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    Philadelphia, PA

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  1. I'm also very curious about this. I've kind of been delaying my game because of it(Well the programming portion at least). :x
  2. Euphoria has very high license fees, IIRC. And I'm not sure how exactly that would work. Would just the developers(us) be charged or only Josh charged a most likely bankrupting amount or both?
  3. Enthusiasts typically poke fun/laugh at PhysX, more specifically the GPU accelerated games. Although the shiny logo is probably good for mainstream.
  4. lol. I wish, Meta. But from my understanding, Android is actually more Java and less Linux. Was looking into if it was possible to have Android apps run on Linux like Apple is doing with Lion and Windows is doing with 8. Anyways, great job, Josh and Aria~!
  5. And considering that id Tech 3 is the greatest engine ever created to play on, Lead Tech 3 with surely be the greated engine ever created to code on! Speaking of Carmack worship, I bought me a DS Lite signed by him earlier this year.
  6. What about "The Leadwerks Then"? I like where gamecreator is going with that.
  7. Isn't that kind of where you're going with 3D opposed to Engine though? Don't get me wrong, vague is usually a good thing in terms of marketability. Makes it easier to attract a broader market. And it will also make people question what it is and they'll look into it(if they are intrigued enough). Kind of like how stores will do anything trying to get customers into the door. Of course they usually use different ways like with sales and such. But I don't care about the name really. A rose by any other name, etc.
  8. id Tech 4(Doom 3 engine) I believe was one of the first engines to use real-time lighting, the technology has gone far since then. Leadwerks itself being an example.
  9. Bullet, and some kind of GUI library that isn't bloated to all hell. Oh and who can forget SpeedTree?
  10. Need to have a near-finished game then you present it to Valve and they decide whether they will put it on Steam. If you're accepted, you sign an NDA and they give you Steamworks. Edit: Bah. Should've refreshed the page.
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