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Everything posted by xtreampb

  1. I've got an interesting little problem here. my CreateCube() functions don't seam to want to create a mesh. idk if it's the VM i'm using or what. bellow is my code DebugPhysics(true); TBody ground=CreateBodyBox(10,0.1,10); TMesh groundMesh=CreateCube(); ScaleEntity(groundMesh,Vec3(10,0.1,10)); EntityParent(groundMesh,ground); TBody ground2=CreateBodyBox(10,0.1,10); TMesh groundMesh2=CreateCube(); ScaleEntity(groundMesh2,Vec3(10,0.1,10)); EntityParent(groundMesh2,ground2); EntityType(ground2,1); PositionEntity(ground2,Vec3(10,-20,0)); RotateEntity(ground2,Vec3(0,0,45)); TBody ground3=CopyEntity(ground); PositionEntity(ground3,Vec3(0,-25,0)); here is the engine log Leadwerks Engine 2.5 Initializing Renderer... OpenGL Version: 2.1 Chromium 1.9 GLSL Version: 1.20 Render device: Chromium Vendor: Humper DrawBuffers2 supported: 0 16 texture units supported. GPU instancing supported: 0 Shader model 4.0 supported: 0 Conditional render supported: 0 Loading shader "zip::c:/documents and settings/tss llc leadwerks/desktop/leason 5/leason 5/shaders.pak//query.vert", ""... Loading shader "zip::c:/documents and settings/tss llc leadwerks/desktop/leason 5/leason 5/shaders.pak//guide.vert", "zip::c:/documents and settings/tss llc leadwerks/desktop/leason 5/leason 5/shaders.pak//guide.frag"... Loading shader "zip::c:/documents and settings/tss llc leadwerks/desktop/leason 5/leason 5/shaders.pak//mesh/mesh_shadow.vert", ""... Loading shader "zip::c:/documents and settings/tss llc leadwerks/desktop/leason 5/leason 5/shaders.pak//mesh/mesh.vert", "zip::c:/documents and settings/tss llc leadwerks/desktop/leason 5/leason 5/shaders.pak//mesh/mesh.frag"... Loading shader "zip::c:/documents and settings/tss llc leadwerks/desktop/leason 5/leason 5/shaders.pak//postfilters/postfilter.vert", "zip::c:/documents and settings/tss llc leadwerks/desktop/leason 5/leason 5/shaders.pak//postfilters/depthblit.frag"... Loading texture "incbin::noise.dds"... Loading shader "zip::c:/documents and settings/tss llc leadwerks/desktop/leason 5/leason 5/shaders.pak//postfilters/postfilter.vert", "zip::c:/documents and settings/tss llc leadwerks/desktop/leason 5/leason 5/shaders.pak//lighting/directionallight.frag"... Terminate function anyone got any ideas. My VM is Virtual box. 3D accelleration is on as well as 2d and have 128 MBs of VRAM and 2.5 GBs of RAM. anyone got any ideas of how to solve this issue thanks, Xtreampb
  2. I am using Virtual Box and got it all working. Thanks for all your help
  3. I'll try to use Virtual Box again. It was giving me problems before so i switched to VMWare fusion when i could get it for $10. The reason i don't use a windows partition is because i'm switching between OS X and Windows too frequently. I have my models and such on OS X but the engine is in windows. That is one of the biggest reasons i can't wait for LE 3. Any news on a release date if you don't mind me asking.
  4. VMWare Fusion. that is the latest virtual graphic driver that is available for the virtual machine. maybe parallels will work. I'mm currently deployed so i couldn't take my desktop with me so i got my mac book pro. and i'm trying to get it to work on that so :/ Edit: Spelling correction
  5. i'm trying to run leadwerks and i'm having this error, can anyone help me out? Engine.txt
  6. I'm trying to determine the position of a child joint in a model. After i call load model, how do i determine the position of the hand if it is a person?
  7. will the graphics be rendering in the background to the memory when you take a call. I know that iOS now multi tasks which means the game is still running in the background in a sorta hibernated state. Also, the engine is requiring Objective-C for the iOS, will our apps require to learn Objective-C, or can we still use C++ and the engine sorta converts it for us.
  8. iOS is similar to the mac apps. any folder with the ".app" extension automatically because an app based on apple's framework. The Info.plist is what determines the location in the folder the icon is at as well as the executable. For an example, go to your applications folder and right click on any app. Select show package contents and you should see a finder window appear with a fold called contents. Once opened you will see a property list file called "Info.plist", a resources folder, and a folder called MacOS. (actual names may vary based on developer). To get more information and details, open xCode and click on help, developer documentation, search for bundles or iOS bundles. Those should put you in the right direction to everything you may need to know.
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