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Everything posted by BES

  1. I just added a slightly brown version of the same leaf, links are in the first post.
  2. A new floor plan, I will make a bunch of these and change things if needed, I am still slowly working on two game projects. The Floor Plans will be segmented too(like the one in the picture), so I can mix and match stuff.
  3. First ...if people want more I can make more, it will depend on how many likes, downloads, or positive comments I get , also what I can find around where I live in Florida. Second..I don't normally mess with this type of asset, since I normally buy plants and trees, I also have a tree generator called tree[d], so if I didn't do this right, be gentle..lol. They are in my dropbox, it will ask you to sign up, you don't need to, just press "no thanks". https://www.dropbox.com/s/43jc4bqgyzqttys/Leaf.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/hsxjdr4tvcbkwes/Leaf2.png?dl=0 Brownish Versions https://www.dropbox.com/s/e3tkw6ow88egdw3/LeafBrownish.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/7w7m4cjrigzzlkg/LeafBrownish2.png?dl=0 Third..if this post is in the wrong place, please move it where it belongs. Fourth..I am in college right now for Software Development and Security+ so any requests might take time. EDIT: Added Brownish versions of the same leaf.
  4. Terrain Map Made with L3DT: http://www.pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=92717 http://www.pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=92718
  5. Looks awesome... I assume that game is still being made?...and using LE2?(thread is mostly off topic anyway..sorry).. I do remember LE2.5 being much faster than LE3 is currently.. but I was using LE2.5 with C#(multi-threaded) and minimal scripting and as many shaders as possible..even FXAA ... would get well over 120fps with a 4096x4096 map with tons of trees that have collisions enabled, buildings, water..all kids of stuff going on.. My LE3 version is lua only ..cant even us multi-threading among other things that would optimize my game in lua ...and I bet that above map wouldn't even run in LE3 at any decent fps.. I still wouldn't mind PBR, substance and/or plug in support though ...after the engine gets more optimized..
  6. I noticed with Leadwerks...if I make too many little models it lags the engine ... I combined them all into 1 model and it increased the fps... Maybe hold some models in an array and then have them load up just before coming into view?
  7. Yeah...performance is an issue...but it was only an issue for me when in debug mode.. After publish there was a steady 120fps ... even on a low end laptop.. I thought it was fine...but if you guys think that's an issue..then I guess it would be a priority over anything else.. My current leadwerks game has been on hold for a while(working on other things atm)...so I haven't tested anything to see if performance has dropped since previous versions.. I think I made my point(or points) anyway..
  8. Yeah... I didn't mean to start anything ...I just think substance support would be a nice edition to Leadwerks Engine.. Not having the support impedes workflow though...since, as I said ...you have to break down the substance to individual textures after painting the model(substance painter) and/or export them to textures when making the substance(substance painter and designer).. the model doesn't always turn out how you wanted it when you painted it when its in Leadwerks Engine.. When all you should have to do is transfer the substance file with the model then assign it to the model .. As everyone knows by now I work with multiple game engines...including Leadwerks ...but they all support substances(except for Leadwerks)... its why I decided to use substance painter/designer for all my models...painting directly on the models is much easier.. being able to change the texture in code procedurally is also a big help..for simulated real-time damage ..among other things.. I just think the engine would benefit from adding this and PBR shaders in general.. I like Leadwerks Engine and would like it to evolve...but evolve with the developers currently using it to make games by supporting the many tools the developers use outside of Leadwerks.. that includes plug-in support also..its been much requested by the developers using Leadwerks Engine...yet the engine isn't evolving to support the developers requesting it.. EDIT: When I talked with the substance devs..they said they were willing to work with Josh to get the support added..
  9. As the title says ..substance support would be nice...I will keep randomly requesting it until its added I mean its crazy easy to use...to add details to your low poly models(please ignore the mention of Unreal Engine 4 and just watch the video..THIS video is only showing substance painter and designer): Its a method I am using for all my models... and its annoying to have to export things to textures to work in Leadwerks ..instead of just exporting the substance files with the model..
  10. This is Tree[d] ...the license says the program is free to use even for commercial purposes(if you want to look yourself ..click on "help" after opening the program..then click on license)... for some reason it has been removed from the authors(Frecle) website... a sign up box will come up when you click on the link below ...just click on X and it will go away and it should let you download the file.. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ioknlg9macviyd0/tree%5Bd%5D.rar?dl=0 if you want different leaves and trunk types you will need to make them yourself though and copy them to the textures folder.. I assume it will work as is(since it works on my Windows 7 64bit) ...if it doesn't I can't help you because I can't find the link anymore to the original download on the Frecle website.. Method I use is to export as .x or .obj ...if you don't know what leaves or trunk types you used ...it should show up in the material file generated during export and you can copy those textures to the export folder and it should show up just fine.... I normally use UU3D(Ultimate Unwrap 3D) to convert it to .fbx or whatever...blender should work also..
  11. Working on a side project ... making an assortment of small objects to sell on TurboSquid..it will be probably around 30 items... a scifi pack ..for starters. This is one of them...figured I would show it, not textured yet:
  12. I test my projects on more than 1 computer...each with different specs and operating systems....even laptops ... Test on at least 6 computers, each with low and high end specs and different operating systems ... and test the graphics settings in your game(if you have those set up) on those 6 computers also ...that should give you a fairly good minimum and maximum system requirements. If you dont own 6 computers(laptops too) ..then drop your game on a USB stick and ask friends and family...take it to an internet cafe...whatever ...just find a way to test your game. I built 6 computers.... running Windows XP - Window 7/Linux ...all with old and new hardware with different clock speeds..just for testing...and my family can use them when im not testing.
  13. Another Work in progress Space Fighter...it will fly through planet atmosphere also... early prototype.
  14. BES

    Infinite World

    Great job, a tutorial on how you did it would be nice
  15. Great job on these assets Chris...very detailed.
  16. Thanks for the heads up! ...I will begin downloading when my internet usage resets.
  17. lol...now I have portal flashbacks..
  18. Awesome Shadmar! ...really looks good...way better than my attempt at a space station..lol
  19. BES

    Developing games

    Good read..its something I need to follow...I have some games in mind ..but they are all very big tasks and I have been wasting a lot of time.. Each time I try another game idea I end up adding too much stuff...too many ideas and it gets out of control and I end up giving up on it because I didnt just keep it small.. Thanks for posting this.
  20. Ah ...now that I realize that people actually use those assets im trying to change the coloring a bit ...among other things ... will just make my own space ship furniture with ProBuilder or whatever.. Good job on all the work you have been doing in Leadwerks though...I went back a bit in this thread .
  21. Those assets look like something I bought ...but for another engine ... the "sci-fi level kit" from HedgeHog..
  22. That makes sense ...didn't think of that.
  23. I assumed it was because there are already stuff out there.. http://leadwerks.com/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page http://leadwerks.wikidot.com/ http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/user-guide/ http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/ Probably some other pages too I don't know about... And there are videos on youtube..
  24. Yes some quality work there ... if you have substance painter though you can eliminate some of the middle man programs they used ... but still quality work.
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