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Everything posted by BES

  1. Still waiting to see this ...still waiting ..been 14 days now
  2. BES

    Game Scripting is Hard

    I am still kind of shy to post code here and ask about it ..just because I have gotten negative feedback that wasnt very helpful in the past.. And I dont believe I fully know what I am doing ...even though the code works...mostly.. Since I asked Rick for help with some code recently and I was like WHAT!? ..lol...since I wasnt able to follow exactly what he was talking about.. even though I have been on and off following Aggror's tutorials and other tutorials since Leadwerks 2 on Lua scripting.. ------- Aggror is a nice guy and has been making tutorial videos since Leadwerks 2.. recently I asked him if he was going to finish his tutorial series(the "making a Lua game" ...since I was following it and it stops incomplete at #20) and he seemed annoyed with me for asking..since he is pretty busy etc etc. If someone were to make tutorial videos it should be someone who isnt doing like 8 things at once who can consistently make a series of videos.. I think Josh is on the right track with this, thumbs up.
  3. BES


    Make it a nade launcher instead for now :-) and ChrisV dont forget the shockwaves on the explosions..lol...thanks for offering to make some FX.
  4. Just for a visual of what I mean.. This WHOLE section in the attached picture was done with extruding and moving vertices.. I wanted to make the hall ways so that the middle section was raised ...but got to that corner and had to make a 3 way intersection piece pretty much.. I made that in 3D World Studio and I would not be able to make that in the Leadwerks 3 editor at this time.
  5. This is looking great ...love it thanks for the videos...looking forward to playing it.
  6. So you can see them before downloading the .zip file below...they look much better in Leadwerks 3 though: Blue4 Blue_Green_Pink_Black Green4 Green_Blue_Maroon Multiple_Stars Purple2 -----DOWNLOAD THE FILE HERE: ------------------------------------------------- Start --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- View the readme if you don't know how to add them to your project folder. Some of them are just slight modifications of the default skyboxes in SpaceScape....if anyone notices that..
  7. I have been working with 3D World Studio Again ...and I noticed Leadwerks 3 Editor has a similar layout to 3D World Studio.. But the Leadwerks 3 editor is missing some stuff that make it harder to use.. Short list of improvements: Carve Hollow Slice plane Extrude Face Selecting Verts Restore Face Hide Mask Export Export Selected Click-able stuff on the top of the editor with hotkeys would be nice.. Thanks!
  8. Takes youtube a while to make the videos HD ...sometimes longer than others. Thanks again Rick for making these videos ...very helpful.
  9. http://www.pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=77578 All walls and floors are 1 sided so I can load individual rooms as I walk through the doors. Except the outer walls where the glass is....removing the faces there caused some issues...so I will leave them alone for now. Also the bottom of the textured model in its current position in the picture there is a section for an elevator. I was told by someone that this is not a good layout for a research space station(this is only 1 floor mind you..there will be 2 other floors)...so if you guys like this..then I will continue with it...if not I will change the layout.
  10. He told me today its not ready yet, it will be ready maybe 4 weeks from now.
  11. Nearly complete space station http://www.pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=77485 the design can be used as a space ship also .. was going for universal parts.
  12. I saw a C++ one in the workshop ...I couldn't find a good lua one ...so I am glad Aggror made this one. And sorry Aggror I do not have any feedback, it seems pretty good to me...and useful.
  13. Reminds me of the cube from Portal, looks good.
  14. http://www.pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=77397 http://www.pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=77398 I think the above pics are more improved versions of the one I was working on in my video.. My video if you all have not seen it yet....
  15. Only ones that I find are terrain makers like L3DT or World Machine or Photoshop of course.. Blender seems to be able to import raw terrain(you have to turn on the plug-in) ....not sure about ones from LE2 or 3 though ... I find blender terrain sculpting to be too glitchy ... and I have a good computer..
  16. You can't zip secure a lua game? ...I have some bought assets and only have the lua version so that is annoying. Nice video though..thanks for showing. I have been having some issues getting models to show up properly in LE3 ...I fixed it last night after Josh confirmed that I was doing it properly.. Still Character models with animation are showing up wrong ...all black or pink and insanely huge..
  17. I agree there should be support for .ogg in LE3.
  18. I have Zbrush but I never really got into it to make stuff ...I guess I am old school and prefer normal modeling methods... I can see the benefit though of using Zbrush. Nice work on the alien and the game so far!
  19. If working with physics any planet should be at the 0,0,0 position and sun should be moving around that while the planet is rotating.. if adding a planet ...if thats what he is planning to do.. since I assume Leadwerks is like other engines and has issues with distances and physics(the farther out in the scene..the more glitchy physics will get).. Probably trivial though at the moment..
  20. Yep...no joke ...been working on it for a while...the whole project is on hold for a while while I do school for several programming languages..
  21. BES

    Getting a job

    Sorry I didnt see this until now ...been busy moving to another state.. Anyway, congrats Aggror! ...your a good guy! you have been helping people out on this site for ages, it is very much appreciated! Your tutorial videos have been helpful for a huge amount of people... I agree with cassius, your a great teacher. I hope everything goes well for you from now and into the future. I also hope you still come here and at least say hi, once in a while once your working.
  22. My game is going to be a mix of stuff ... FPS,RTS,RPG, flight sim... cinematics is involved still.. at least for the opening of the game and possibly the multiple endings.. The rest is dialog/conversation related ...those shouldnt require cinematics.. Probably not doing it in-engine ... I look towards blender or some other program for that...
  23. I also don't see it in the video, sorry!
  24. Well thanks ....sorry I didn't notice your tutorial ...now people have more than 1 tutorial on how to do it !
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