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    Canada BC

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  1. Well this is just a hobby for me, but i agree with Rick...need good art, assets....i like Leadwerks 3, but i miss MakeFPS(); that was a real timesaver for me!
  2. I know, when i have a problem, i just look at the Docs and it's all there, real nice...
  3. Just wanted to say thank's for this awesome documentation Chris, so far it's answered all my questions!
  4. Thank's for the info Matthew..
  5. where can i download this Java Lib?
  6. Hi, i can't seem to get Buoyancy working on my Character Controller, but it collides with everthing else in my map. here is my player code: Controller player; player.Create(1.8f, .3f, .5f, 45.0f, 1.0f); player.SetMass(1); player.SetDamping(.0f, .0f); player.SetBuoyancyMode(1); player.SetType(1); player.SetPosition(Vec3(15.0f, 12.0f, 80.0f), LOCAL); Collisions::Set(1,1,SLIDINGCOLLISION); I can't remember what changed after Character Controller was updated awhile back. My spectator cam has Buoyancy, and all the other objects as well.
  7. That's an impressive list of new features Josh, thank's. @Pancakes, use the drop down box in the updater, select Beta 2.32.
  8. ZeroByte

    .NET Headers

    Ok, i got the control working in vb.net if anyone is interested. I'm using Visual Studio 2010 Express, it was just released. Link: http://www.microsoft.com/express/ Here is the code Imports Leadwerks Imports Leadwerks.Control Public Class Form1 Private buffer As Buffer Private ground As Body Private groundmesh As Mesh Private mesh As Mesh Private body As Body Private Sub LetkControl1_Init(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LetkControl1.Init Dim world As New World Dim cam As New Camera FileSystem.AbstractPath = "C:\Leadwerks Engine SDK" cam.ClearColor = New Color(0, 0, 1, 1) cam.Move(New Vector3(0.0!, 0.0!, -8.0!)) Dim Light As Light = Light.CreateDirectional() Light.Rotation = New Vector3(45, 45, 0) Light.Position = New Vector3(0, 100, 0) Light.Range = 1000 buffer = New Buffer(LetkControl1.Width, LetkControl1.Height, 7) body = body.CreateBox(1.0!, 1.0!, 1.0!) body.Mass = 1.0! body.Position = New Vector3(0, 4, 0) mesh = mesh.CreateCube mesh.Parent = Me.body body.SetKey("name", "body1") ground = body.CreateBox(10.0!, 0.1!, 10.0!) groundmesh = mesh.CreateCube 'groundmesh.Scale = New Vector3(10.0!, 0.1!, 10.0!) //It crashes on this line, so i can't scale ground yet. groundmesh.Parent = Me.ground ground.Position = New Vector3(0.0!, -1.0!, 0.0!) ground.SetKey("name", "ground") body.CollisionType = 1 ground.CollisionType = 1 Collisions.Set(1, 1, True) LetkControl1.Start() End Sub Private Sub LetkControl1_Redraw(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LetkControl1.Redraw Me.Text = Leadwerks.Timing.FPS.ToString World.Update(Core.AppSpeed) buffer.Current = buffer World.Render() buffer.Current = LetkControl1.Buffer Light.Render(buffer) End Sub Private Sub LetkControl1_Resize(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LetkControl1.Resize buffer = New Buffer(LetkControl1.Width, LetkControl1.Height, 7) End Sub Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) Handles MyBase.FormClosing LetkControl1.Stop() End End Sub End Class Hope this helps anyone using vb.net.
  9. ZeroByte

    .NET Headers

    Does anyone have an example of this control working in vb.net they could share ? I'm not very familiar with c#, or this wrapper, still working stuff out.
  10. Well correct me if i'm wrong, but the UDK, and Unity are scripting only ? I like Leadwerk's, for the multi language support, and in my opinion, it's the best.
  11. ZeroByte

    .NET Headers

    Ok, i got the control in vb.net now with no errors, haven't coded anything yet though.
  12. ZeroByte

    .NET Headers

    Thank's klepto, i haven't tried it yet, the control should work with vb.net right ?
  13. Ok, so i need to delete the parent, thank's for the help everyone.
  14. Hmm, well i can mouse pick any model and it happens. So what should i use to delete the physics body ? Or is the mouse pick the problem ? Thank's.
  15. Well, i delete the windmill model in my app, but the physics body remains. I have tried changing entity type also, but the physics body is still there.
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