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  1. I'm a programmer working on a project using the UDK, which I'm not too keen on. I did try to persuade the team to move across to the Leadwerks engine, but without much success. From a programming standpoint its a great engine to use, but the artists and designers were having problems. The tools available to them in the UDK make their life so much easier. Some of the main points they brought up were the animation editor they use allows them to call scripted events at precise points during an animation. The cinematics editor is very versatile and allows them full control to create cutscenes and showreels. The point they were trying to make is that they want to be able to create content and try out ideas without having to wait for programmers to put code in place for them. They felt that although they could possibly get by using Leadwerks editor the tools that they have access to at the moment are very powerful. So my question was what kind of power can we expect from the Leadwerks editor in version 3.0?
  2. The mass of the objects makes no difference to free falling objects. If you look at the equation for the time taken for an object to fall from some arbitrary height you will see that mass does not even enter into the equation. Here on earth they will fall differently due to air resistance.
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