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  1. mh, with ur texture i dont v zebra too perhaps the ressolution of both textures r difficult?
  2. Ahhh why the texture looks in distance like a zebra . screenshot attached
  3. i v downloaded paint.net and now it works but the error Failed to load ....dds is coming too. but texture works and that is important thx 4 help
  4. texture slot 1 ? do u mean the slots where Layer is written in top ? <empty> 5 times is written there? if so, then i dont understand the Base Texture textbox is for.
  5. file is upped terrain_grass.rar
  6. i can do what ever i want, anytime the same error. i use PhotoShop CS5 extendet with NVIDIA DDS-Plugin. In Paint.net i cant find a option for save in dds and option for R8G8B8, so i use PS. All settings i tried but error error error in LW if i select the texture as Base Texure in Paint Tool of Terrain editing. perhaps i do anything wrong on create texture? i use a jpg file (with 512x512 pixels) (4 test i make it in 1024x1024 .... same problem) and save it as dds (in PhotoShop with the dds-plugin) . In LW Terrain-Editor i create a terrain with Sculp, then i click on Tool PAINT from Terrain Editor Top Right , On right side of the TextBox, called Base Texture, i click on the button, navigate to the folder where the dds file is in and select the texture file (dds-file). Now, if i click Open, the error is coming. What do i wrong?
  7. So, i v created a folder in ...Materials\Terrain called TheSaint. In this folder i v put the png file of the texture and the dds file . Both files named terrain_TheSaint_underground. one with .dds and the other with .png. i clicked on terrain-tool Paint and there Base Texture. Go in folder ....\Materials\Terrain\TheSaint and select the terrain_TheSaint_underground.dds. But the same error happens : Failed to load texture !abstract::terrain_TheSaint_underground.dds".
  8. Hey Lumooja, thx 4 reply. 1. i v looked at MakeDDS-Options. Savemipmaps is checked, rest of settings are unchecked. Format is DXTC5 2. if i v a dds file called terrain_underground.dds where i v to save it if no folders used in LW?
  9. Hey, i v a problem with importing a texture. i v create a terrain. with the "paint-option" i want give the terrain a base texture but everytimes i add a texture an error "Failed to open texture ....dds" happens. whats wrong? i v convert a jpg to dds with the tool MakeDDS that come with lw. resolution of terrain and jpg/dds 512x512. next problem : how i can import/use own layer in paint-option of the terrain-tool? if i double-click on a <empty>-layer only 5 folder (comes with lw) Arctic/Dessert/Forest/Mountain/Savannah and the "original Layer by lw" into it will be there. no own folders or layers into ... regards
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