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  1. Affinity designer, Illustrator alternative, supposed to be 100% Adobe-compatible Affinity SIte I have to interact permanently with designers who use illustrator, and I receive adobes .ai files, EPS, PDFs etc, and never had any compatibility issues , still, it would be worth if someone in the community has Illustrator to give it a final try. PS. Also give Convertio's online converter a try. It's free and it does a great job with many formats: Convertio EPS to SVG
  2. You mean Ultra's SVG loader? Weird, then it would be good to discard if Illustrator exports it any different, but my guess is the outcome will be the same. Let me ask a friend who uses Illustrator to convert it.
  3. Here you go: SVG and PDF just in case EPS in Affinity SVG in Inkscape Leadwerks_SVG.zip
  4. Hi Josh, send me the files you need and I'll convert them to SVG. I use Affinity Designer which is A-OK with all Adobe files EDIT: downloaded from your post
  5. Saoru71

    WW2 Music

    Nice! thank you Josh! what are "Ultra Standard License's " terms?
  6. I voted for more features in the FPS example, but I'd really love to see a tutorial from scratch that would help us artists (non-programmers) getting started with the basics, like: -Creating a room/level in the editor -Importing models/converting them to Ultraengine's MDL format -adding collisions -adding a player start -adding triggers/actions/doors/elevators/sounds/events/listeners -adding game logic -creating the adquate Lua/C++ project to run it I know everything I mentioned is somewhere around in the forums, even from leadwerks tutorials, or in YouTube, but it's scattered all around and difficult to find. What I mean is that it would be worth it, and with V1.0 release coming up, to have a centralized "official" source of information with updated tutorials that are up to this wonderful new engine's standards.
  7. Thanks for commenting and thanks for the link and info Haydenmango. Gonna check them right away.
  8. When you check out Rick's available schedule acuityscheduling.com will synchronize it with your GMT zone, if not you can simply change it to where you're located. Find a time, hit him hard! lol
  9. Hi guys, Using the model I've tried out ever since the days of Leadwerks 1.0, I decided to give the blender export a go and... It works great for static models! Mdl is perfect, .tex and .mat files are exported seamlessly, all nice and smooth! Hoora! Long gone are the days of converting stuff in unwrap 3d pro! Now I need help some with transparent materials as for the glass and the water. Are there any nice shaders out there for them? Also, Is there a nice tree-pack to grab/buy somewhere for Leadwerks? Or is there a humble soul willing to share some trees and shrubs, humanity will be eternally grateful!
  10. Confirmed here too. Works ok in grid mode.
  11. Hey Rick! Thanks a lot, the first class was excellent. I'm scheduling the next one right away. Thanks also for the patience and the clear explanations. regards, Alvaro
  12. Hey Chris! Thanks a lot for your help and guidance, I was able to create my own skyboxes again! I hope to share some of them soon on the workshop.
  13. Nice! Thanks a lot ChrisV! What are you creating them with? Terragen? Bryce? Keep'em coming! I'd love some blue skies with clouds.
  14. Yessssssss! That did it! Thanks a lot ChrisV So it's even simpler to create a skybox now in Leadwerks 3.2! And I can still leave the posteffects pack attached to the player, turn off its skybox and still be able to use the other shader fx! cool! this is what I love about these forums! regards, Alvaro
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