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Everything posted by xtreampb

  1. @panz3r just wanted to throw in my 2 cents. Just b/c LE3 doesn't directly have a networking lib built in doesn't mean you can't link your own. I want to make sure i get this right. i gathered that you want an external lib because you don't know how the mobile platform handles sockets like how to set them up and listen for messages? if that is the case i'm going to think out loud. TCP/IP and UDP are industry standards, because they are industry standards that allows them to connect to any WIFI, communicate with the WIFI hotspot, send TCP/IP web requests on port 80 receive the incoming packets on what ever port was decided on the TCP/IP handshaking that was done. So with that logic, i don't see why networking on the mobile will be any different than networking on a desktop. Now if you really wanted to know (as i did no research for this) then you can always google iOS/Android Network protocols, API or something along those lines. EDIT: here is the link for iOS documentation in its entirety. There is a topic on the left hand side called "networking" I have used apples documentation and they do include code samples for the topics they are explaining. https://developer.ap...tion/index.html
  2. I'm assuming that those who already own the engine, we will automatically get the steam support options. Am i assuming correctly Josh? EDIT: Just read the announcement on steam. Every make sure to set your steam ID in your werkspace to help facilitate Josh getting LE3 steam to current customers.
  3. linux support a possibility in the future...I called it a few months back
  4. woo so excited can't wait.
  5. IDK if this should be here or in the general section of the forum, but is it possible for the documentation of window::touchhit and window::touchdown to be updated or at least an ETC? Thank you, ~Xtreampb~
  6. as long as your using the 2010 compile tool you can use the 2012 IDE and yes that include the express edition like i'm using now. Working without a hitch.
  7. Does anyone have any idea on how i can get refractive and transparent materials like that of the heat haze tutorial that worked with LE 2
  8. which is why all base class functions should be declared virtual
  9. but the thing with one button deployment i feel is that it takes out some of the control that you have with step by step deployment. Of course there are always work arounds (such as built in auto update code inside you applications that users can turn on and off) but i still feel as though you lose control when you start automating processes.
  10. i did that i think my models are corrupt...sorta. the models them selves seem to work, but every time i attempt to generate a convex hull for these models, it generates a corrupt phy files that when used. crashes the editor.
  11. i'm talking along the lines of in AAA games when you set the graphics quality, in game. Those sometimes require to restart the game.
  12. Does anyone have any idea on how to do anything with water. I'm trying to create a water plain in LE3 and use Shadmar's ocean shader (http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/355-ocean-refractive-depth-shader/) how would i go about doing this, or anything else with water for that matter.
  13. Hey all i have 6 very simple GMF models. I've been having some trouble converting these models to MDL and generating the phy file. Is anyone interested in helping me out? It would be greatly appriciated block.zip
  14. so after some review of an older thread i was able to get things working. my solution is this replace if(Stone *mStone=reinterpret_cast<Stone*> (entity0)) with Stone *mStone=(Stone*)entity0->GetUserData(); add this->Full->SetUserData(this); in your setup routine when your object gets called.
  15. ok i got the physics and shapes and collisionhook working on my windows. Now my issue is basically casting an entity object to one of my objects. here is what is called on collision void CollHook(Entity *entity0, Entity *entity1, float *position, float *normal, float speed) { if(Stone *mStone=reinterpret_cast<Stone*> (entity0)) mStone->Break();//line here crashes the program. if i comment out this, works no problem } here is the function that the coll hook object (mStone) calls void Stone::Break() { this->Full->Hide(); this->P1->Show(); this->P2->Show(); this->P3->Show(); this->P4->Show(); this->P5->Show(); } if i comment out all the stuff inside the break function no issues. thank you for your help ~Xtreampb~
  16. hey rick. Does this work with LE3 as well or what are you doing for your collision handling in Leadwerks 3?
  17. will there be options for us to select such as what render we want to use, or will it be automatically determined based on what we are 'publishing' for? Can we use in game graphics options to select wether or not shadows are on?
  18. I downloaded VS 2010 that seamed to fix my issue. Don't want the IDE taking up space but hey i got ~2TB of internal and ~2TB of external
  19. i tried this and it doesn't run on OS X. It compiles then crashes
  20. visiting an older thread, I tried what was mentioned above, put VS2010 v100 in the platform toolset and well i don't have the toolset installed. How do i install the toolset without installing the IDE?
  21. So I just did a fresh install of leadwerks (never been on my comp b4 as this is a new build) and it says it is all updated (did a second and third go just to be sure). The bug comes in to when i try to run the editor, it says that OpenAL isn't installed. I know other ways of getting it i think but, i feel as though i shouldn't have to go those routes. Everything i need for it to run should be installed via the updater.
  22. Hey a suggestion for OS X When deploying an Application for OS X, Currently the app is generated inside a folder that contains not only the app, but all the resources. On the OS X environment, all of these resources should be placed inside the resources folder which can be found in the .app/contents/resources. As it stands i'm not sure if the games are submitted to the app store will pass because of this. A work around i have in my head is: 1) use the package maker tool, 2) we configuring the package maker tool, set deploy location to "Applications" folder 3) create a shortcut to desktop this goes against the entire framework of OS X. I know this is how windows operates, but OS X isn't windows. I know wxWidgets uses a function called GetResourceDir and it works for both OS X and MSW. Some Pre processor definitions are used in wxWidgets to manipulate what you are attempting to do. Below is a link to the API Guide (note version 2.9 dev built is used, but this feature has been implemented since 2011) http://docs.wxwidgets.org/trunk/classwx_standard_paths.html
  23. make sure you download the latest xCode from the mac app store. Once downloaded, right click on your *.xcodeproj file and left click on get info. In the new window that appears expand the "Open with" section. in the drop down menu select xCode (4.6.1). Below the drop down menu click the "Change All..." button to change all projects to open with this new latest xCode app.
  24. Right now just trying to get it to work i'm using the update physics call back, just trying to get anything to work. Yes i'm using xCode. I am just a novice but would a union work for you josh, or how about the new C++ 2011 standard. There is a new data type "auto" that may work. just throwing some things out there...
  25. Josh using the doc posted for object::addhook (link here http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/object/objectaddhook-r759). My code now compiles but throws the above mentioned runtime error. MPC says this error needs to be fixed in the LE3 source code for OS X b/c it apprently works for windows according to rick.
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