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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. Canardia

    Game Lib?

    I'm using version with LE 2.32, but the current version works fine with LE 2.31 too. GameLib is using LEO too, so that's not a problem either.
  2. I'm not sure what FreeBuffer() does, but I would assume it also sets the buffer to null and then calls garbage collection to make sure it's released immediately and not at some random point which will make your program crash.
  3. You should always free the buffer yourself and not wait for the engine to do it.
  4. You can use CopyBuffer(GetColorBuffer(),BUFFER_COLOR) to get only the texture which is not linked to the original buffer.
  5. If you're coding in C++, you shouldn't need to care about any syntax since you can make your own macros which are always the same. Then you just update the macro definitions for each differenting engine commands. I was actually thinking to use such macro definition file too, since in LE RotateEntity and TurnEntity inverts the axes, so a X+ turn is actually a X- turn. I prefer to have correct axis alignments and turn directions.
  6. It is possible to make zero budget MMORPG also, like EVE. It started with 0 content, and the players had to create all contents to the game.
  7. Those things are damn difficult and expensive to maintain. They demand you to move the furniture every week (even if you calculated the optimal position of them), buy new clothes every second week (although you bought clothes which were designed to last at least 2 world wars), and make you do all kinds of stuff which are highly uneconomical, just because they don't find it interesting to sit in front of a computer screen 8 hours a day with a beer bottle in their hand, and enjoy life!
  8. Here's a demo map which shows the disappearing bug. When you load it into Editor, the camera is positioned so that you don't see the model although it is it front of you, but when you turn the camera you see it again: longway.rar
  9. I've never even came close to filling my 640MB GPU. That would need around 500 textures in average Yeah, DDS stays packed on the GPU also, so it provides the highest quality and lowest memory consumption on GPUs.
  10. I would make all UV mapped textures with 4096x4096, and only non-UV mapped textures with the 4096x4096 or smaller sizes.
  11. When going near large objects, they disappear completely from view. This bug came with the latest engine.dll, and it worked fine in the previous version from yesterday.
  12. I think you could use XNA to write a LE clone on XBOX, and wouldn't need any developer license that way. You don't need to sell CDs in shops, as you can sell the games online from your own web site. I bought also Crysis that way and got much more bonus material for the same money as opposed to the CD version. And I can burn all the discs to CDs with my DVD Burner, and even have 10 backup copies which normal CD versions often don't allow since they have hardware copy protections.
  13. You need a skin vert shader to display textures of animated or boned models.
  14. There are 3 ways to do it: 1) Make the hand parent of the sword 2) Create a fixed joint between the hand and the sword 3) Position and rotate the sword according to the hand
  15. phygen.exe creates a smaller convex hull phy file (17.2k) than obj2phy.exe (20k), but both phy files are overwritten by the engine and recreated as a collision tree (901k) instead of convex hull.
  16. You are calling UpdateFramework() twice.
  17. It has been renamed to WaitNetEvent().
  18. SetWireframe() is missing from the dll PhyGen.exe is missing, so I can't test physics
  19. You can make 4096x4096 terrains in Editor, and if you want bigger terrains, you shouldn't use heightmaps at all, but stream the whole universe with single models from a database.
  20. - Pathfinding including Inverse Kinematics (so NPCs can climb over custom obstacles) - Shaders - 3D Particles including collision - 3D Sounds including collision (and reflection)
  21. Oh I see a few newbie mistakes there: Firefox -> Seamonkey WinAMP -> Foobar Avast -> ClamWin Adobe -> Foxit Ubuntu -> Debian But yeah, no point to argue, one day you will find that my choices are the only right ones (I have studied all of their aspects from their deepest grounds on, nobody else does that)
  22. You should only make single objects with 3DWS, and then put them into a scene with Leadwerks Editor.
  23. It means 0.0000053425065 (=5.3425065*10^-6).
  24. You don't need to estimate the time, you just take the time it took to load last time. That will be always accurate. You could even skip the progress bar on the very first run (although I prefer to put a bit higher value as initial value, so in worst case the initial run would make the progress bar run to 50% only) and count it as a setup phase of the game.
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