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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. I know they are present, else the engine wouldn't crash when loading them. Something is wrong with the gmf or the mat of them.They work on my GeForce 8800 though, but not on my GeForce FX570M. I also noticed that they are duplicated in two different places: Models\Items\Weapons\Gun and Models\Weapons\smg Duplicate files are also: Materials\Cobblestone\cobblestone* and Materials\cobblestones* Then the LEWizard files are partially outdated, but I can send you the newer versions.
  2. Position+Rotation+Scale+Identity
  3. The oildrum.phy file is not working. To create the correct phy file, use PhyGen.exe with the following settings:
  4. The rendering seems to stutter a lot, even when FPS is 127. The rotating cube demo (example01.lua and example02.lua (had to copy them from 2.31 since they were forgotten from 2.32)), shows this stuttering clearly. With Flip(1) and vsync app controlled it stutters less, but still remarkably. EDIT: The stuttering is caused by the values from AppSpeed(). Maybe a Curve() is needed to make AppSpeed() more reliable. EDIT2: Yes, this line makes the stuttering go away completely: c=Curve(AppSpeed(),c,16.0) mesh:Turnf(0.5*c,0.5*c,0.5*c)
  5. ModelViewer and FPS scipt in Editor crashes because they can't load vwep_gun.gmf and vwep_hands.gmf.
  6. 1) Load Model 2) Find Child Head 3) Rotate Head 4) Position Camera To Head 5) Rotate Camera To Head
  7. Many people find the Blender UI much easier to learn than conventional UIs. There's a tutorial called "from noob to pro in 5 minutes" for Blender, which shows you how the UI is very easy to use. The new Blender 2.50 has a conventional UI like 3DSMax, which I don't like, but then again the other many people will like. But it's always like this, the people who whine the most (usually the noobs), influence the developers most, and things get worse. Naturally the noobs win all votes too, since there are only a few pros, so all products will be "designed by noobs"
  8. You can make a seperate mesh for the outer side of the crater with an alpha transparent texture so that it blends with anything. The transparent mesh needs to be put into the transparent world. I've done the same for character hairs and furry clothes, and it works fine.
  9. Use SetEntityMatrix/GetEntityMatrix instead of parenting. Parenting has lots of problems where positioning always works fine.
  10. I would use EntityPick, since it works fine with all objects. It allows you to make also more reusable code, since not always you have a camera, but always you have an entity.
  11. The white part of the lamps is using a mat file which has the fullbright=1 setting.
  12. If it would be a seperate program, then people might use it more. But if it's only in Vista and 7 and not available for XP, Linux, Mac, Android, etc..., it's quite useless.
  13. Framework is basically only doing the rendering correctly with all post-effects, water, refraction, etc... It's very difficult to do that yourself, exactly as difficult as rewriting the whole framework yourself. It doesn't have anything unnecessary in it, so if you try to rip out parts of it, you'll be missing something which you need later on anyway.
  14. For me it's much harder to sit on the couch, because I have it always unfolded as a bed. So it's easier to sit on the PC and use the PC for entertainment instead of work. A PC is like breathing air, you just need it to live. You also use air for entertainment and work, so it doesn't matter what you use, but for what purpose you use it.
  15. It doesn't matter if the PC is custom built or not. Actually all PCs are custom built. Even Dell, Compaq and IBM puts random stuff in their machines and sell them as exactly the same model. At least IBM has a seperate type signature which tells that it's slightly different internally. I've opened brand PCs and sometimes they had seagate HDs, sometimes Maxtor, sometimes IBM, and although they all had 40GB, the quality and life-expectation of those HDs is completely different. Some had GeForce, ATI, Video7 cards, but the specs said only they had a SVGA-capable video card with 8MB memory, and still the model of PC was the same. And there can be a tool which tells you which Class your PC is when you run it.
  16. The grades would never change, but only new ones would be added. A Class 0 PC would be always the same, it would be the minimum PC which can be bought and used for something, for example as a text based terminal console. A Class 8 PC would be for example always a PC which has a GeForce 8800 or similar graphics card, plus some CPU and RAM requirement. This would maybe result in a new class every 1-3 years approximately.
  17. Yeah, that's a good idea, and I had something similar in mind since years too. Your Rank or Class idea is better than what I was thinking, because my PC8 idea would just mean that it has a GeForce 8800 or better card. With a Class 3 this can be done much more specific while at the same time supporting a broader range of hardware. I'll publish a Global Standard specification about this soon, then all game developers can use it.
  18. You can't use SDK assets in your games anyway, so it doesn't really matter what is in there. All the assets from Werkspace are meant to be used in your games, and there are many and quite good ones.
  19. Canardia

    Game Lib?

    You should have gamelib.ico also in the SDK/CPP folder, but of course you should take a copy of it into your game source folder, and modify it to match your game logo. Btw, Roland's LEWizard does all this automatically, it creates a gamelib project with all the correct settings.
  20. Canardia

    Game Lib?

    TGame is called Game now. The "W" errors come because you are not using Character Set: Not Set.
  21. Canardia

    Game Lib?

    You need to install the OpenGL Toolkit to Visual Studio: http://www.xmission.com/~nate/glut/glut-3.7.6-bin.zip
  22. The files are on disk, you only see links to them in the project.
  23. You didn't add the cpp files to your project (where main.cpp also is).
  24. But a 4096x4096 dds file can be around 2mb (uncompressed 64mb) only, and I thought dds files are not uncompressed on the gpu?
  25. It will be implemented for things where multi-threading gives some benefit. At the moment I can only image loading screen, disk I/O and networking.
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