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Everything posted by BES

  1. I decided to try this on my laptop ..since my system specs in my opinion are a bit much..keep in mind that my laptop resolution is 1366x768...but I could only use 1280x720 in the demo... I only tested it at 1280x720 ..this is with all the settings maxed except vsync: Frames, Time (ms), Min, Max, Avg 5471, 287681, 10, 26, 19.018 1280x720 normal with no settings Frames, Time (ms), Min, Max, Avg 6091, 236217, 12, 52, 25.786 Sorry about the results ..I have an old version of FRAPS installed on this laptop ..it seems to have a different min,max,avg output.. Laptop specs: CPU: AMD quad-core A6-3400M @ 1.4ghz/2.3ghz Turbo(AMD APU ..has graphics on the CPU) RAM: 8gigs DDR3 1333 Graphics: HD6520G (512 shared ram, catalyst 12.8 drivers, normal screen resolution 1366x768)
  2. 800x600 2012-09-01 00:13:16 - MidnightSalsa Frames: 25000 - Time: 252051ms - Avg: 99.186 - Min: 45 - Max: 223 1280x1024 2012-09-01 00:23:55 - MidnightSalsa Frames: 28693 - Time: 284218ms - Avg: 100.954 - Min: 50 - Max: 203 1920x1080 2012-09-01 00:34:06 - MidnightSalsa Frames: 23124 - Time: 235203ms - Avg: 98.315 - Min: 43 - Max: 248 1920x1080 full screen with every setting enabled except vsync 2012-09-01 00:45:02 - MidnightSalsa Frames: 17197 - Time: 182833ms - Avg: 94.059 - Min: 52 - Max: 136 The FPS seems to be very good on all the settings, no drops during combat. CPU: AMD FX-8150 RAM: 16gigs DDR3 1866 Graphics card: HD7870(1050/1200mhz ) crossfire disabled (catalyst 12.8 drivers) Ran game from drive C ..its a 128gig SATA3 SSD Nope ..on all the tests I ended up dying at the train(subway cars...whatever) ..
  3. Yeah same here .. been busy ..didn't see that it was released .. I just tested it out, runs great, I like it so far.. --------------------------------------------- Few minor issues I ran into though: When you die the screen gets stuck .. even though you can hear sounds still when clicking restart When you die and click on quit, it takes longer than usual to quit, it ends up at the main menu(probably as it should) ..but all the words are double(or duplicated..I guess) , 1 set does something and the other set does nothing.. It crashes on exit.. ------------------------------------(basically the same stuff Aggror mentioned above) I hope you guys continue with this project, well done.. BTW I jumped a few times because of unexpected zombies showed up behind me or jumped down from above.... it reminded me of Unreal ..lol ... so good job on the zombies
  4. Yeah that was up close the two people talking, it starts with them..but drops more and more until I looked directly at the lady and moved up very close..
  5. Sorry im late for the party, been busy .. didn't notice that you fixed it so it would play :-) .. Figure I will post this anyway... FPS is lower than expected for the screen size and my system specs..the fps also kept bouncing around a lot, but it ran pretty good ..except a few minor things already mentioned(had only 1 HD7870 running..AKA crossfire was disabled): FRAPS FPS report: 2012-08-26 02:42:34 - Kingdom Of Soul Frames: 36758 - Time: 400189ms - Avg: 91.852 - Min: 16 - Max: 247 The whole thing ... FPS, frame times and min/max average has been added to a zip folder ..attached.. Benchmarks.zip
  6. Yeah its not running on my system either.. crashes pretty much instantly.. - System - Provider [ Name] Application Error - EventID 1000 [ Qualifiers] 0 Level 2 Task 100 Keywords 0x80000000000000 - TimeCreated [ SystemTime] 2012-08-23T15:20:53.000000000Z EventRecordID 5901 Channel Application Computer BES7-PC Security - EventData Kingdom Of Soul.exe 50356e95 engine.dll 4fcfc5f8 c0000005 000cccd2 ab0 01cd8142d7fbc31b C:\Users\BES7\Desktop\Kingdom Of Soul.exe C:\Users\BES7\Desktop\engine.dll 20a66668-ed36-11e1-9b08-8c89a5dad06c
  7. Probably .. or maybe this? http://www.xvid.org/ it is under the GNU GPL license ..
  8. Yeah ..nope, haven't seen that movie in ages, good movie ..well I liked it..
  9. Nice job, looks great .... I thought you were gonna go in the water for a minute there :-)
  10. I love the name! Lunatic Python is a two-way bridge between Python and Lua, allowing these languages to intercommunicate. Being two-way means that it allows Lua inside Python, Python inside Lua, Lua inside Python inside Lua, Python inside Lua inside Python, and so on. I found it interesting .. I started messing around with it ..figured it might be useful ... I used to do python hard-pointing for ships in ST:Bridge Commander so I have a bunch of those scrips laying around ...this might work for them if I get it going.. anyway the link is here: http://labix.org/lunatic-python
  11. Looks cool so far .. I am guessing the shiny looking skin will be fixed before the project is released right? It is just an observation from the pic shadmar posted, figure that could be fixed with shaders or something .. Just from a gamers perspective that would be an eye sore ..no offense to anyone working on this project.. good job guys!
  12. BES


    NP ..I found some more info : Simple OpenCL tutorial: http://opencl.codepl...L Tutorials - 1 This looks like a class on OpenCL(6 pages) http://hpc.admin-mag...ing-with-OpenCL If that OpenCL Studio fails to run on your system(just sits there loading the splash screen), you will just have to use the SDK instead and use the below: If you have the SDK already and visual C++ 2008 or 2010 .. you most likely will need the OpenCL API Registry from Kronos group, it includes the cl.hpp C++ Bindings header if you wanna use C++ For Visial C++ 2008/2010 you will probably need the bin,include and lib folders from the OpenCL SDK in your project folder Any other headers and stuff you need can probably be found here: http://www.koders.com/ Anyway thats what I found from trying to add some stuff to leadwerks ...im not very good with C or C++ so I didnt get very far, I will have to learn more C/C++ ..
  13. BES


    This might be useful for anyone that would like to try to add OpenCL to leadwerks.. ---------------------------------- http://opencldev.com/home <---OpenCL Studio Features INFO: Dedicated OpenGL 4.2 Support Lua scripting interface for C API Shading language editor with integrated compiler output 3D scene graph library and interface widgets Dedicated OpenCL 1.1 Support Lua scripting interface for C API Kernel code editor with integrated compiler output Multiple device and platform support Integrated Profiling information User Interface Library Complete OpenGL based windowing system Interactive GUI designer Lua Scripting Support Rapid prototyping and development No explicit compilation step Embedded code completion Plugin Architecture Integrates the libCL open-source parallel algorithm library Integrate your own libraries via the Lua plugin architecture Several open-source Lua plug-ins included in the distribution Videos of OpenCL Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics: ----------------------------------------------------- OpenCL Main Website: http://www.khronos.org/opencl/ "OpenCL™ is the first open, royalty-free standard for cross-platform, parallel programming of modern processors found in personal computers, servers and handheld/embedded devices. OpenCL (Open Computing Language) greatly improves speed and responsiveness for a wide spectrum of applications in numerous market categories from gaming and entertainment to scientific and medical software." AMD's OpenCL zone dev site: http://developer.amd.com/zones/OpenCLZone/Pages/default.aspx AMD's OpenCL zone getting started: http://developer.amd.com/zones/OpenCLZone/pages/GettingStarted.aspx Nvidia OpenCL Dev zone: http://developer.nvidia.com/cuda/opencl Nvidia OpenCL getting started: http://developer.nvidia.com/cuda/get-started-parallel-computing
  14. Its called GeeXLab and its a Laboratory for Real Time 3D Programming ... and it allows you to add: tessellation shader vertex shader geometry shader pixel (or fragment) shader and many others: http://www.geeks3d.c...line-explained/ GeeXLab language uses a simple mixture of XML, Lua and/or Python and GLSL. All rendering is done with the OpenGL API. The PRO version seems to be the only one for commercial use and its 100.- € by the looks of it: http://www.geeks3d.c...ab/purchase.php I figure some people here would find it VERY useful ..especially if you wanna add tessellation .. As I said I just found this and thought it would be useful here, as far as I know this stuff is not in the Leadwerks engine ..but probably could be added with this.. Developers guide: http://www.geeks3d.c...guide_index.php GeeXLab SDK info: http://www.geeks3d.com/geexlab/sdk.php GeeXLab C++ SDK (Software Development Kit) is available for people wishing to integrate GeeXLab engine in their applications. GeeXLab, the end user application, is built over the GeeXLab C++ SDK. The SDK includes C headers, lib files, DLLs and code samples. The SDK exists in two versions: Basic: this version allows you to integrate GeeXLab engine in your application and that's all. You have to use xml files and scripting for your scene. Unlimited: this version allows you to integrate GeeXLab engine in your application. You have a full access to GeeXLab's API to create, destroy and manage all GeeXLab's objects. Currently, only the Basic version is available. For more information and pricing (the SDK is not free), please contact : tips AT geeks3d.com and add [GEEKS3D] to the subject
  15. Yeah this only happens if I use 1920x1080 for the graphics mode...I tried 1680x1050 - 800x600 and none of those have this problem..the camera spins down and im not touching any of the buttons or moving the mouse ... This is pretty basic, can someone figure out why the camera is doing that? and only with 1920x1080? require("Scripts/constants/engine_const") RegisterAbstractPath("") --graphics mode Graphics(1920,1080) --framework fw = CreateFramework() --camera camera = fw.main.camera camera:SetPosition(Vec3(0,2,-10)) --create light --light1 = CreateDirectionalLight() --light1:SetRotation(Vec3(45,45,0)) --load a sound --sound1 = LoadSound("abstract::") --PlaySound(sound1) --sound source --source1 = CreateSource(sound1,1) --PlaySource(source1) --loading a scene scene = LoadModel("abstract::Space box.gmf") if scene == nil then Notify("Failed to load scene") end scene = LoadModel("abstract::scene.gmf") if scene == nil then Notify("Failed to load scene") end MoveMouse(GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2) HideMouse(1) camrotation = Vec3(0) --MAIN while KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)==0 do --mouse camera movement gx = Curve (MouseX() - GraphicsWidth()/2,gx,10) gy = Curve (MouseY() - GraphicsHeight()/2,gy, 10) MoveMouse(GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2) camrotation.x = camrotation.x + gy /10 camrotation.y = camrotation.y - gx /10 camera:SetRotation(camrotation) --keyboard camera movement move = Curve (KeyDown(KEY_W) - KeyDown(KEY_S),move,5) strafe = Curve (KeyDown(KEY_D) - KeyDown(KEY_A),strafe,5) camera:Move(Vec3(strafe/10,0,move/10)) fw:Update() fw:Render() SetBlend(1) SetBlend(0) Flip(0) end
  16. Its better than nothing, I am making a game using Lua scripting with Leadwerks SDK, its limited atm, no physics or AI and pretty much a space box.. BUT this looks useful and you said it can be used with Lua scripting ..ill check it out ..thanks.
  17. From what I gather, if your in cycles mode there is no way to get Blender to export textures ..because you use "nodes" in the material tab to add all the image textures.. IF just using blender render mode you end up using both material and texture tabs and if the exported file doesnt export the texture files also..as far as I know all you would have to do is copy them all into the same folder as the exported model and everything should work.. I am not an expert, I know others here are ..but they dont seem to wanna post here to help us out .. ATM im just gonna do my city the hard way without cycles..
  18. I am guessing this is a simple fix since no responders yet.. I figure a lot of you are using Blender since its free and can do everything 3Ds Max can do... and probably more..
  19. I have had this problem before and forgot how to fix it.. I dont normally use blender I modeled, UV mapped, textured a low poly building in Blender cycles mode for a city, I was trying to export the model for later use.. Every time I export its missing the textures I used(doesnt matter what file type I try to export), they are image textures, I tried to place the textures into the same folder ....but no joy. I notice though that when I click on the actual textures tab nothing is there while in blender .. but there are textures in the material tab.. Soo do I have to do everything all over again to get things in the textures tab in order for blender to export the textures? ...I already combined all the parts. http://i303.photobucket.com/albums/nn134/BES12000/TallBuilding2texturestab.jpg <-- pic of textures tab http://i303.photobucket.com/albums/nn134/BES12000/Tallbuilding2materialtab.jpg <-- pic of materials tab Btw I eventually want to export the whole city in order to test it in Leadwerks..
  20. BES

    Programming Poll

    I like Python, but Lua reminds me of Python... and it seems pretty easy...so I voted Lua. I am waiting for Josh to tell us what he plans on using for Leadwerks 3, so if its not Lua, ill focus on whatever he chooses.. Hoped it would be the same as it is now, with many options..hated C++ when I took a class on it, I could not get a handle on it, but I understand the reasons for staying with 1 language, one that most people use.. Blitzmax seems fairly easy to understand also.. Whatever is chosen ... some in-depth tutorials would be nice, for people that dont normally use that language..
  21. Yeah...that program seems to crash when your over a certain poly amount ...actually all the the .gmf converters do that.... even the one for 3Ds max ... sort of frustrating ..around the 30,000 poly limit it seems.. at least on my end its happening ... I tried a lot of models..
  22. Hmm ..its not in my map ....I switched to it to drive around the map a bit ...but I never actually added it to the map itself... but I get it...im using those other files in the private folder(spruce tree..etc)...I didn't notice it was in the private folder... this is just a test map anyway... but thanks for the info :-)
  23. This error is strange to me.... ---------------------------------------------- Leadwerks Engine 2.43 Initializing Renderer... OpenGL Version: 4.1.10907 Compatibility Profile Context GLSL Version: 4.10 Render device: AMD Radeon HD 6900 Series Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc. DrawBuffers2 supported: 1 16 texture units supported. GPU instancing supported: 1 Max batch size: 32 Shader model 4.0 supported: 1 Conditional render supported: 0 Loading shader "zip::/leadwerks engine sdk/my project 2/test/shaders.pak//query.vert", ""... Invoking script "D:/Leadwerks Engine SDK/My Project 2/Test/Scripts/start/collisions.lua"... Invoking script "D:/Leadwerks Engine SDK/My Project 2/Test/Scripts/start/fliphook.lua"... Invoking script "D:/Leadwerks Engine SDK/My Project 2/Test/Scripts/start/globals.lua"... Loading model "d:/leadwerks engine sdk/my project 2/test/models/entities/environment/atmosphere/environment_atmosphere.gmf"... Loading mesh "d:/leadwerks engine sdk/my project 2/test/models/entities/environment/atmosphere/environment_atmosphere.gmf"... Loading material "d:/leadwerks engine sdk/my project 2/test/materials/effects/invisible.mat"... Loading script "d:/leadwerks engine sdk/my project 2/test/models/entities/environment/atmosphere/environment_atmosphere.lua"... Creating class environment_atmosphere Loading material "d:/leadwerks engine sdk/my project 2/test/materials/sky/fullskiesblueclear0016_2_l.mat"... Loading texture "d:/leadwerks engine sdk/my project 2/test/materials/sky/fullskiesblueclear0016_2_l.dds"... Loading shader "zip::/leadwerks engine sdk/my project 2/test/shaders.pak//mesh/skybox.vert", "zip::/leadwerks engine sdk/my project 2/test/shaders.pak//mesh/skybox.frag"... Loading model "d:/leadwerks engine sdk/my project 2/test/models/entities/environment/waterplane/environment_waterplane.gmf"... Loading mesh "d:/leadwerks engine sdk/my project 2/test/models/entities/environment/waterplane/environment_waterplane.gmf"... Loading script "d:/leadwerks engine sdk/my project 2/test/models/entities/environment/waterplane/environment_waterplane.lua"... Creating class environment_waterplane Loading material "d:/leadwerks engine sdk/my project 2/test/materials/effects/water/water.mat"... Warning: Failed to load texture "d:/leadwerks engine sdk/my project 2/test/materials/effects/water/water01DOT3.dds": Path not found. Warning: Failed to load texture "abstract::water01DOT3.dds": Path not found. Failed to load texture "water01DOT3.dds".1 Warning: Failed to load texture "d:/leadwerks engine sdk/my project 2/test/materials/effects/water/wobbleDOT3.dds": Path not found. Loading texture "d:/leadwerks engine sdk/my project 2/test/materials/effects/wobbledot3.dds"... Warning: Failed to load texture "d:/leadwerks engine sdk/my project 2/test/materials/effects/water/caustics.dds": Path not found. Warning: Failed to load texture "abstract::caustics.dds": Path not found. Failed to load texture "caustics.dds".1 Loading shader "zip::/leadwerks engine sdk/my project 2/test/shaders.pak//mesh/mesh_diffuse.vert", "zip::/leadwerks engine sdk/my project 2/test/shaders.pak//mesh/water.frag"... Loading model "d:/leadwerks engine sdk/my project 2/test/models/entities/info/camerapath/node/info_camera_node.gmf"... Loading mesh "d:/leadwerks engine sdk/my project 2/test/models/entities/info/camerapath/node/info_camera_node.gmf"... Loading script "d:/leadwerks engine sdk/my project 2/test/models/entities/info/camerapath/node/info_camera_node.lua"... Creating class info_camera_node Loading model "d:/leadwerks engine sdk/my project 2/test/private/vehicle_viperscout.gmf"... Loading mesh "d:/leadwerks engine sdk/my project 2/test/private/vehicle_viperscout.gmf"... Loading material "zip::/leadwerks engine sdk/my project 2/test/private/viperscout.pak//interior_c.mat"... stack traceback: [C]: in function 'LoadScene' [string "D:/Leadwerks Engine SDK/My Project 2/Test/Project2.lua"]:21: in main chunk ---------------------------------------- Some of those are in the right path but not found still....and some are not there are all, so I would think that the editor wouldn't be using them if they aren't there....so why is it searching for them? Also why isn't it loading the ones that ARE there?
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