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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. You can still download FontStudio 4.1 from the internet archive: http://web.archive.org/web/20080616193316/http://www.nitrogen.za.org/projectinfo.asp?id=12
  2. I was just pointing out that by using standard libraries and functions you don't need to change your game code each time the engine changes. Game code should have nothing engine, hardware or OS specific in them, as you might want to use the same source with minimal changes on other systems also.
  3. The idea of GameLib is also that your own code never needs to change, since GameLib works with all new and old LE versions (LE 2.3x is tested). It has helped me at least a lot since I only need to update GameLib, and don't need to change my game code, or at least a minimum until I have put those remaining functions into GameLib too.
  4. Just use this function and there is no need to change your code in future, as we don't know how things change internally and don't need to know: TBody GetMeshModel(TEntity entity) { string classname; while (entity!=0) { classname=GetEntityKey(entity,"class"); if (classname=="Model") { return entity; } entity=GetParent(entity); } return 0; }
  5. That could mean that the pickfilter function already gets the model as entity in its parameter, and not the mesh as earlier.
  6. No, I know exactly how you should do it Use the GetMeshModel() function, since in 2.32 it might be possible that you can also pick models, which was not earlier possible in 2.31. So your entity.parent will not work correctly if the picked model is already the model.
  7. Yes, I see the pattern that something undocumented has changed, which happens in all programs. That's why they are undocumented and should not be used. You see: 1) It is documented that the model is a parent of the mesh (but not necessarily the nearest parent). The model is identified (and the resursion is stopped) when the parent's entitykey is "class"=="Model". 2) It is undocumented that the model is the nearest parent to the mesh.
  8. You should check if entity.parent is NULL.
  9. I think a simple entity.parent is not sufficient, since the mesh can be deeper down in the hierarchy of the model. The tutorials and gamelib provide a function called GetMeshModel() which correctly returns the top level entity in all cases. I've never had problems with that. So, it shouldn't matter what has changed internally in the engine (=undocumented things), when you use methods which work always (=documented things), no matter how it has changed internally, since they use a way which will never change.
  10. Using certain entity keys, like "name" and "class" can be very confusing since the engine keeps changing their content during LoadScene(). I use custom names like "type" and "classname" to have correctly working entity keys.
  11. Canardia

    Laser beam

    Josh said he will be making Framework more flexible by providing seperate functions for rendering geometry, rendering lights, rendering post-effects, etc... Then you can insert you 3D OpenGL lines before the post-effects function call.
  12. Canardia

    Laser beam

    You need to disable all post-processing effects to make the 3D lines work correctly in 3D.
  13. I can see my models now only in 10% of the camera rotation. I wish there was a command to disable camera occlusion completely, since OpenGL does it just fine.
  14. This doesn't work with Framework, but I think Josh should make it work since the current SSAO shader is horrible, it's too slow and makes things look worse than without SSAO.
  15. Canardia

    Laser beam

    You can draw 500000 lines in immediate mode with decent FPS on a GeForce 8800GTS.
  16. Canardia

    Laser beam

    If you don't draw the lines all parallel, but twisted to the position of the next line, you would get a nice circle when facing the camera.
  17. Canardia

    Laser beam

    I would draw multiple OpenGL 3D lines with different brightness, length, position, and alpha transparency.
  18. Mine is lenovo ThinkPad T61p with nVidia GeForce FX570M which got that error. It's a SM4 card, which is faster than 8600M, but slower than 8800GTS, and of course drivers are updated only once per 3 years like for all laptops. It still has OpenGL 3.2 drivers though. I actually had the idea that it might be due to the number of bones in those models, since those are the only models which crash and they have a lot of bones.
  19. That's very true. CryENGINE was basically never designed to be a game engine, it was just the code needed to make the game Crysis. When a game engine is designed from ground on to be one, then it's more universal, and can do any kind of game. But it's much harder to do so too, and takes more time and needs a lot of users and examples to test it in all situations, not just for a simple FPS.
  20. Everything in LE is in realtime: physics, sounds, AI, network, shadows, lights, programming (Lua/LuaJIT), level designing, forum, blogs, bug fixes (used to be at least).
  21. Use your regkey for both username and password.
  22. You can use Lua, which is much better than Python. Lua vs Python: http://lua-users.org/wiki/LuaVersusPython
  23. TerADynE (=Terrain Advanced Dynamic Editor)
  24. J is one finger direction of the matrix (up, right, forward). Although many people believe mathematics should use the right hand rule ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-hand_rule ), I think it's better to use the left hand rule ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left-hand_rule ), since all good things should grow in positive direction (up=good, right=good, forward=good). Also in 3D graphics, X+ means always right, Y+ means up, Z+ means forward, although many 3D programs do it wrong.
  25. That's the problem I reported earlier about the vwep_gun and hand gmf models. It works on 8800 GTS, but not on FX570M and some other cards.
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