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  1. 4.6 looks like a great version of leadwerks, it includes everything I need, works in a way I like, Lua+c++ ticks all the boxes for me and the quality of the end product is excellent. But there seems to be hardly any community these days, documentation is lacking, technical support doesnt exist - all of this I have coped with but now it is completely useless to me as it wont start. Why have a modal window followed by termination for a sound issue? This as turned an irritation into a show stopper. I had to use unity for my last project and didnt like having to get used to it - now my next project that starts Jan 1st will be in unity and my xmas spent learning unity - I aint happy. Shows over - goodbye.
  2. Yes I have already done that, no change, same error. I notice that the installscript.vdf in _CommonRedist contains this line: "hasrunkey" "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Valve\\Steam\\Apps\\CommonRedist\\OpenAL\\" but that registry key doesnt exist - but I do have: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Valve\Steam\Apps\CommonRedist\OpenAL\ Thanks again for any and all help with this.
  3. Leadwerks giving me 'openAL not installed' error at startup and then ending. Leadwerks was working fine till I installed the beta (4.4) but since then a full uninstall and reinstall not only of the production version but the latest beta (4.6) has made no difference. I started wondering if other software installs had messed something up, or windows update or a over active anti malware app. I have no sound issues with other software. The steam file checker reports no problems. I am happy to check or provide samples of anything on the pc to resolve this - After it happened I had to use Unity for a project and it was a hell of a grind - any help gratefully received :-) Thank-you
  4. Just a few brief comments from a leadwerks noob - I think the event hook for plugins is very neat, I prefer the comment route for variable types ( hate anything automatic as they inevitably will make mistakes). Its worth having a read of the process the GoDot devs went through with the same issues relating to script languages - I dislike their end result but they considered the same issues to get there. If I had to vote for a scripting language my vote would go to LUA. - mainly because of the resources and examples available across the internet and its stability and current age, regardless of the capabilities of squirel/atom etc are they still going to be around in 3 years? What I do think is important with plugins/API usage is easy identification of sources of instability / bugs in 3rd party code and the tools to help avoid them (frameworks,examples,test rigs) I prefer this to rigid standards and 'authorisation'/'official'/'approved' methods as these can stifle inovation. Great progress towards 5 is being made and it is going to be amazing - keep up the good work Josh and everyone involved!
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