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Everything posted by xtreampb

  1. ok so to clairify, using steam C++ (beta branch) created a map with terrain using the crawler model (not prefab) attach a physics body (I used they cylinder and generate a convex hull) set mass to one. Build and run. Error will be thrown and displayed while the game window is still white. I tested this by removing the physics shape from the model and error wasn't thrown. Also a polymesh doesn't throw the error so It may be a collision thing as my crawler was 5 units above origin.
  2. So i updated my project with LE update and now when i try to use any type of physics body (expect polymesh) i get the below runtime error.
  3. So i have this terrain my my editor and a material i want to apply to this terrain. How do i apply this material to the terrain?
  4. i think it has to do with the name mangling C++ does. Now I've heard of people building their libs in C (no name mangling) and wrapping it in C++ using fancy stuff like function pointers and c style classes (Structs with function pointers).
  5. at the top of VS click on build->Clean. Then try again
  6. Do you have an MSDN account. Same thing as the MS live account a few years ago. They are free. You can use your xbox/windows live account as they can all be linked together. Not sure if that is a good thing or not.
  7. I'm hoping that this is just a temporary fix for users wanting networking until proper time can be given to a true networking class that LE provides independent from distribution platform.
  8. From what I can tell, as long as you don't call any steam commands or constructors to initialize steam, then the end users shouldn't notice a difference. If the steam effects (overlay for example) can be disabled then the only thing that is impacted is the exe size as the library is statically liked to the LE Library. Is this correct or am I missing something?
  9. I think a ball joint might be what your looking for. you can find it here http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/joint/jointball-r732
  10. I guess that was one of the purposes of implementing LUA. Allows users to generate their own code to modify the engine. From my perspective, the engine and the editor are 2 separate entities packaged together and the package is named leadwerks.
  11. I would also like to dev plugins for the editor/engine. This may even take some stress off josh, if the plugin loader is planned and implemented right.
  12. Thanks a lot shad. I understand that flow a lot better for some reason. This displays what my main camera is looking at. What i'm wanting is a way to draw a second camrea view on the same window, not a duplicate of my current camera. How do i change which camera i pull my image from. Would i create a second camera, disable my first, enable the buffer, render, disable camera, enable main camera, switch context, get material, render. Is that more or less the proper procedure?
  13. what about if i wanted to do this in C++? Is there a tutorial or the like on the wiki? EDIT: Disregard i'm an idiot after work.
  14. So lets say i wanted to do a racing game and have a 'rear view mirror' on the screen. I would use a second camera right. So how would I display the image over the first. Also Lets say i wanted to put 2 views side by side. A top down and a 3d perspective, similar to the editor. How do I display the multiple views? This can be either LE 2.5 or 3.x Thanks in advance ~Xtreampb~
  15. i'm pretty sure it is going to be distributed as a DLC on steam. Just like it is on windows. From what I understand steam will launch the editor and from there you and create a C++ project from the project manager. Edit the C++ source code using Code::Blocks.
  16. in your script for the motor, in the start function, self.entity:setParent(--[[entity for your boat]]--). this is eaiser to do in the editor. in the scene tab, click and drag your motor on top of your boat, you should see a plus or minus icon appear to the left of your boat and the motor is now offset and directly below your boat. It is now parented, congratulations.
  17. @bandrewk I did this exact same thing with a copy of the model. It seems like it is looking for an animation shader. Is this right? also if leadwerks doesn't support multiple animations, then how does it differentiate between animaiton sequences. The animation manager doesn't use animation frame locations like LE 2.x did.
  18. ok so i'm using fragmotion. I got 15 different animations. I export as fbx and import it into LE. I see the model in LE and i have this as my script. I just want to make sure i'm doing this right. import "Scripts/AnimationManager.lua" function Script:Start() self.animationmanager=AnimationManager:Create(self.entity) self.animationmanager:SetAnimationSequence(1,.02) end function Script:Draw() self.animationmanager:Update() end I don't see the first or second or any animations. Am i doing this right cassius, or am i missing a step in my export/save process?
  19. if the maps are prefabs then I don't see why you can't do that however, you might get a large frame drop when the engine suddenly needs to render a new, large, prefab. An option that just popped in my head, do a distance calculation and when smaller prefabs are a certain distance from the player, they are no longer hidden.
  20. which one is cheaper and more reliable?
  21. how well does UU3D convert different model types. I know that they are all plugins but how well do they work. I don't want to buy it if it doesn't work well. If someone can convert a model for me I would appreciate it greatly.
  22. i take aggror's thought and apply it to the animations of the entities of everything you want to slow down. So instead of it taking the normal (timescale==1) it would take twice as long (timescale==.5). the second arg in the animation manager is speed, default of 1. So i would pass the timescale variable of those you want to slow down. Their animations take twice as long, they move half as fast. Make sure to update your algorithms that do the moving of the entities, not just the animations.
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