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Everything posted by xtreampb

  1. so with you having to build the nav-mesh in the editor/code does this remove dynamic navmeshes. Say a bridge breaks, would that update in the navmesh file or in game, or would i have to call "World::buildnavmesh" and if so, how long would this take?
  2. xtreampb

    Day One

    OUYA is probably what your looking more for rick. using your phone account as the managment account for purchasing games and content.
  3. so yea i'm going on vacation until the 19th so...
  4. A few weeks ago i discussed my business software to a friend of mine. This friend owns an insurance business and expressed to me that my business software as a good potential, it just has to be put in front of the right people. With him insuring businesses, we agreed that he is in a better position to put the software in front of people who would benefit from it. Because of this, I have decided to make that my current priority when it comes to time set aside for software developing. This will help me fund my game project. About my business software: The software asks the user to determine what positions are needed, and how many shifts are needed for that position each day. On each shift the user puts the start time, stop time, and the number of employees assigned to that position are needed for the shift. next the manager populates a list of employees which include their name, position, max hours, days and time available for each day. all the shift and employee information is saved between uses. One all data has been inputted, the manager will press "generate Schedule" any time the manager wants a new random schedule. manual editing is still available. What this does is allow the manager, each week, to create a new random schedule at the click of a button. The only thing i have left to do now is to implement some encryption algorithms for the data and create the installer. Once available, would anyone like a demo of this software? It is designed for any place of business that has part time employees such as retail. It isn't designed for places of business who's shifts carry past midnight.
  5. would changing the physics shape from convex hull to polymesh work for you
  6. due to demands from school, and the possibility of me being able to sell my business software, i'm going to have to humbly forfeit from this competition. I didn't even get a chance to sit down and brainstorm an idea. Look forward to seeing the results in the asset store
  7. so i thin the dates are wrong the 14th July is a Sunday not Wednesday. the 24 is a Wednesday though. does that mean it has already started or it is going to start? I would like to join.
  8. Hello all, it has been a little bit since my last post about continuing to use Leadwerks 3. I have gotten some good positive feedback from the staff at LE3 in regards to them confirming the bugs and doing what they can to fix it. The colliding of hidden models isn't an issue with LE3 but with the physics engine that LE3 uses. The staff at LE3 is getting in contact to resolve that issue. I have a work around so this isn't stopping me. The staff had some issues verifying the rolling of models bug. My instructions weren't very clear. I posted a video demonstrating the bug yesterday. I'm still waiting to hear back about that bug. These 2 bugs aren't major on my end as of right now. I will continue to push on. The project is on a hold as i need money to pay my modelers and graphic designers. I'm currently getting ready to move, just bought college books and lab kits. on top of that my anniversary is the first week in august and that is a week long trip to the mountains that needs to be paid for. because of this, going to have to put this on hold. It seems like i'm never going to get this thing more than a foot off the ground. I want a working demo with an interface before I put it on kickstarter and greenlight in attempts to boost my chances of it succeeding. ~Xtreampb~
  9. LE3 should install in a completely new directory, it shouldn't break your LE2 install. I currently have both running simultaneously without any issue. Edit: Pancakes, did the programmer have to do anything special or was it all done through leadwerks by the LoadModel cmd?
  10. ok i did that but the x,y coord doesn't move when the mouse move.
  11. So i'm trying to throw a stone when i press the mouse. in my app::loop function i have this code if(window->MouseHit(1)) { Model *tStone=Model::Load("Models/Stone/Stone_1.mdl"); tStone->SetShape(Shape::Load("Models/Stone/Stone_1.phy")); tStone->SetMass(1); Vec3 mouseposition = window->GetMousePosition(); //mouseposition.z-=5; mouseposition=camera->UnProject(mouseposition); tStone->SetPosition(mouseposition); tStone->SetVelocity(Vec3(0,0,10)); } i'm using this as my reference. When i press my left mouse button, a stone is indeed "thrown" however when i move my mouse to a different location, the stone is still thrown in the same location, it didn't move to fallow my mouse from what i can tell. Am i doing this wrong, or should i report this as a bug? ~Xtreampb~
  12. I can see how that is possible. With that in mind my next question would be for games like boarderlands, do they use one net lib for windows and then a different one for osx and if they do, why wouldn't they write the server code to allow the different OS' to communicate. I guess that is just they way they designed it. They just threw OS X in as an afterthought. i've done some studying for network programming (using this as a reference). With this you are basically setting up your own networking code right above the kernal level (at least i think it is). I've been looking into steamworks and using their networking libraries for my game. I just need to look into if I use that just for match making, or can i use that to send data across the internet.
  13. So i just got confirmation that my bug is currently being worked on and should be fixed with the next bug fix release. I think this came about due to my post talking about a few of the physics bugs. I also fixed one of my bugs that was causing a lot of issues. I was using a double variable to store the amount of damage being dealt. When i converted that to an int variable, all of a sudden all those minor collisions were no longer affecting the amount of damage being dealt to each other. with this information, I feel as though I can use LE3 again to create Kings. I am glad for this as it will allow a larger customer base. It will also allow player to compete against one another, regardless of their platform. I don't understand why people on windows can not play with/against people playing on apple. TCP/IP and UDP are all industry standards and don't rely on OS specifics. Would anyone like to enlighten me on why people on different OS platforms aren't typically able to play with/against one another?
  14. I think that josh is revolutionizing game engines.
  15. Below is a primitive list of features that kings will have. Please leave comments asking questions on how they may work or any features that you would like to see added or removed. The objective of Kings is simple. To build your own castle, and to destroy your opponents before he/she destroys yours. You challenge friends which will cost IGM (In Game Money) which is specified by you. It works like a bet. You bet your friend x amount of money that you can beat them. If you opponent agrees to the duel, then x(x) is up for grabs and the winner takes all the money plus experience for winning. Your opponent can deny and will lose x/2 of the bet. Opponents can challenge each other when they are in the same tier, or higher. This is to prevent bullying by higher levels. Once on the battle map, your castle will be loaded and so will your opponent. Once in game, everything acts in real time. you select a cannon and fire. Items that can be fired will be different types depending on what you have unlocked, and purchased. Items that can be fired will also depend on what type cannon you are shooting from. Cannons can also have enhancements added to them to do things such as fire shot which light your items on fire which will have effects i don't wish to disclose at this moment. Before you challenge anyone or accept a challenge, you must first build your castle. your castle is built based off items you have unlocked with your experience points and have bought with your IGN. IGN is only achieved via winning duels and a daily login reward. No need to actually purchase money using your hard earned bucks. With that...here is my feature list. This goes into unneeded details as this also serves as the progression to final product. I have to be able to load from my computer before i can load it off my friends computer.: Realistic block destruction realistic building destruction ability to build structure Ability to limit what is built using building inventory Ability to add to building inventory by buying blocks ability to limit what is bought for building inventory by unlocking with experience points Ability to limit what items are launched by combat inventory ability to add to combat inventory by buying items (unlimited base item) ability to limit what is bought for combat inventory by unlocking with expierence points ability to save structure on local computer ability to load structure from local computer ability to challenge people by typing in IP address ability to load opponents model off their computer Steam integration: Ability to use steam lobbies Addition of achievements ability to save structures on steam cloud ability to load structures from steam cloud Ability to use steam matchmaking Tie all game information to steam profile. If you have any questions of would like to add something let me know. ~Xtreampb~
  16. So most people have seen my game WIP "castle defense", which i'm giving code name "Kings", in the asset store. This was created with LE 2.2 as my machine at the time could't handle LE 2.5. This was to get my mind started on game programming before LE3 was released. I was ecstatic when LE3 was released as this meant i could write with one code base for windows and mac. I couldn't care less about mobile platform support. Even before there was a mention of Linux support i predicted that one of Josh's secrets was Linux support. I turned out to be incorrect but now with LE3 supporting Linux, I'm excited that I could be one of the developers that helps get the ball rolling on Linux game development and blast open that market. All of this with one code base in native C++ code on top of all that. That all brings me to this. I'm attempting to get kings on the market to help fund some other ideas going on. Because LE3 is still getting a foothold, and the possibility of having to buy Linux support, and defiantly having to buy the OGL4 renderer, i don't see it feasible to continue developing kings using Leadwerks 3. I've also ran into a few physics bugs that have been reported to the community, and i'm sure are being worked on. My current plan is to develop kings using LE 2.5. once done and published, I will redo the game using the latest version of Leadwerks 3, using the revenue I receive from the sales to release the game for all desktop platforms available. I'm going to have to start my code over from scratch as when I moved from my old machine to my new one, the code got lost. That is a good thing however as this will allow me to start fresh and do it right this time. With each new feature working, i'll post an update to the WIP in the asset store, and create a blog entry. Once i get a satisfactory demo working, i'll post a steam greenlight and kickstarter campaign, so BOLO (Be On the LookOut) for those to come in the future. Any critiques both good and bad are welcome, so bring it all on ~Xtreampb~
  17. yay more undocumented API commands...
  18. i agree with aggror, and fantasy allows for more imaginative gameplay because people are criticizing, "the M16A2 isn't that inaccurate" and such like that
  19. ensure that all pointers that are being created and assigned are you have a var for so that when you are done you can delete them. so like Class *mClass=new Class(); will need to have this when you are finished with it: delete mClass; OS X instruments tool set has memory usage profiling. it is called something along the lines of malloc debug or something along those lines. you can attach your app to the malloc process right in the xCode editor
  20. uh oh...josh has some surprises up his sleeves...better watch out
  21. xtreampb

    Leadwerks on OUYA

    so excited that leadwerks may be on a 'console' allowing indie developers and hobbyist to make 'console' games. I just hope that leadwerks doesn't try to take on too many challenges before a full LE3 is developed and that the original LE2 community and backers don't get left behind.
  22. Just going to throw in my 2 cents here... I personally don't agree with having to pay for the updates but that is the decision of josh and his staff. my only concern with paying for updates is this...please keep in mind that this is an example and not based on the road map or any features i have Leadwerks 3.0 and josh release 3.1 that has terrain. I don't want terrain so i don't buy it. Josh then release 3.2 that has OGL 4. I want OGL 4. Does this mean i have to buy 3.1 AND 3.2 or could i just buy 3.2. When you start selling features individually they don't really take on true versioning in my opinion because customer will pick and choose what features they want so if there are 'versions' 1-9 and i want/have versions 2, 4, and 7 then what version do i have? I'm not sure the LE3 was designed to operate this way. To allow users to pick and choose what features. It shouldn't be to hard to implement, have certain source files for certain features and your product key has the features you have bought linked to it. when you update, like you do now, only downloads what is linked to your account. Edit: Then error and bug reporting would be a nightmare. Some features would add bugs old 'versions' and trying to see what combination of what features would cause bugs and on what scale. it starts turning into the 'goto' sphegitie code of debugging.
  23. no it raises errors...i've been trying to use it to remove a collision hook as shown above. How are we supposed to use it @Josh
  24. @Aggror i've tried with out the void pointer cast and it throws compiler errors just like if i didn't do the void pointer cast when I add the hood. @ZioRed thanks for that I didn't even see the warning in the comments
  25. xtreampb

    LCP 2.0

    if it isn't too late i would love to get some experience with this. I'll embrace the LUA.
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