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  1. cool, thanks for all your help
  2. Ok so let me see if iv got this right so if i create the class for the NPC AI in EKI is that something i then implement into my leadwerks project folder or do i need to figure a way of running EKI alongside leadwerks to manage the AI? sorry if im not getting it right away Just wanted to add something. can design my maps in leadwerks and the do the rest of the game work in EKI such as the AI? i watched the youtube vid on pathfinding with EKI and leadwerks but some points don't seem clear to me. thanks again for the help
  3. Thanks! If i could just ask one more thing, this kinda touchs on what i asked before about the AI but could i code the AI for enemys and such using EKI and export it to leadwerks the same way as the navmesh?
  4. i'll add some terrain onder the model and the try to import it. thanks for your help i really appreciate it
  5. Thanks for the advice with the tunnel map i notice it has no hight map so by not having that i can't load the sbx file :/
  6. One other thing you may be able to help with. I wanted to navmesh the desert highway map but i got an error saying the navmesh generator ran out of memory and i should try to reduce the number of allocated voxels. Could anyone help me with this please, thank you Sorry for adding another question but how can i get say the tunnels map into EKI to navmesh it? Thanks again guys and sorry for all the questions
  7. Thanks Pixel Perfect, i appreciate the help!
  8. Hey everyone. Ok so i have been using EKI One to pathfind for my NPC's and it works great but what i would like to know is can i use EKI One to script an NPC to attack the player? now im aware that shooting the enemy needs raycasting but can i handle enemy and player health scripts in EKI such as detect hits and kill the enemy or player when the health hits zero? Or do i have to code a class for the enemys and player first? Hope that all makes sense. Thanks in advance guys.
  9. Ah ok cool, Thanks Josh Can't wait for Leadwerks 3D to release!
  10. Hey guys, sorry for starting a topic just for this question but i read that The Zone Map made bu Dave Lee was posted on the fourm for download a while ago but i can't seem to find it. So if it is posted for download could someone link me to it? I'd love to check it out in the editor Thanks everyone
  11. This looks amazing! Hope it's still in development
  12. Hey everyone, i've been trying out a few things with lua but not getting very far. Could anyone link me to any examples of npc ai in lua or any tutorials that could help? I've already seen the old leadwerks video. Also blitzmax links would be very appreciated. Thanks in advance for any help
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