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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. I have a progress bar working in my game. It's moves very smoothly from left to right while the game is loading. However, I'm using WinGDI for drawing the progress bar, but I'll try to get it using OpenGL next.
  2. No you don't. See the "Shared LE Setup" on Wiki front page.
  3. Yeah, on a sidenote you can also use an installer, but then it needs an additional step for the user to install it, which is however intuitive for windows users (Linux users are used that programs are just working when they selected them from the global package manager). I prefer programs you can just copy and run.
  4. Yeah same thing, an exe is an exe, no matter on what media it resides.
  5. You can pack it with winrar and make it a sfx archive, so it gets an exe file. Then you can also choose an exe inside the archive to be auto-launched, and it seems to the user as if he would just run a single exe. It's like a Java applet, but it doesn't need 3 seperate installations (Java engine, browser Java plugin, Java applet) like Java applets do, but just a single mouse click. On my computers Java applets have never worked either, although they are completely differently installed, but exe files work always, even from a browser.
  6. I heard some rumours that it will have the following features: World domination, absolute awesomeness, fastest C++ code (internally), fastest scripting (via LuaJIT), cross-hardware, cross-OS, cross-language, best ROI (no royalty fees per title, lowest initial costs).
  7. I think Windows 7 does not support filename extensions in Explorer, so you have to use a DOS window.
  8. There's no need to use sprintf, since DrawText does that already, see the Wiki. DrawText(10,10,"%f",myPlayer.PlayerHeadPosition.Y);
  9. The 3rd parameter must be a string, see Wiki.
  10. Lower risk is equal to lower profit, however higher risk is not always equal to higher profit, but it can be, and then it can be multiple times higher profit.
  11. You make flops with copy catting other games too, so what's the point? There is no evidence that "another doom clone" would make more or less money than "a completely new fresh brilliant idea". Although, I think there is Indeed Portal was one of those new brilliant ideas, and Valve bought it. People just happen to buy "another doom clone" games, because nobody dares to make better games, and people rather play a new "doom clone" than an older "doom clone" over and over again. Sure, you make decent money with "doom clones" also, and the workers at big companies will do them as long they get profit with them. Someone having the guts to try something new, and make much more money is a risk which a single worker doesn't want to take. He could fail!
  12. Some guy tested maximum animations (he didn't even go to the max), and had 200 animated zombies. The power of animations in LE is that they are done on the GPU, while many other engines do them on the CPU which allows only few animated characters at once. Although, I would do animations with physics mostly/only, but that's a completely new technology which has not been seen in many, if any, games yet. But that's another nice thing about LE, that you can use your imagination and easily try out completely new ideas using the core components of the engine.
  13. The game itself sounds OK, although I got the impression it had not much new ideas, but was just a copy of the earlier game. As a MMORPG it would have way too less content. MMORPGs need thousands of hours of player explorable content, not stuff which you can explore in 8 hours like in typical FPS games. The biggest problem in game making seems to be the lack of innovation and ideas from people. I mean come on, I can imagine the wildest fantasies, and I actually hate to reproduce anything existing. It's not really that hard, you just need to get over yourself and be able forget about all that exists and being able to recreate everything in a fantasy world, in a game.
  14. The problem with Adobe Acrobat is that it doesn't work very well with PDF files. For example Foxit can read them correctly, so that you can also copy/paste code to Visual Studio without the line breaks and other formattings to go corrupt.
  15. You don't necessarily need OS Windows for that, but you can just draw 4 images in the Engine window.
  16. I need to expand a terrain from 1024*3 tiles to 4096*4 tiles, so that the old height data stays in the middle and only new flatland is added around it. I tried to open the raw file with gimp, but it imports it always as 1024x512. Why can't the terrain just be a simple DDS file? The file size of the raw file seems also a bit wierd: 2097152 bytes, but it should be (1024)*(1024/8)*(4) (RGBA 8-bit) = 524288 bytes. As RGBA 16-bit it would be 1048576 bytes, so where does the double size come from?
  17. But it might have also pictures, and it should be editable.
  18. I don't think multi-monitor support has anything to do with the Engine, but it's a pure OS feature. If Windows/Linux shows your desktop properly on 2 or more monitors (Linux has also 3D desktops inside each monitor), the window in which the Engine runs can be also moved to any monitor. Fullscreen mode might cause some issues, but that's also an OS issue then. You can shutdown the other monitor when running Fullscreen if that's a problem.
  19. Just use ODF. Everyone has access to OpenOffice, but not to Microsoft Office.
  20. Canardia


    To make it dynamic you need to place a camera at the center of the object, and then render the sides which face the main camera (if you render all sides, it will be too slow, and doesn't have any visual effect).
  21. There won't be 25% left, since the game logic takes also some decent amount, although you can do a lot of the game logic with physics.
  22. Why not use it with Blitz3D if you want the Blitz3D feel to it?
  23. LoadScene loads the skybox from the Editor map directly. So using LoadScene, 50% of the game code is ready, then just add some game logic. Gamelib adds another 25%.
  24. I tried several GUI libraries, but they are all bloated like hell and don't look nowhere how I want a GUI to look (simple, clean and good looking). I decided then to make my own which took a few days, but I got what I wanted, not more, not less.
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