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Everything posted by xtreampb

  1. xtreampb

    Left 2 Do

    Can you post or msg me this example pelase?
  2. well i have to run 3 miles once a week and twice a week i am required to do 30 min physical strength training then 30 min of cardio training. So with that and my lack of smoking i should get a decent % of LE3 off.
  3. Sooo excited. Can't wait for the next stage. I'm ready to put LE3 to the test on my Mac. Maybe try to push some things to linux.
  4. the card needs to be updated or the driver
  5. yes. It updated my normal drivers but not my GLSL drivers
  6. So i finally updated to LE 2.5 and updated my graphics card drivers to the lastest (nVidia 7900 gs) but it says that i'm still using GLSL 1.2 which isn't supported. Any one got any ideas how i can manually update my GLSL driver. Thanks in advance ~Xtreampb~
  7. yea i think makefile would be helpful for people who wanted to use other IDE's and compilers
  8. well i can upgrade if need be (only $30 for mountain lion) and i think that will make for better games using OGL 3.2 +. Will i be able to use net beans instead of xcode?
  9. Have an idea of an insanely complex game that ties in the mechanics of a FPS, RTS, and TBS
  10. So this may have been discussed already but i didn't see it. I thought i saw somewhere that the beta was already released to developers, although i could have misread that post. Is a date available for the current owners of LE2, and will this beta be available on Mac's snow leopard?
  11. xtreampb

    Visual Studio

    C++ is C++. It is cross platform code. the goal of LE3 is to be cross platform. So lets not limit ourselves to a particular IDE. As long as the engine is made cross platform why does it matter which IDE LE3 supports. That should be up to the user. Me personally I like net beans. If it does matter how about this, (so this isn't just a rant) have an option to use LE2 or LE3 in the updater however, this may mess with some of the business particulars that josh may have in mind.
  12. for basic encryption i use xor encryption. not the safest but i don't see a real need to do AES-256 bit encryption on my save files. I can post the encryption function if you like. it just uses iostream.h
  13. do you have a tutorial on how to link the 2 libs together or could you write one maybe, I'm sure the community would absolutly love it.
  14. so you can use Dark AI With leadwerks. Just include the necessary headerfiles and link to the dark AI library in you C++ code. Will this still be the case in L3D?
  15. xtreampb

    Project Manager

    I don't think mac supports 7zip
  16. Is there a place i can download game lib? The link in the wiki is broken.
  17. xtreampb

    In Like a Lion

    Will LE3 work on the new Mountian Lion. Biased off this article you can start testing in x.7.3 http://www.macrumors.com/2012/02/16/gatekeeper-already-present-in-os-x-10-7-3-available-for-developer-testing/
  18. I fixed my issue. My updateframework();, RenderFramwork();, and Flip(0) was inside the second if statement. I moved them all down approx 3 lines to outside the if statement and that cleard up all issues
  19. I have this code that i'll post. I just getting a window border. Can anyone help me find this bug please? I'm completely new to frameworks and thought i would give it a shot. Thank you, ~Xtreampb~ Now Loading.cpp
  20. Great! I tried reading up on CSG but was only more confused. Is there a tutorial on how to programmatically break a CSG brush? What is the difference between a CSG Brush and a GMF Model? Thank you everyone for your help, ~Xtreampb~
  21. That sounds good for now. Do you have any snippets you wouldn't mind sharing or some logic on how you acheived this?
  22. I know that josh said something in one of his blogs about having rubble like broken boards and such. I would like for there to be a destructive component for the engine. Similar to what can be found in the battlefield series. Destruction on that scale would be intense to integrate. This might be my ignorance speaking, but couldn't the GMF models have like destruction models. Something similar to the LOD already in place. Maybe AOD (amount of destruction). I guess a fix for now would be for a building model already have parts cut our and when the "health" gets low, some pieces fall off. Something like destruction 3 found in frostbite would be insane to have because everyone likes to blow things up, and a destruction component always makes games better in my opinion.
  23. ok then if multiple people can run it no problem then it must be my VM thanks all
  24. xtreampb

    Cartoon shaders

    I tried to download the file but apparently it isn't there anymore. Can someone please upload the file again. Thank you, ~Xtreampb~
  25. I copied and pasted your code and got an runtime error at Flip(); here is my entire code #include "engine.h" //#include "Level1.h" #include <math.h> #define PI 3.141592654 void ChangeColor(float &, float &, float &, int ); static int count=2; bool add=true; int main(int argc, char** argv) { Initialize(); Graphics(800,600); CreateWorld(); if(!CreateWorld()) { MessageBoxA(0,"ERROR","FAILED TO CREATE WORLD",0); goto exitapp; } TCamera cam=CreateCamera(); CameraClearColor(cam,Vec4(0,0,1,1)); MoveEntity(cam,Vec3(0,0,-5)); TLight light=CreateDirectionalLight(); RotateEntity(light,Vec3(65,45,0)); TBuffer buffer=CreateBuffer(800,600,BUFFER_COLOR|BUFFER_DEPTH|BUFFER_NORMAL); TBody body=CreateBodyBox(); SetBodyMass(body,1); TMesh box1=CreateCube(); EntityParent(box1,body); float red=0.0; float green=0.0; float blue=0.0; DebugPhysics(true); TBody ground=CreateBodyBox(10,0.1,10); TMesh groundMesh=CreateCube(); ScaleEntity(groundMesh,Vec3(10,0.1,10)); EntityParent(groundMesh,ground); TBody ground2=CreateBodyBox(10,0.1,10); TMesh groundMesh2=CreateCube(); ScaleEntity(groundMesh2,Vec3(10,0.1,10)); EntityParent(groundMesh2,ground2); EntityType(ground2,1); PositionEntity(ground2,Vec3(10,-20,0)); RotateEntity(ground2,Vec3(0,0,45)); TBody ground3=CopyEntity(ground); PositionEntity(ground3,Vec3(0,-25,0)); //SetFluidPlane(Vec4(0),1); TBody box2=CreateBodyBox(); SetBodyMass(box2,1); TMesh BoxMesh=CreateCube(); EntityParent(BoxMesh,box2); PositionEntity(box2,Vec3(0.5,100,0.5)); EntityType(box2,1); PositionEntity(ground,Vec3(0,-3,0)); EntityType(body,1); EntityType(ground,1); EntityType(ground3,1); Collisions(1,1,1); //DebugPhysics(true); PositionEntity(cam,Vec3(0,5,-10)); RotateEntity(cam,Vec3(45,0,0)); float x=0; float z=0; dropBox: { for(int i=1; i<=100;i++) { body=CopyEntity(box2); x=-5+((float)rand()/RAND_MAX)*10; z=-5+((float)rand()/RAND_MAX)*10; ScaleEntity(body,Vec3(x,1,z)); SetBodyMass(body,i); PositionEntity(body,Vec3(x,i,z)); } } while(!KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)) { if(KeyDown(KEY_SPACE)) { if(count==24) { add=false; } else if(count==1) { add=true; } TurnEntity(ground,Vec3(0,0,-10)); ChangeColor(red, green, blue, count); if (add) count++; else if(!add) count--; CameraClearColor(cam,Vec4(red,green,blue,1)); } if(KeyHit(KEY_ENTER)) goto dropBox; UpdateAppTime(); UpdateWorld(); SetBuffer(buffer); RenderWorld(); SetBuffer(BackBuffer()); RenderLights(buffer); Flip(); } exitapp: Terminate(); return 0; } void ChangeColor(float &red, float &green, float &blue, int count) { float x=PI/count; red=sin(x+PI/2); //green=cos(x+PI/2); blue=sin(1.5*x);//==sin((PI/count)-PI); /* if(red<0) red=0; if(green<0) green=0; if(blue<0) blue=0; */ }
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