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Everything posted by xtreampb

  1. I called it. I saw this happening back when LE3 was still in development wooo. Good job Josh i also do believe that linux has a good potential for game development due to the users that use the OS and playing games. I would support you but it comes down to a decision between supporting LE on Linux or paying for the models to make my game and push to win/mac. I'm trying to expand the game base that leadwerks has made
  2. So i my code i am registering a collision hook like this this->Full->AddHook(Entity::CollisionHook, (void*)CSColl); this works fine. in this collision hook when a certain statement is true i remove this hook like this this->Full->RemoveHook(Entity::CollisionHook, (void*)CSColl); my problem is that this remove hook throws a runtime error. am i doing this right?
  3. Is there a way to view the physics bodies while my game is running. I got some weird things going on with my physics shapes. Being able to see them would really help me out. ~Xtreampb~
  4. ok everyone i found my error thanks for the quick response. Best programming community in the world hands down My mistake was that my block breaks apart and the broken models need to have sweep collision set to enabled.
  5. ok update so i removed my collision hook and it no longer falls through, but why does my collision hook allow my moddel to fall through?
  6. So i have a model in the editor and another being loaded in code. all the settings are the same, same model being loaded with the same phy file being loaded but the one being loaded by code is falling through the floor while the one in the editor collides and reacts as expected. this is possibly a bug but i wanted to make sure i wasn't doing something wrong first. ~Xtreampb~
  7. so they are there for like the scene and in your instance it will map and mimic the meshes that make up your model?
  8. I'm vote a +1. I do everything in code but hoping to do more level designing as it would be a pain to design these levels in code (but not impossible).
  9. i have a few models that don't have a 'normal' shape. I've been using convex hull as when i use the polymesh, i don't seem to get any reaction when i set the mass to 1
  10. i would say a convex hull would be better. I don't know what the difference between the 2 except the polymesh seams to be static. I set a polymesh mass and nothing happens when i suspend the model :/ edit: Oh because you want to enter it you set it to poly that makes sense but then why are you using physics at all? How does polymesh work differently than convex hull?
  11. i'm glad you liked it. Planning on using steam to distribute. would help me out with the networking section if i could use steamworks . Trying to get enough money to pay my graphic modeler. right not my current price is $500 for my models.
  12. i would have to agree with shadmar. i've noticed in a few libraries that when measuring window height, that measurement also includes the status bar at the bottom of the window, and the window bar at the top of the window. this bar contains the programs name, and the minimize, maximize, and close buttons. i'm not sure if it also includes the few pixels on the sides of the windows (the resize frame).
  13. I'm working on a multiplayer game that allows users to build 'castles' and then destroy your opponents castle. a WIP can be found in the assets store under games then the castle defense game. that was done in LE2. having some issues with models in LE3 but that is the idea of the destructive element of the game.
  14. i agree can i upvote this suggestion...well i just did
  15. well why not a page of all supported file types, even if it is only used to convert from one to another (example GMF is supported to convert GMF to MDL). the list could be a table subdivided to be along the lines of "audio" supported audio type, details/description of the audio type. same for models, textures etc
  16. xtreampb


    i'm trying to go for like age of empires how it has a GUI at the bottom of the screen and the top. I'm trying to go for like an overlay layer. How would i go about making an overlay layer for my GUI.
  17. xtreampb


    i have the game component and i want to add the GUI component or start on the development. I know how i want it to look. This GUI is going to frame the top and the right edge of the game window. I'm asking what would be a good practice for creating and displaying the GUI.
  18. xtreampb


    Hey everyone i'm planning on starting to develop my GUI for my game and I'm not sure where to start. Does anyone have any advice or can point me in the proper direction?
  19. can we use the pre-processor definitions in the shadder to determine if we are compiling for desktop or mobile, like we do in lua or C++?
  20. you need a light source to cast shadows. no light no shadows. No light source, no light in scene to calculate making everything dark. to fix it add a light source, position and rotate it to the desired position. click calculate lights and this should fix your issue
  21. ok so this works fine. now just need to fix my models. time to talk to my modeler.
  22. OK this is very weird, and may be a leadwerks bug. i've created a class which is basically 3 models and functions to control them. in my main loop i load an instance of my class and create another model with the same texture. the collision recognizes fine. I can hide the main model in my custom class. I get an issue when i try to position my second model to the location of the first one i just hid, it moves my ground (the model that the first collided with) to the location instead of the first one. below is my code. At the bottom is an attached exe so that you can see what is going on. rusted_iron.cpp // // Rusted_Iron.cpp // Kings // // Created by James Thomas on 6/6/13. // Copyright (c) 2013 Leadwerks Software. All rights reserved. // #include "Rusted_Iron.h" //Function that is called when object collides void Coll(Entity* entity0, Entity* entity1, float* position, float* normal, float speed) { Rusted_Iron *mBlock=reinterpret_cast<Rusted_Iron*>(&entity0); mBlock->Break(); } Rusted_Iron::Rusted_Iron() { //load all the models for the rusted_iron block this->Full=Model::Load("Models/Rusted_Iron/Rusted_Iron.mdl"); this->P1=Model::Load("Models/Rusted_Iron/Rusted_Ironpart01.mdl"); this->P2=Model::Load("Models/Rusted_Iron/Rusted_Ironpart02.mdl"); this->P3=Model::Load("Models/Rusted_Iron/Rusted_Ironpart03.mdl"); //hide the broken models //this->Full->Hide(); this->P1->Hide(); this->P2->Hide(); this->P3->Hide(); //paint all the models wit the material this->Full->SetMaterial(Material::Load("Models/Rusted_Iron/Rusted_Iron.mat")); this->P1->SetMaterial(Material::Load("Models/Rusted_Iron/Rusted_Iron.mat")); this->P2->SetMaterial(Material::Load("Models/Rusted_Iron/Rusted_Iron.mat")); this->P3->SetMaterial(Material::Load("Models/Rusted_Iron/Rusted_Iron.mat")); //load the physics shape for each model this->Full->SetShape(Shape::Load("Models/Rusted_Iron/Rusted_Iron.phy")); this->P1->SetShape(Shape::Load("Models/Rusted_Iron/Rusted_Ironpart01.phy")); this->P2->SetShape(Shape::Load("Models/Rusted_Iron/Rusted_Ironpart02.phy")); this->P3->SetShape(Shape::Load("Models/Rusted_Iron/Rusted_Ironpart03.phy")); //this->Full->SetCollisionType(Collision::Scene); this->Full->SetMass(1); this->P1->SetMass(1); this->P2->SetMass(1); this->P3->SetMass(1); //insert collision hook this->Full->AddHook(Entity::CollisionHook,(void*)Coll); //set user data type to 'this' so that we can retrieve itself upon collision //this->Full->SetUserData(this); } Rusted_Iron::~Rusted_Iron() { /*delete this->Full; delete this->P1; delete this->P2; delete this->P3;*/ } void Rusted_Iron::Break() { // this->P1->SetPosition(Full->GetPosition()); // this->P2->SetPosition(Full->GetPosition()); // this->P3->SetPosition(Full->GetPosition()); this->Full->Hide(); this->P1->SetPosition(0,0,0);//sets my ground model to origin instead of this model this->P1->Show(); //this->P2->Show(); //this->P3->Show(); } rusted_iron.h // // Rusted_Iron.h // Kings // // Created by James Thomas on 6/6/13. // Copyright (c) 2013 Leadwerks Software. All rights reserved. // #ifndef __Kings__Rusted_Iron__ #define __Kings__Rusted_Iron__ #include "Leadwerks.h" using namespace Leadwerks; class Rusted_Iron// : public Model { private: Model *Full, *P1, *P2, *P3; public: Rusted_Iron(); ~Rusted_Iron(); void Break(); }; #endif /* defined(__Kings__Rusted_Iron__) */ app.cpp #include "App.h" using namespace Leadwerks; App::App() : window(NULL), context(NULL), world(NULL), camera(NULL) {} App::~App() { delete world; delete window; } Vec3 camerarotation; #if defined (PLATFORM_WINDOWS) || defined (PLATFORM_MACOS) #else #endif bool App::Start() { //Create a window window = Window::Create("Kings"); //Create a context context = Context::Create(window); //Create a world world = World::Create(); Light *tLight=DirectionalLight::Create(); tLight->SetRotation(0,45,45); //Create a camera camera = Camera::Create(); camera->Move(0,-5,-5); camera->SetRotation(0, 0, 0); //Hide the mouse cursor window->HideMouse(); Rusted_Iron *mBlock=new Rusted_Iron;//my instance of my custom class Model *ground=Model::Box();//my ground that is moving and not supposed to ground->SetShape(Shape::Load("Models/Rusted_Iron/Rusted_Iron.phy")); ground->SetScale(10.0, 0.1, 10.0); ground->SetMaterial(Material::Load("Models/Rusted_Iron/Rusted_Iron.mat")); ground->SetPosition(0,-8,0); /* std::string mapname = System::GetProperty("map","Maps/start.map"); Map::Load(mapname); */ //Move the mouse to the center of the screen window->SetMousePosition(context->GetWidth()/2,context->GetHeight()/2); return true; } bool App::Loop() { //Close the window to end the program if (window->Closed()) return false; //Keyboard movement float strafe = (window->KeyDown(Key:) - window->KeyDown(Key::A))*Time::GetSpeed() * 0.05; float move = (window->KeyDown(Key::W) - window->KeyDown(Key::S))*Time::GetSpeed() * 0.05; camera->Move(strafe,0,move); //Get the mouse movement float sx = context->GetWidth()/2; float sy = context->GetHeight()/2; Vec3 mouseposition = window->GetMousePosition(); float dx = mouseposition.x - sx; float dy = mouseposition.y - sy; //Adjust and set the camera rotation camerarotation.x += dy / 10.0; camerarotation.y += dx / 10.0; camera->SetRotation(camerarotation); //Move the mouse to the center of the screen window->SetMousePosition(sx,sy); if(window->KeyHit(Key::Escape)) return false; Time::Update(); world->Update(); world->Render(); context->Sync(false); return true; } please help. so confused i was like WTF when it first happened. Though i was seeing things. attached is an exe so you can see what it is doing right off the bat for some reason, i think that my custom object data is being over written by the collision function. memory bleed over. It seams that in my custom object when i cast entity0 to mBlock, Full stays the same then P1 becomes the ground. The P2 and P3 are both 'forgotten'
  23. why does Leadwerks need my SSN? not so sure i like that :/
  24. So i was looking through the assets store and saw a few things that you pay to download. when attempting to update/post a new item, i didn't see where i set a price. So here comes my question, how do i set a price for an item in the assets store?
  25. well with greenlight you have access to steamworks which in turn has networking support built in. Just as an idea, could leadwerks incorporate steamworks networking support or the source SDK networking support although that can turn into a legal mess. Prob be better for leadwerks users here to get a greenlight account and integrate it themselves. Just some ideas i'm throwing out...
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