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  1. So I would like to be able to add a specular map to a layer in my terrain, and maybe be able to adjust it at run time. What would be the best way to accomplish this?
  2. Is it possible to replace the terrain shaders, maybe in the C++ project. Maybe with some support with a lua script to control the settings in the editor
  3. So based off the documentation found at http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/command-reference/collision-r778 I set a 'floor' to be of type debris and my sphere brush to be type prop, the brush shouldn't fall through right? That is what i'm experiencing and wonder if it is because i am using a character controller instead of a ridged body. If i set the 'floor' to be of type scene and my brush to be of type character, works as expected. Is there as way to define my own collision types and how they should interact with the existing ones?
  4. I have a sphere brush object that I am using needs to use entity navigation (be a character controller) but also needs to float. When i set gravity mode to false, it hovers but it doesn't move. When gravity mode is default, it falls to the floor but then navigates.
  5. Set gravity mode would probably work if it didn't need to be a character controller.
  6. So I just frustratingly figured out that if you wrap the entity navigation functions in an if check (in lua) then the actual movement doesn't happen if it results to true. It would be nice to denote this in the API documentation. I'll put a comment in there for future reference.
  7. So idk if it is my model or what but when i try to import an FBX model it just copies it and the .mdl file is never created. I've tried by beta and release branches with no luck. attached is the file i was trying to convert Reaper.fbx Resolution: I was able to pull up the old LE 2.X engine and files. Opened the tools and rand the obj2gmf.exe file (because i got my hands on an obj version) and then changed the extension to from gmf to mdl. the fbx2gmf also failed.
  8. I don't think sprites has collision. maybe try to make a primitive small box and assign it mass and create it just like you do your sprite.
  9. Is there a way lua, C++ or both to still have gravity turned on for some objects and off for others? Would I need to create another world and have the entities that aren't affected by gravity assigned to this world? Can I even draw two worlds to the camera. I don't see why not just some meticulous management of objects.
  10. Can someone please provide guidance on how to use LE 3 to create 2D game. I want to use sprites as the feel should be similar Pokemon.
  11. xtreampb


    Hello all, I would like to first apologize for my disappearance. I ran into some issues with my source code and silly me, didn't set up a repository for my source so reverting my changes to a stable state was not practical. I decided to change gears and try to use only LUA. I created a new project and imported all the assets over and as it turns out, the loading is actually faster. One thing i was trying to do was thread out the loading of assets when maps are created but that just put my project in an unrecoverable state. I still plan on creating randomly generated mobs/items on map load, but instead of doing this in C, I'll do this in LUA. This workflow will be along the lines of creating a global function that will be called on map::load. I want to create a generic script object to pivots. This way in the editor I can select what can spawn where. I'm also going to have to create a "Map" script attached to a pivot entitled "Map". This script will have all the limits that can be spawned. The only issue now is to figure out how to track number of generated entities of each type. I don't want to use globals. I wonder if LUA supports static types? That is some research for me to figure out. Right now i'm hitting the design phase hard and shying away from development and prototyping. One of the most important aspects of my game is the spell tree. It has multiple different levels and some aspect types can evolve into other aspects such as water evolving into ice for an example. Others can be merged into one-another to create new types of spells. Like fire and earth combining to make lava flow freely from the ground below. This is a complex tree that I want to get right and will take time to design and connect and then even more time balancing. Because of this complexity I'm having a hard time "drawing" this design out. I've resorted to Visio. I like the structure that this can build however, this same structure limits to how and where things and objects can be placed. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions, I'm open to hearing them. ~Xtreampb~
  12. xtreampb

    Multi-threading woe's

    for what i was doing by populating the map with pivots wouldn't take long to load the map then as each entity is loaded update the loading screen.
  13. xtreampb

    Multi-threading woe's

    there is as map has a top level entity. you then get the number of children from of that entity. Cant quite remember the commands but i remember something along those lines.
  14. xtreampb

    Multi-threading woe's

    load stuff with a loading screen. but just using std::thread::joint() was causing errors
  15. xtreampb

    Multi-threading woe's

    So I attempted to thread out my application and i think OpenGL got angry at me. This is what some simple threading to test if i can spin off threads in my C++ back end (which would be great). However I don't think this is possible so loading assets in a linear fashion seems to be my only option. This may be a product of early optimization. Along with finding out that I can't multi-thread, it became that when i use the crawler prefab, the game will crash when it loads. I don't get any errors in the editor or in my C code so i have know idea what is going on. I just may have to create a new project. I still want to use the pivots to mark spawn locations. I'm having some issues creating the logic to be used to set the unique spawn options. Because the script will be used for each spawn, i can't use the global stack to push an options table because they will over right one another. I'm thinking about creating a C++ function that lua calls that will send a table as a parameter and then the C++ will use this along with some constraints to determine what it should be, if anything. From there the object will be loaded and placed in the world.
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