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  1. Hi Maclebee Metatron and Ryao, thanks for your responses, will try the updater, Metatron, I have paid for the full product think perhaps a clean install may be what's required, Im going to focus some more on pure modelling for now, and perhaps look at scripting and stuff when I have finished and perhaps animated some of my own stuff. I appreciate your help and have read a lot of your previous posts, all very useful/interesting. Colza
  2. Hi All, I am very new to all of this and dont get a lot of the precepts, howevr my question is, the Viperscout that came with my (licenced) Leadwerks no longer moves (drives) using the wsad keys, also it places above most maps, the gun turret still seems to rotate with the mouse control. I have over the months "adulterated" the leadwerks folder/model folder, probably tinkered with scripts and "transplanted" stuff in, Also I dont know how to reset or re-download leadwerks in order to get a "clean" installation as when I download a typical trial version to try and enter my account or serial it already says the trial period is up. I am using the driver script as the game script path. Any thoughts or suggestions appreciated, also any ideas of examples of vehicles and how to make them (ie import your own0 would be good I have seen various threads, mention of nmechanics etc, this is all quite confusing for me. Cheers Colza
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