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Everything posted by Hisashimaru

  1. Sorry I'm late.... Finished my project. I hope you enjoy my game. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/450-greenflask/
  2. I tested ray cast in wireframe mode, and ray pass through a triangle.(Not an edge) Please check this video. Is this ray cast behavior normal?
  3. I guess you're right Dozz. Actually, ray pass through polygons when X-axis of normal ray direction is 0. I hope Josh can fix this problem.
  4. I understood that. thank you Josh. We need some raycasting, if first raycast through the polygons.
  5. Is this the terrain bug? Because the Raycast does't pick only terrain surface. Thank you for check CameraPick's result. I used LinePick under those conditions. but result is same.
  6. sometimes LinePick function doesn't pick up a surface. I attached a LinePick demo, and please check that. this video is my LinePick behavior. sorry video is bad quality. thank you.
  7. I set the radius to 0.45. it's perfect size. Your another trick does work too. I use both methods. Thank you guys!
  8. Expand radius of controller is easy to solve, but I think this method cause other problem. How do I set ignore the z order? I tried edit material's zsort, depthtest parameter's, but it doesn't work...
  9. Hi, I'm trying to draw a weapon model using HUD, but I have a problem. My weapon model goes through walls. like this: If I clear the depth buffer before drawing the weapon model, the model doesn't go through walls, but this method can't use render lights because the depth buffer is already cleared. Any solutions to fix this problem?
  10. Yeah, デスクトップ is Desktop. I think it's best way for now. I hope next Leadwerks does work for all computers. ブリッツ3D Thank you for advice everyone.
  11. Leadwerks engine Doesn't work and it makes character change to other one on Japanese computer. Because Japanese computer using multibyte character. I want to load this file. c:\Document and Settings\user\デスクトップ\mygame\shader.pak But Leadwerks load this file. c:\Document and Settings\user\デベハトップ\mygame\shader.pak Does anybody knows how to fix this problem? thanks.
  12. 1) 370 KB/s 2) 400 KB/s 3) 180 KB/s location: Japan
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