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Everything posted by BES

  1. LE2 has the ability to make some quality games ...even after LE3 is released, I am kind of surprised about the lack of released games though... But it takes a while to make games ..especially if solo ..
  2. I plan on making a rain forest, alien world type environment ...so the tutorial is helpful, but thanks for adding that sapling one too ..it will help. I have a pack of 30 different tree types, tons of leaves, grass ....alien environment textures too...like skin and terrain etc ...ill mix it together ..when im done ill post it in the art section ...just trying to figure out if I want to use Blender for the whole project and open it with a GMF or do it all in the editor and just add models...
  3. The Tutorial uses Blender as the 3D modeling program, it can be downloaded HERE its totally free. You can do a few tutorials on how the program works if you haven't used it before.. The tutorial is HERE
  4. The new physics and the new editor are what interest me most about LE3 ... really hope the updated OpenGL 4 version(high-end renderer) for it isn't too far behind..
  5. Yeah I figured it would be a lot ...BUT ..the same tech is pretty much given away here: if you can understand it.. LINK ...the source code is free to use ..even for commercial purposes ..the book is $40 though..they explain all that code they provided.. Also this http://www.terathon.com/voxels/ goes with the code in the above link.. so basically they provide everything .. you don't actually need the C4 Engine ...you need only OpenGL and a C++ compiler .. I am not good in this type of math though ... so I doubt ill be able to get it working for any type of game... I figure I need to know it very well in case there is a problem later..like after a commercial release,it would be bad..
  6. https://developer.nvidia.com/content/opengl-sdk-simple-tessellation-shader Uses the Nvidia OpenGL SDK ....but I bet it will work on AMD hardware too..
  7. Lol.. got a virus warning when I tried to download the demo version from their main site.. so I didnt bother ...tried it again today, still a virus warning.. I use NOD32 Antivirus ...normally it doesnt complain ..
  8. 3000 poly is a bit weak ..hard to get much detail..even with highly detailed textures .. I think your mind is too much on mobile devices now Josh . 6,000 - 10,000 poly at least.. for the main characters ...anything else like standard NPC's could probably be dropped to 3,000 poly, like the random ones ..enemies or something should be like...6,000 - 10,000 poly also..
  9. Nice,I like it, this will go very well with your game .
  10. Hmm... procedural-voxel terrain generation ... been messing with that stuff with the OpenGL4.4 SDK ... its pretty cool .. voxels are cool because the terrain can break up, can break chunks out of it ...any object made with voxels can be destroyed.. Procedural terrain, if done right, the maps can be huge without wasting computer resources ... awesome link ...use the HD setting if possible..
  11. Well ...I might use LE3 for some of the Tools ...if I end up getting it... Right now though im working with Panda 3D, Torque 3D, Ogre 3D AND Leadwerks 2.5 ...focusing more on LE2.5 right now.. Soo... hope it will be supported for a long time... I know 2.5 wont be updated any more ( sad since there are some things in LE3 I would like in LE2.5 ..like the updated physics and new editor...)
  12. Figured those maps would have been updated and released as part of LE2.5 ....guess not ...
  13. BES


    Figured I would post this here, could be useful . EDIT: http://www.unknownworlds.com/decoda Sorry forgot the link ..haha "Decoda is a professional development environment for debugging Lua script in your applications. Features Full graphical IDE. Syntax highlighting, symbol browsing/filtering, auto-completion, configurable hotkeys and colors, custom tools and more. If you know MSVC, you'll be comfortable immediately. Plays well with others. Integrates with your source control (SCC) and is simple enough for the un-nerdly. It also supports LuaPlus wide-character strings, and even attaches to MSVC for debugging your native code. Plug and play. Debug Lua files inside your application without making any code changes. It works with Lua 5.0 and later and supports modified versions as well. The latest and greatest games work with Decoda and your creation will too. Source code licensing and free support. See the FAQ for details. " Indie License is $50
  14. ChrisV makes great skyboxes ...you could send him a message..
  15. Supposedly AMD has released a new OpenCL AMD APP SDK in order to try to make it easier for developers to utilize the inherent performance and power efficiency benefits of heterogeneous computing.. "Bolt is an STL inspired template library, abstracting and wrapping the OpenCL™ API and enabling you to program naturally in C++; in many cases without the need to write either OpenCL™ API code or OpenCL™ kernels!" I think adding this OpenCL stuff to games would be a good idea. Link here: http://www.geeks3d.com/forums/index.php/topic,2850.0.html
  16. Awesome screens ChrisV!
  17. I use the Wiki a lot too, its missing some things ...like Lua programming examples on how to implement some things.. so far I have been just winging some things in Lua that i see in the wiki that have only Blitzmax or C++ examples.. More info on LEO, for people that would like to code that way would be nice.. Obviously it should also be updated with changes from LE3 ...maybe with a note saying that its new in LE3 so people wont try that if they still use LE2.5 ish.. Oh and some video examples/tutorials are missing and/or broken ..so are some PDF examples/tutorials..
  18. BES

    Visual Studio

    Good to know then, had some people complaining on other forums that it would only run on Windows 8 or certain features would only work on Windows 8.. So thats good info thanks.
  19. BES

    Visual Studio

    Windows 8 sucks, doesnt run well at all on my system, and Windows 8 was aimed mostly at ARM and Bulldozer supposedly..( I have an FX-8150) I tested both the dev preview and the release candidate ..both of them were pretty bad.. Side note: Dev preview had the best benchmark results over the newer versions of Windows 8 .. with the same exact hardware, so Microsoft already gimped it for AMD users it seems.. I see people pushing VS2012 but if it runs on only Windows 8 then I wont be using it .. ill stick with VS2010 or CodeBlocks or Dev-C++ or something.. EDIT: Oh and thanks for the info Josh!
  20. Looks great.. I have Bryce 7.1 installed ...I haven't gotten around to making anything with it..
  21. You are talking about something like in that game RAGE using idTech5? .. megatexturing was used performance was pretty bad ..link It wouldn't run very well even on my system..or my previous system.. AMD FX-8150 16gigs ram crossfire HD7870's quad SSD's and AMD 1090T 16gigs ram crossfire HD6950's quad SSD's Even with crossfire enabled ..got some really sad FPS on low settings and lots of terrain glitches ..etc etc .. So I really hope it turns out well..
  22. Yeah, I have been looking into procedural generation ....its pretty impressive and would be a great addition to the engine, but I think its going to have to be added yourself .. Like I want procedural generation because I believe its the best way to add atmospheric transitions for planets, I have some source code on procedural texturing but I haven't really looked through everything yet.. Its from those German guys ...Farbrausch the same guys that made the 64k game called .theprodukkt http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farbrausch
  23. I find this amusing since I was asking him recently if he was going to let other people use his engine, if I remember correctly hes not currently considering doing so until after all his current projects are done, so thats going to be a long time from now(many years), since hes working on a few games ..etc.
  24. Maybe you guys could try this? ..for the release version? ..maybe it will work..unless there is more to it than that to get a release version going.. Its called Cmake: http://www.cmake.org/ Description: CMake is a cross-platform, open-source build system. CMake is a family of tools designed to build, test and package software. CMake is used to control the software compilation process using simple platform and compiler independent configuration files. CMake generates native makefiles and workspaces that can be used in the compiler environment of your choice.
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