==0 do --Keyboard if(KeyHit(KEY_F1)==1) then camerayaw = 140.76 camerapitch = 25.186613399482 end --Camera look gx=GraphicsWidth()/2 gy=GraphicsHeight()/2 dx=Curve((MouseX()-gx)/4.0,dx,3.0/AppSpeed()) dy=Curve((MouseY()-gy)/4.0,dy,3.0/AppSpeed()) MoveMouse(gx,gy) camerapitch=camerapitch+dy camerayaw=camerayaw-dx camerapitch=math.min(camerapitch,90) camerapitch=math.max(camerapitch,-90) fw.main.camera:SetRotationf(camerapitch,camerayaw,0,1) --Rendering fw:Update() fw:Render() DrawText(camerayaw ,1,20) DrawText(camerapitch,1,40) DrawText("Press F1 to find culling spot",1,60) Flip(0) end
  24. Yeah, it could be uploaded into Werkspace. And since there is also source code available (from version 3.0 though), it could be further developed and converted to C++.
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