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Everything posted by xtreampb

  1. anything that has a script should have the delete function if my gut feelings are right. so in other words...all of them.
  2. also just a shot out in the dark, it appears (i'm don't know for sure) that anything that has to do with lua objects require the Script:delete() function as the world:clear calls this function (maybe recursively) until all entities are removed. if an entity doesn't have the delete function then it isn't removed from the world. Just an observation and thought I have.
  3. xtreampb

    Time to Linux

    it isn't mac it is linux like ubuntu and mint and all those other flavor flaves. What don't you like bandrewk
  4. So i'm looking for a GUI Git repo browser to use on my linux box. I use source tree for both windows and linux and i'm looking for something similar. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions? Thank you, ~Xtreampb~
  5. xtreampb

    Time to Linux

    Josh told me to use ubuntu 12.4. So that is what i'm going to start with. Right now i'm trying to install the .net 4.5 framework but i have to first install win installer 3.1 or higher and not being able to use the auto updater is kinda a pain.
  6. So in anticipation of Leadwerks 3.1 standard on linux, I just installed linux an i'm installing wine to run my desktop SVN viewer Source Tree which links back to BitBucket . I've got to get famirliar with this interface. I've used it once before but couldn't get used to the interface. If anyone has any tips or tricks for modifying the interface or has any reccomendations of sub kernals to use and how to configure/install them I would be very greatfull. Last time i treid linux i only saw code::blocks as the IDE to use. I didn't like it on my windows and so when i tried it on linux i didn't like it there eaither. That pretty much killed using linux for me. Didn't have an IDE that i liked why would I use it. Now that i see there is netbeans, which I use for java programming, is it possible to compile Leadwerks 3.1 standard C++ code using the netbeans IDE. I mean they should both call the same compiler and linker so it shouldn't matter right? My last thought for this blog is what would the community say in an effort to help drive the linux gaming environment, we would release our games for Linux one month prior to our release for windows and mac. I've attached a poll to get a feel of the communitys feelings on this subject.
  7. I am a bit dissapointed in the physics performance of 3.0. I'm waiting for 3.1 standard to drop and i'll try that. If performance hasn't increased then i'll go back to 2.5 and test each revision of 3.1 until hopfully it is up to par.
  8. for the closing of you app and catching that, you can try in you app:loop() function to test for KeyDown(key.Key.Escape) or, if window:Closed()
  9. Hello everyone, So with my business software released, i'm moving back into game design. I'm putting my castle game to the side for, what I feel, a easier game to execute. With the majority of mechanics planned out, I'll begin to design the first few levels. I think i'm also going to video record a developer diary to keep people informed on the status of the development of the game. I am looking for some artists, especially 3D modeling with animation skills as well as texturing artists. anyone interested can PM me.
  10. I was doing this in my castle demo with that brick wall i posted a while ago using LE 2.5 If you want it to fall set the unbroken to a mass of 0. This will set it so that it isn't affected by gravity. In your object class, set the collision callback function to react to the unbroken model. have it call a break function that will move all the broken children to the location of the full model, set the velocity of the full model to each broken piece, show them and set their mass to 1. Keep in mind i was having some performance issues with 3.0 but i've been told that the cause of these issues have been resolved in 3.1.
  11. So I have a script attached to my entity. I'm trying to access the same script attached to another entity, but it keeps on saying what i have a null value when trying to access it. I am using LE 3.0 Attached is the script: require "Scripts/Animation/AnimationManager.lua" require "Scripts/Functions/GetEntityNeighbors.lua" Script.teamID=0 --choice Team "Good, Bad, Neutral" Script.enabled=true --bool Script.takeDamage=true --bool Script.attackRng=1.5 --float Script.sightDist=10 --int Script.target="" --entity Script.maxHealth=30 --int Script.health=30 --int function Script:Start() --create the animation manager to handle all animations self.animationManager=AnimationManager:Create(self.entity) end --[[ function Script:UpdateMatrix() end ]]-- --[[ function Script:UpdateWorld() end ]]-- --function Script:UpdateAnimations(int newState)--used to update the animations to the new state --end function Script:CanTakeDamage() return self.takeDamage end function Script:UpdatePhysics() if self.target ~= nil then System:Print(self.entity:ToString() .." has a target") self:Attack() else System:Print(self.entity:ToString() .." has no target") end end function Script:Attack()--used to handle the attack routinue --this check should be done when acquiring targets//JCT if self.target.takeDamage==true then --if our target can take damage --[[this always results to false if i try self.target:CanTakeDamage() or self.target.entity:CanTakeDamage() or self.target.entity.script:CanTakeDamage() it always says that this is trying to evaluate a nil value.--]] local targetPos=self.target.entity:GetPosition(true) --get the position of our target local position=Transform:Point(targetPos.x, targetPos.y, targetPos.z, nil, self.entity)--transform the point from global space to local space to our perspective --rotate to face the target local p0=self.entity:GetPosition(true) local p1=self.target.entity:GetPosition(true) local yaw=Math:ATan2(p1.x-p0.x, p1.z-po.z)-180 yaw=Math:CurveAngle(self.entity:GetRotation().y, yaw, 2) self.entity:SetInput(yaw,0,0,0,false,0) --disable all movement and turn ourselves to face the target --[[ not sure what this does so leaving out for testing//JCT pos=pos * self.entity:GetScale() pos.z=pos.z*-1 ]] if pos.z>0 and pos.z<self.attackRng then --[[ not sure why the bellow test case is revelant//JCT if pos.z>math.abs(pos.x) and pos.z>math.abs(pos.y) then --]] self.target:TakeDamage(10) System:Print(self.target .. " Took Damage") end end end function Script:TakeDamage()--used as a way for this entity to take damage from outside sources end --[[ function Script:Collision(entity, position, normal, speed) end ]]-- function Script:Draw() --update animations self.animationManager:Update() end --[[ function Script:DrawEach(camera) end ]]-- --[[ function Script:Release() end ]]-- --[[ function Script:Cleanup() end ]]--
  12. Hey all, Does anyone have any reccomendations for real time GPU monitoring tools. I'm wanting to see the workload of my GPUs in real time like what I see when i open the system resources to view my CPU workload.
  13. Hello all, So I've been gone a while. I did a quick search for Visual Studio 2013 and I didn't find what I was looking for. My question is, has Visual Studio 2013 tools support been added while I was away or are we still limited to the 2010 tool set (v100).
  14. have you thought about getting access to the steam controller api and integrating that into the leadwerks API as an additional input like the mouse and keyboard already is.
  15. Thanks for the link. Learned something new. Time to ensure all my vars are intialized before use.
  16. this is in C++. If it was a pointer or written outside of bounds issue wouldn't it also crash in the debug mode, or at least launch the debugger. It is only throwing any run time errors when i run the release version of the exact same source code.
  17. but i think people should be aware of the #ifndef because it help teaches preprocessor logic and methods. Not too much different but helps ease the exposure.
  18. Hi all. I just attempted to publish a prototype to windows. I'm running win 8.1 64 bit. My debug runs fine from the IDE. When i tried to run in the release configuration, it threw a runtime error once the map was loaded. the error was an access violation error. Can anyone help provide guidance on this matter Thanks, ~xtreampb~
  19. I could be loosing my mind but was is the min function that you call, and what is 'the magnitude' of a vector.
  20. just so that i know how it is done calculated. I'm assuming that you are using the setforce function and applying it to the negative y axis. Is that value being increased every second? what is the equation you are using if you don't mind me asking?
  21. Other than me doing constant gravity tests in my code, is there a way to set 2 objects to have a gravitational pull and which ever object i'm closer to, i will begin to 'fall' towards?
  22. If you really want so many boxes to collide then implement your own physics engine, or write openCL code to send your calcs to you GPU, but your GPU does floating point calculations so then you mights start to see inaccurate results. Like everything else in the technology industry, there is a tradeoff. more accurate, but a little slower results, or faster results that are less accurate. It is possible to interchange the physics engine if you really want to support more bodies at once. I think you should try to come up with some alternatives when talking about a completely interactive/destructive environment. you should think about how you would implement that, would things break and bodies made on collisions. will the body dimensions be determined by the characteristics of the impact. I feel as though everyone keeps asking josh to make a collision object that stores your model, and upon collision, will automatically break the model and do all the thinking for the programmer. That may or may not be the case but that is how i see it coming across as.
  23. the full path for mac resources is mygame.app/contents/resources
  24. the software is done. I got a friend who owns an insurance business who is putting it in front of his clients. got a few good responses. trying to create the installers for it now.
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