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Hey there! After setting up our own custom scene loading command, I've now come across an issue that I'dve never thought I'd come across.. What on earth is the purpose of a really nice vegetation system when the feature set to control it is not exposed to us programmers? I've now searched the forums and seen that this has been an issue for quite some time.. Seriously, for us, who want to procedually generate our terrain, including vegetation placement (no, we can't use the editor for it), that's just a game breaker.. Even worse, I then thought about just coding our own vegetation system.. but from the looks of it there's not even access to the batch rendering commands / specific model formats LE uses to render vegetation, thus rendering any attempt at drawing huge amounts of vegetation using any custom system useless.. This is really incredibly annoying, seeing as the engine allows me to control such a lot, except for vegetation.. (which every single other engine out there does just fine) We really need that feature set back, or at least a way to access the model format LE's using to render vegetation so we can write our own system. Greets, Philipp
Hm, okay, now I'm a bit stuck with handling input.. I'm currently trying to hack around Leadwerk's system by using a low-level hook with "SetWindowsHookEx()", but that doesn't yield too good results.. Would you mind posting the code you used to receive input and reroute it to Awesomium? Greets, Philipp
Hey there! I've been looking all over the place, but as of now I'm still unable to find a satisfying solution to this issue.. I'd simply like to use my own Windows Forms Window and render to it providing LE/OpenGL with its Handle. I've read about Pixel Perfect "capturing" the window and making it a child of his, but I'm not sure as to what API calls he was using to do this nor if this could/will screw up fullscreen mode. Greets, Philipp
Hey there! There's someting interesting I noticed just now. If you try to debug an application made with C# and Leadwerks.Net, no output (Loading File, File not found, etc.) from Leadwerks is shown in the console. However, if you run the application from outside Visual Studio, the output shows in the console. As this is debug output, I'm wondering if there's a way to get it to show somewhere while debugging as well.. Greets, Philipp
Hey there! Thanks to the kind help of klepto2 I've managed to get rendering to a texture working just fine. My current issue is that for some reason, even though the texture's format is RGBA, the buffer I'm rendering to doesn't seem to store any alpha values or is not set up to use alpha channels. I've looked through the flags for CreateBuffer() but haven't found anything useful. Would be really nice if someone could clarify whether there's any possibility to store alpha values in a buffer as well. Probably related to that, has anyone had the issue where a call to RenderFramework() AFTER rendering a scene, meshes, etc., e.g. to put the FPS info topmost, results in the previously rendered content being obstructed because apparently the buffer's overwritten with a black background color? [EDIT] Okay, I managed to fix my first issue using SetBlend(). Nevertheless, I'm unable to use RenderFramework() to render debug info topmost. If I add RenderFramework() inside a block of SetBlend(Alpha) and SetBlend(None) after my transparent images, I only get my solid 3D meshes and the debug info, no transparent images. If I add it afterwards, logically I don't get neither meshes, nor images, only the debug info. Only if I add it before the SetBlend() block, e.g. as the first rendering command, I get the debug info and everything else to display, with the issue of the debug info being overlaid by every other element I'm rendering. Greets, Philipp
Thanks a lot for the clarification Managed to get it working just fine with the rect info included.
No really, its pretty much the same operation in DirectX I assume you're using TAO to handle the raw OpenGL commands, right? [EDIT] Yea, apparently its TAO. Unfortunately the whole program crashes with no error (just says "has stopped working"). I haven't changed much in the UploadToTexture function, but I wasn't sure where you got your m_rendertarget from, so I just used 0 for texunit 0. private void UploadToTexture(RenderBuffer buffer, AwesomiumSharp.Rect rect) { webTexture.Bind(0); int size = buffer.GetRowspan() / webTexture.Width; int ptr = (int)buffer.GetBuffer() + (rect.x) * size + (rect.y) * buffer.GetRowspan(); Gl.glTexSubImage2D(Gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height, Gl.GL_BGRA, Gl.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, (IntPtr)ptr); } [EDIT 2] Narrowed it down to two issues I suppose will be fixed when understanding what exactly Texture.Bind() does. When first calling UploadToTexture, everything's working just fine. Upon calling it a second time, it makes the program crash. I suppose it has to do with the way you write data to the texture. I think I'm supposed to somehow "revert" webTexture.BInd() after the call to glTexSubImage2D(), but I'm not sure on how to do that... Greets, Philipp
Very, very nice I'll be sure to come back to you about it! Switching from DirectX to OpenGL, I was stunned at how horribly different things are handled in OpenGL. In DirectX it was a matter of minutes to figure out how to use Awesomium with the (now obviously deprecated) MDX wrapper, but OpenGL and things like TAO, OpenTK... damn xD Greets, Philipp
Hey there! A member of our team just informed me that someone had a chat with him about using Awesomium in combination with Leadwerks and C#. He mentioned he was going to release the code some time this week. Unfortunately, it seems that he couldn't remember who it was. So if you're the one who sent us the message, it'd be awesome if you could quickly send us a PM or post in here, cause I'd really like to get in touch with you. Best Regards, Philipp
Sorry to necro such an old thread but I have the same problem when I try to place vegetation with the editor's vegetation tool. It works fine when I place the models as a single prop, though. I'd like to try some other exporting methods but the one I currently use seems to be the only working one (blender to fbx, fbx to gmf). Any ideas?
Sounds good I'll see what he's up to. Thanks for the suggestion! Greets, Philipp
Did that already yesterday. Basically the answer I got from Josh was to use a texture attached to a buffer. I think I know how to do this, nevertheless, I need to grab OpenGL's render context somehow, because in C# I'll have to use either TAO, OpenTK or SDL. So far the only result I got was from OpenTK telling me that there's no active context found for the calling thread. Greets, Philipp
Okay, that seems to work just fine inside Leadwerks' OpenGL render context. Now, assuming I want to use this feature in C# (or .Net in general) as well, possibly using the OpenTK framework.. I found this page: http://www.opentk.com/doc/graphics/graphicscontext/external explaining how to use external contexts with OpenTK. As I assume, you have to place the call to OpenTK's CreateDummyContext() after the call to LE's Graphics(), cause that's where the OpenGL context in LE is created, right? The documentation mentions that the function requires a context being active on the calling thread. I assume that after calling Graphics() on the same thread as CreateDummyContext(), a context should be active. Nevertheless, all I get returned when calling CreateDummyContext() is a short print() to the console telling me that "No graphics context is active on the calling thread", immediately closing the entire app. Btw, on a side note, is there a built-in way to alter the render window's icon? Or will I have to use whatever OS commands are available? Greets, Philipp
Hey there! Just a quick question. Is it possible to access the raw texture data of a TTexture and write to it using OpenGL functions, for example like this: glDrawPixels(width, height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pRawImageData); Greets, Philipp
Indeed, coding in the language you're most fluent in sounds like a reasonable argument For me, I started out with Visual Basic 6 around 7 years ago, then switched to C++ and about 2 years ago started to program in C#. By now I have to say that out of all these languages, C# is definitely my favorite language, not only for writing tools, but basically for writing any application that's not requiring functionality only available to C++. Even then I'm sometimes intrigued to just write a short C# wrapper for the few functionalities I need that are only available via C++. So indeed, for all new developers (as well as for developers using .NET languages in general), Lazlo's Leadwerks.Net would be a great addition! Greets, Philipp
Actually, I've tried to log in to the URL Lazlo provided in another thread (also assembla/leadwers/...), which didn't work either. That was definitely a SVN url. I'll let you know if Tortoise works [Edit] Yea, just like I said, even with Tortoise it doesn't work. It doesn't even ask for credentials, but cancels with a 405 (Not allowed) Greets, Philipp
Hey there! I'm trying to implement Awesomium 1.6 into Leadwerks. Haven't worked with the engine itself for too long yet, but I suppose there must be some kind of way to get a texture's buffer to use it with this Awesomium function: void AwesomiumSharp.RenderBuffer.CopyTo ( IntPtr destBuffer, int destRowspan, int destDepth, bool convertToRGBA ) Either I need to use this function or use a function of either OpenTK or SDL, but I haven't yet found any good information on copying texture data from one buffer to another for either library yet. Awesomium's RenderBuffer also provides the function GetBuffer(), which returns an IntPtr to the render buffer's buffer, if that's of any help. I'm trying to use the basic LE.NET wrapper for now If anyone could help me out with this, I'd be really grateful! Best Regards, Philipp
When logging in using the credentials you provided, I get a "Not permitted" error. Greets, Philipp
Thanks for the great lib! Unfortunately I can't seem to get any logging output, which is kind of bad. I already tried setting AppLogMode(1) manually, that didn't work, calls to AppLog() don't show up in the log or in the console either and I get no debug messages from Leadwerks like in the c++ console window. I'm using a C# console application, not sure if there's anything else to initialize/set. [EDIT] Oh wait, Ctrl+F5 seemed to do the trick.. unfortunately, you're unable to debug the app this way.. is there any way we can enable printing to console without having to lose the ability to debug? Greets, Philipp
Yes, it seems like I got those errors too.
Hi guys, I just bought LE2, which came with the Leadwerks Updater provided by Josh. When trying to do a full download of the 2.42 SDK, it simply stops downloading after 40 files or so, and thus remains at 0%. It always stops at "Downloading "BMX/mod/leadwerks.mod/audio.mod/audio.debug.win32.x86.i"...", and when I run it a second time it stops at "Downloading "BMX/mod/leadwerks.mod/engine.mod/engine.debug.win32.x86.i"...". I tried port forwarding 1 - 100 UDP, running as admin, shutting down antivirus programs or firewall, running in compatibility mode etc. I also tried changing the path from C:/LESDK to D:/LESDK. Edit: Just as I was typing this, I was able to download a couple more files. I had to restart the application a few times, and changed the drive to D:/, and it looks like it works now (2%). I think it might be worth looking into though.
Would purchasing LE 2.4 at this point give me a discount when LE 3 comes out? Also, what is the estimated price of 3.0? Thanks.